23rd District PTA in November 2024!
Stay Up-to-Date on PTA in Riverside County!
Welcome to November in PTA!
Happy Fall to Our Amazing PTA Leaders!
We hope you all are doing well, and that you know that we are here to help!
In this newsletter, you will find links, attachments, and information to help your PTAs and PTSAs run smoothly and effectively throughout the year! Don't forget to download the 23rd District PTA Calendar and Checklist - completed checklists can be turned in at the December Association Meeting for an opportunity to win a prize!
Important deadlines: November 15th
- Taxes, Registry of Charitable Trusts and CT-TR-1 forms must be remitted by November 15! Don't wait - get required filings done NOW!
Don't forget that following unit-council-district in terms of communication and requests helps us ensure that everyone gets the information they need to be successful!
As a reminder...
Units, please remember to keep your councils in the loop when communicating with us (Corona-Norco, Hemet-San Jacinto, Lake Elsinore, Murrieta Valley, Riverside, and Temecula Valley - this means you!). Out-of-council units, you'll come right to us (This means Jurupa Valley, Alvord, Val Verde, Menifee, Romoland, Perris, Cherry Valley, and Beaumont.)!
Paperwork Submission Can Be Done Digitally!
All of those forms that are required for good standing? They can all be uploaded to MyPTEZ, and then we can ALL see them!
- Annual Financial Report
- Attorney General RRF-1 (a copy of what you submit)
- Attorney General CT-TR-1 (if Required) (a copy of what you submit)
- Audits (Mid-Year/Year-End)
- Budget
- Bylaws Signature Page
- FTB (Franchise Tax Board) Filing (199/199N)
- IRS (Internal Revenue Service) Filing (990/990N)
- Worker Compensation Payroll Report Form (Form opens with AIM in late December)
If your unit does not currently have a login and password, please email Help@23rdDistrict.org, and we'll help get you started!
Download the California State PTA Financial Mailer Here
Download the California State PTA 2025 Insurance Guide Here
As always, there are a LOT of handouts attached to this newsletter, but they are ALL designed to help you. Don't forget that you can find things on our website, too!
Have a wonderful Fall, and we'll see you on December 12, 2024 at our live, in-person association meeting of the term! Check out details below!
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You are receiving this newsletter because as a PTA leader in Riverside County (Council or Unit), you are a part of the 23rd District PTA family. This newsletter is to help support you on your PTA journey! There is a whole chain of PTA support to help you - unit to council to district. Families support each other - and we are here to support you. You matter, and we are very glad that you are here.Reach out to us for help: Help@23rdDistrict.org
Find support on our website: www.23rdDistrict.org
December Association Meeting - Thursday, December 12, 2024; 7:00 P.M.
We need you to make business happen!
This meeting will be in-person - the only in-person meeting we will have all year!
Presidents are our delegates, and we must make quorum to vote! We will be addressing the budget, releasing funds, providing information on upcoming programs and events, and collecting Reflections entries!
Light dinner will be served!
Don't Miss This Meeting!
When: Dec 12, 2024; 07:00 PM
Murrieta Valley Office of Education
On-site General Finance Training at 5:00 P.M. [In-Person ONLY]
Don't miss upcoming events and important meetings - we have attached the Twenty-Third District PTA calendar for your reference!
Don't forget to bring your completed checklist to the December 12th Association Meeting - you might even win a prize!
DON'T FORGET! Reflections Entries are Due to 23rd District by December 12th!
- In-Council: In-council units must remit Reflections entries through the Council only. Council Presidents will remit all advancing entries at the meeting.
- Out-of-Council: Out-of-Council units (Alvord, Menifee, Perris, Romoland, Val Verde, Moreno Valley, Beaumont, Cherry Valley, Jurupa Valley) will submit entries directly to 23rd District at this meeting!
Late entries cannot be accepted. If entries cannot be submitted at the meeting, reach out to Reflections@23rdDistrict.org to make an appointment to remit entries!
Have questions or need help? Reach out to us at Reflections@23rdDistrict.org or Help@23rdDistrict.org.
