ROE 53 Newsletter
November 2023
Professional Learning from the Area 3 SEL Hub
Youth Mental Health First Aid 2024
Area 3 SEL Hub will be offering the Youth Mental Health First Aid course on the following dates for Spring 2024:
Location: Goodwill Commons, Peoria 8:30am-2:30pm
In-Person Blended Course - 2 hours online pre-work; 4.5 hours of live training - click on DATE for INFO and LINK to REGISTER
Additional Area 3 Course Locations:
Galesburg - January 12, 2024, 8:00am-12:30pm
Jacksonville, May 3, 2024, 8:00am-1:00pm
Cultivating Holistic Wellness for Educators
January 2024
REACH Community of Practice
~~ This Community of Practice offers a space for participants to explore, practice and enhance their knowledge of the eight dimensions of wellness and the brain science behind trauma responsiveness. Participants will engage in sharing resources and strategies that work and learn new ideas from others.
Click here for more information and registration
✏️ Coming Soon ~~ Spring 2024 Professional Learning Courses from the Area 3 SEL Hub
The Area 3 SEL Hub teams are busy planning a variety of professional learning opportunities for Spring semester 2024. The course list and registrations will be published in late November.
Course Offerings will include:
- Book Studies
- Media Literacy Series
- CPI Classroom Culture
- Safe Zone Training
- SEL Series: Onward
- Educator Wellness
- Adult SEL
go to the ROE #53 SEL Resource Website for more information!
Upcoming PD Events
Chat GPT/ Artificial Intelligence: November 9, 2023, 12:30-3:30 PM, Washington
The Learning Technology Center will provide all you need to know about artificial intelligence and its impact and use in schools. Register here!
STEM Technology & Innovation Event: December 1, 2023 at Five Points, Washington
MTSS Workshop: February 5, 2023 at Five Points, Washington
Upcoming Administrator Academies
All AA's from 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM at Five Points, Washington
Feb 13, 2024: AA 1448 (Professional Practice)
March 14, 2024: AA 3000 (Student Growth)
June 19 & 20, 2024: AA 2000 (Initial Principal Evaluation)
June 19, 2024: AA 1865 (Principal Refresher)
June 20, 2024: AA 3000 (Student Growth)
August 8 & 9, 2024: AA 2001 (day 2 virtual) (Initial Teacher Evaluation)
ROE 53 Cohorts
New This Year - Emerging Educators
Technology Leaders
Instructional Coaches
SEL Resources
Regulate, Relate, Reason
Check out this website for access to strategies and resources for helping support teachers and students to regulate, relate and reason in a brain friendly way!
Social Emotional Learning Resources
- FREE PD opportunities
- SEL resources, articles and videos
- FREE audiobooks for educators
Email Theresa Olsen to request additional resources or support
Resilience Education to Advance Community Healing (REACH) Program
- Virtual learning community including ISBE clock hours
- Trauma-Responsive Schools-Implementation Assessment (TRS-IA)
- Trauma-Responsive Schools Action Plan
- Networking through State and Regional Communities of Practice
Congratulations to the following ROE 53 School Districts who were awarded Scholarships
to attend the RSAC 2023 Conference!
Rankin, District 52 Washington, Metamora Grade School District 1, Eureka CUSD 140, Metamora Township High School, Tremont, East Peoria District 86, Morton, Germantown Hills, Dee Mack, Robein, and Fieldcrest
There's still time to register for the Conference taking place on Dec 11-12 in Oak Brook!
Community Resources & Professional Development
- KIDS Summit: Dec 8, 2023 in Tinley Park
- Teach to Lead Summit: March 1-2, 2024 in Normal
Contact Regional Office of Education #53
Regional Superintendent: Jeff Ekena
Assistant Regional Superintendent: Jon Smith
Professional Development Coordinator: Kelli Ballard
Social Emotional Learning Specialist: Theresa Olsen
Location: 2400 N Main St suite C, East Peoria, IL, USA
Phone: (309) 477-2290
X: @mtwroe53