4th Grade Newsletter
January 23rd, 2025
This is our bi-weekly newsletter that will be sent home on the First and Third Tuesday of every month. Here you can find important dates and reminders and what we are currently learning.
Can You Help?
4th grade is in need of snacks! If you would like to donate snacks please send them in to your students teacher. Please avoid snacks with peanuts and tree nuts when possible due to allergies. Below are some snacks that work well. Thank you for your support!
Granola Bars Pretzels Goldfish Fruit snack gummies
If you can help more below are the links below to the teachers individualized supply lists. Thank you for your support of our classrooms!
Teacher Supply List Mrs. Cloe https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084AA9A628A4F5C34-54125080-classroom Miss. Davison https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A49ABAA2FA2F8C25-54270161-supplies Miss. Horton https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050B4FAEAF28A2FF2-54076489-help
Multiplication and Division Strategies
We have had parents reach out asking for resources to help their students. Included in this slideshow are songs that may help your student memorize their multiplication facts, and multiplication and division strategies that we are teaching in class.
Important Dates
February 5- STAR Math Screener
Tentative Assessment Dates
January 28- ELA Check In B
January 30- EL Module 3 Mid Unit 1 Assessment
February 4- Math Unit 6 Assessment
February 6- EL Module 3 End Unit 1 Assessment
School News
Transportation Changes
A friendly reminder that if you are changing your child’s transportation, this must be done prior to 1pm in the form of a Talking Points, email, and phone call to the office. If we do not receive notice of the change, we will send your child home through their normal transportation method.
If your child is absent from school, please make sure you send a note or Talking Points message so we can forward it to the office.
Field Trips
March 12- Piedmont Wildlife Center
April 23- Historic Oak View County Park
$36.50 (cash/check/online)
Due March 12, 2025
Link to pay online: https://wcpss.schoolcashonline.com
Field Trip Payment
Talking Points
Talking Points allows teachers to communicate with parents via text messages easily - including parents who don't speak English. Talking Points is a two-way multi-lingual platform that allows teachers and parents to communicate in over 100 languages. Teachers use a web or mobile application to send messages to parents who receive them in their home languages as text messages or through the parent mobile app. Parents can reply in their own languages because Talking Points will automatically translate it to English for teachers. The software will sync directly to parent contact information in PowerSchool. Please sign up here: Talking Points
Emailing is another way to communicate. Please understand that we have 48 hours to respond but try to respond in 24 hours. We do not check email, during instruction, after school hours, on the weekend, or during breaks.
Ms. Horton- hehorton@wcpss.net
Ms. Cloe- hobrien@wcpss.net
Ms. Davison- tdavison@wcpss.net
We will send a Smore communication bi-weekly. This will include upcoming events, classroom activities, field trip details, and more.
Tuesday Folders
We will send home Tuesday Folders weekly with students. We are asking all families to return Tuesday Folders on Wednesdays or the following school day.
Class Numbers
If you are wanting to bring in invitations or treats, here is the number of students in each class to ensure there is one for each child in the class
Davison: 27
Cloe: 26
Horton: 27
What Are We Learning?
Decimals (Tenths and Hundredths)
Decimal Place Value
Identifying Decimals
Colonial perspectives on the American Revolution
Analyzing short informational text
Main idea, supporting details, and summaries
Yearbooks for the 2024-2025 school year are on sale now!
Link: https://ybpay.lifetouch.com/Order
ID Code: 14923025
Price: $21 (cash, check, online)
Questions? Email hehorton@wcpss.net
Calling All Volunteers!
Every year you are required to re-register to volunteer. Prior to volunteering/chaperoning for field trips, you must be an approved WCPSS volunteer. Register as a WCPSS volunteer at the following link: https://www.wcpss.net/Page/55232
Teacher Support Committee
Sign up to be a part of the TSC for 4th Grade: https://briarcliff.givebacks.com/w/tsc