Training, Training, Training!
Upcoming Training: November 11-14, 2024
You've asked, and we've heard!
Click the link below to view upcoming virtual training dates for all officers in need. It's important to note that pre-registration is required. Just click the link under the class you need, complete the registration, and you'll receive the meeting information!
Click this link to see available workshops
Our next anticipated training options will be our Mid-Year Training event in January, so don't miss out!
Have questions or need assistance? Reach out to Leadership@23rdDistrict.org
Taxes Must be Filed by November 15, 2022!
Tax Filings Part 1: IRS and FTB Filings
We're here to help with that!
IRS Filings: 990 Directions
- If your unit's annual revenue exceeded $50,000 in the 2023-2024 fiscal year, your unit will file the 990EZ or 990. If you are not familiar with tax preparation and tax filings, we advise you to consult a professional tax preparer for your filings! Don't forget to ask the preparer for a digital copy of the filing!
The tax preparer can also file the RRF-1 for your organization, too! - If your unit's annual revenue averaged less than $50,000 for the past three years, you unit will file the 990n (the postcard). This can be filed online by clicking this link.
Don't forget to download/print the filing confirmation!
Regardless of how you file, submit a copy of your filing to Council (if in-Council), or upload to MyPTEZ.
California State Franchise Tax Board: 199 Directions
- If your unit's annual revenue exceeded $50,000 in the 2023-2024 fiscal year, your unit will file the 199. If you are not familiar with tax preparation and tax filings, we advise you to consult a professional tax preparer for your filings! Don't forget to ask the preparer for a digital copy of the filings!
The tax preparer can also file the RRF-1 for your organization, too! - If your unit's annual revenue averaged less than $50,000 for the past three years, you unit will file the 199n (the postcard). This can be filed online by clicking this link.
Don't forget to download/print the filing confirmation!
Regardless of how you file, submit a copy of your filing to Council (if in-Council), or upload to MyPTEZ.
We know this is a lot to handle, so if you need help with filings, reach out and ask! You can find us all at Help@23rdDistrict.org. California State PTA also has help available for you! Click this link to access the California State PTA Tax Support and Filing Center
Reach out to us at Help@23rdDistrict.org for support and assistance!
Tax Filings Part 2: California State Attorney General Filings
So, you have your 990 and 199 filed? That's awesome! Don't stop there - make sure you get your Attorney General filings completed and submitted, too!
California State Attorney General (RRF-1 and CT-TR-1)
As nonprofit public charities, all PTAs must complete and submit the RRF-1 form (Charitable Trust renewal). If the unit is current, the RRF-1 renewal can be completed online by clicking this link. If the unit is delinquent, the renewal must be done by mail. Verify your organization's status by clicking this link and entering the unit's EIN in the designated box.
If your unit files the 990 (instead of the 990n), a copy of the 990 filing must be attached to RRF-1 submission - so don't forget to ask for a copy of the filing from the tax preparer!
Make sure the unit keeps a copy of the submitted form for the financial records - and we have even attached an annotated version of the form to help you!
- CT-TR-1 Directions
If your unit files the 990n (the postcard), the unit must file the CT-TR-1 (The Annual Treasurer's Report for the State of California). Find the form by clicking this link.
Make sure the unit keeps a copy of the submitted form for the financial records - and we have even attached annotated versions of the forms to help you!
We know this is a lot to handle, so if you need help with filings, reach out and ask! You can find us all at Help@23rdDistrict.org. California State PTA also has help available for you! Click this link to access the California State PTA Tax Support and Filing Center
Reach out to us at Help@23rdDistrict.org for support and assistance!
Insurance Premiums are Due NOW!
DON'T FORGET! Insurance Premiums are Due!
Remember! Insurance premiums must now be paid directly to AIM Insurance Services!
Premium payments must be received by AIM Insurance Services by no later than December 20, 5:00 P.M. (CST)
The 2025 premium amount is:
- Units: $288.00
- Councils: $199.00
Click this link to remit the insurance premium for 2025
Premium may be paid by:
- ACH (from PTA account - use this form to document the expense)
- Credit Card (Personal card with reimbursement to the individual); or by
- Check (Personal with reimbursement or check from PTA account)
All units must be covered by insurance; it is a requirement of your agreement with your school districts and sites. Units that do not remit the premium will incur a late fee and will be at risk of being dissolved.
Forward proof of payment through channels, or upload to MyPTEZ.
Need help? Reach out to Help@23rdDistrict.org
NEED HELP? If an Insurance Premium Waiver is Needed
If remitting the insurance premium presents a hardship for your unit, filing a waiver request is possible. There is no guarantee that waiver requests will be granted; however, if the waiver is granted, California State PTA will cover the premium for the unit for the year. If the waiver is not granted, it will afford an extension to remit the premium without the late fee - which will allow the unit the opportunity to raise the funds needed to cover the premium!.
If your unit needs to file a waiver request, please reach out to Insurance@23rdDistrict.org.
All requests must be sent to Insurance@23rdDistrict.org.
Requests will be accepted beginning Saturday, October 15, 2024, and will be accepted through Wednesday, November 20, 2024.
Do not submit waivers to CAPTA; all requests must come through 23rd District PTA
Don't Forget: Five Minute Financial Reviews are REQUIRED!
DON'T FORGET! Monthly Bank Statements and Reconciliations Must Be Reviewed and Signed!
An important compliance item is that the unit bank statements and account reconciliations must be opened, reviewed, and signed (and dated!) monthly by a non-checksigner!
The non-checksigner (may be the secretary or the auditor) should be the same person every month, and should be recorded in the minutes!
If the unit receives online statements, the non-checksigner may be given "view only" or "authorized inquiry" access to download the statement for review, and then it can be provided to the treasurer.
(AIM Insurance Services Insurance Guide, pp. 29, sidebar item #9)
Have questions? Need help? Reach out to Rhonda James at Treasurer@23rdDistrict.org
Every Member Matters!
We are at just over 31,500 members district-wide – that's 31,500+ people making great things happen for kids, and our numbers just keep growing!
Keep up the great work!
Is your unit using TOTEM? TOTEM helps make everything easier - don't miss out!
Don't forget November's 23rd District PTA Membership Challenge: Have Your PTA or PTSA ACTIVE on TOTEM for a chance to win a customized Membership QR Code Banner! The winner will be selected at the December 12 Association Meeting - don't miss it!
Check out CAPTA for some tips on inviting teachers and administrators to join:
Upcoming: December Membership Challenge!
Challenge: Teachers/Staff are the BEST!
To Qualify: Have at least 50% of site staff (including the principal) join your PTA! Submit a staff roster with members highlighted and signed by the principal to Membership@23rdDistrict.org by January 5, 2025 for a chance to win!
Prize: A customized staff appreciation banner for your unit!
CAPTA Membership Challenge: 100% Teacher Participation
Did you know that California State PTA has a host of membership challenges that every unit can meet?
Click the link to access California State PTA membership challenges: https://capta.org/pta-leaders/run-your-pta/membership/membership-passport/
23rd District: January Membership Challenge
Challenge: Gain 10 new members to your PTA for a chance to win!
Complete the challenge for your chance to win a customized A-frame sign for your PTA or PTSA!
Send your notice of 10 new members members (a screenshot of TOTEM dashboard or a copy of the membership roster) to Membership@23rddistrict.org by February 5, 2025 to qualify!
Need Membership Envelopes or Membership Cards?
Ordering for membership cards and envelopes is now open! Please use the form below to request cards and/or envelopes (Click on the form to have it open into a window to complete it)!
Cards and envelopes are available from 23rd District PTA for Councils and Out-of-Council units only.
In-Council units will go through their respective Council to request cards or envelopes; do not request envelopes or cards from 23rd District PTA if the unit is in-Council. In-Council units submitting requests will be redirected to their Council with no exceptions.
Membership cards are free, but resources are limited! Please place orders in multiples of 8. Membership envelopes are 500/box at $15/box. Units will be invoiced, and this is an acceptable unit expense.
Unsure? Need Help? Reach out and contact us at Membership@23rdDistrict.org.
Advocacy Starts With You!
Thank you for being a part of the largest advocacy organization in the nation!
We encourage you to have an Advocacy officer on your board, but keep in mind that anyone and everyone can advocate! CAPTA and National PTA have a wealth of information on their websites. We’ve included the links to both sites below:
Have questions about advocacy? Reach out to us at Advocacy@23rdDistrict.org
Legislation Conference 2025 with California State PTA
California State PTA speaks up for children across the state, and you can, too! Join Twenty-Third District PTA and PTA leaders from all across California at the 2025 Legislation Conference! Attendees will hear from engaging speakers, influential legislators, and insightful experts while they see the Capitol and meet with lawmakers about your key issues!
Who: All PTA members are welcome to attend. Chaperoned high school students are also welcome.
What: This is a chance to meet and network with other advocates from all around the state - the two days of the conference are spent immersed in learning activities and hearing from legislative leaders and experts on issues you care about, with dedicated time set aside to advocate directly with your legislators.
When: February 3-4, 2025
Where: Sacramento Embassy Suites - Sacramento Riverfront Promenade
Cost: Early Bird Conference Registration: $280.00 {Through December 5}; $330.00 {After December 5]
For more information on Legislation Conference, including partner hotels for overnight stays, click this link: https://capta.org/programs-events/legislation-conference/
Don't Miss Out: Legislation Conference Scholarship Opportunity!
Are you interested in learning more about the advocacy aspect of PTA, but it may be a hardship for for your PTA?
Twenty-Third District PTA can help with that! Twenty-Third District PTA is offering a scholarship opportunity to help defray expenses associated with attending Leglslation Conference. Complete the attached form, and submit it no later than December 12, 2024!
Welcome to Our Family!
- Sally Buselt Elementary PTA (Out-of-Council)
- Victoriano Grizzlies PTA (Out-of-Council)
Happy Birthday to Our Councils and Units Chartered in October and November!
1 - Palm Middle PTSA
3 - Bubbling Wells Elementary PTA
3 - Fruitvale Elementary PTA
5 - Lakeland Village School PTSA
6 - Letha Raney Intermediate PTSA
6 - McSweeny Elementary PTA
9 - Hemet Elementary Eagles PTA
9 - Alta Murrieta Elementary PTA
11 - Armada Elementary PTA
15 - William McKinley Elementary PTA
16 - Avaxat Elementary PTA
18 - Highland Elementary PTA
19 - John W. Stallings Elementary PTA
19 - Norco Elementary PTA
20 - Hamilton K-8 PTSA
21 - Ethan A. Chase PTSA
23 - Chemawa Middle PTSA
23 - Indian Hills Elementary PTA
25 - Emerson Elementary PTA
28 - Del Sol Academy PTA
29 - Winchester Elementary PTA
30 - Magnolia Elementary PTA
2 - Positive Ponies PTA
3 - Valle Vista Elementary PTA
4 - Mesa View PTA
4 - Monroe Elementary PTA
7 - John Adams Elementary PTA
9 - Brookside Elementary PTA
10 - Fremont Elementary PTA
13 - Wilson Elementary PTA
14 - Elsinore High School PTSA
14 - Murrieta Summit PTSA
15 - Terra Cotta Middle School PTSA
17 - Margarita Middle PTSA
17 - Temecula Middle PTSA
20 - Mountain View Elementary PTA
21 - Parkridge Elementary PTA
29 - Harvest Hill PTA
23rd District PTA - Reach out if you need us!
Mailing Address
23rd District PTA
c/o Riverside County Office of Education
38670 Sky Canyon Dr. #200, Office 202
Murrieta, CA 92563
Email: Help@23rdDistrict.org
Website: www.23rdDistrict.org
Location: 38670 Sky Canyon Dr. #200, Office 202 Murrieta, CA 92563
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/23rdDistrictPTA
Twitter: @23rdDistrictPTA