SCS Newsletter
T2W3 2024
Tumuaki Korero
Kia ora e te whānau,
The mornings are certainly getting a lot chillier now and as it warms up during the day, jackets and hoodies start coming off. Children are encouraged to put their gear into their bags but that doesn’t always happen so it is essential that all clothing is clearly named. We will have a lost property box on the deck by the office and children will be encouraged to always check there for belongings.
We would like to welcome two students to Spring Creek School. Zoe Curry is in Awhi and Josiah Gleeson is in Ngā Whetū. We are so happy to have you with us.
There are lots of bugs going around at the moment. Please ensure you keep your child at home if they are unwell.
This term we have the Wairau Cluster Cross-Country on the 20th of June at Tua Marino School. The children will be training however only a few keen participants will participate. We will have our own Cross Country later in the year and it will be whānau inclusive. A notice will come home in a couple of weeks for you to indicate if your child would like to participate in the Wairau Cluster Cross Country.
At Spring Creek School we like to promote and celebrate kindness and inclusiveness, so this Friday we are going to participate in Pink Shirt Day which is happening all over Aotearoa. Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora - Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying!
As part of our school’s Waka Hoe/PB4L programme, we like to encourage and celebrate positive behaviour. To celebrate the great choices and learning we have been doing the students have chosen the reward of an Art & Craft Day. This will happen on Thursday 23 May between 11.30 am and 2.30 pm.
So many exciting things are happening at Spring Creek School!
The school is open for students at 8 am and we can supply breakfast if needed. It is important to pick your child/ren up at 3.00 pm unless prior arrangements have been made by contacting Ness on 5705514. This is important for our Health & Safety procedures and also sometimes staff have off-site professional development to attend to.
Enjoy the rest of your week!
Ngā manaakitanga,
Cheryl Alderlieste
Tumuaki - Principal
Hui Awards
These are presented each fortnight at our school hui. They are linked to our vision, mission and values.
Waka Hoe Focus:
Week: 3: Responsibility/Takohanga
Setting: Waka
Staff will be working with children, showing them what the value means and looks like.
Uniform Orders
Next order is being sent on Tuesday 11 June 2024.
Please see Ness in the office for an order form.
KiwiCan 2024
This term we have Aliyah and Saxon returning as our leaders for 2024, our sessions are on Friday mornings.
Kiwi Can themes will follow in this order over the year:
Term 1 = Respect / Manaakitanga
Term 2 = Resilience / Taikaha
Term 3 = Positive Relationships / Whakawhanaungatanga
Term 4 = Integrity / Pono
School Docs
Our school uses SchoolDocs as a website for our policies and procedures. This site is now live and available to our school community.
We invite you to visit the site at https://springcreek.schooldocs.co.nz/ (note that there's no "www"!). Our username is springcreek and password 7202.
Policies being reviewed this term are:
This is done by following these steps:
Visit the website https://springcreek.schooldocs.co.nz/1893.htm
Enter the username (springcreek) and password (7202).
Follow the link to the relevant policy as listed.
Read the policy.
Click the Policy Review button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
Select the reviewer type "Parent".
Enter your name (optional).
Submit your ratings and comments.
If you don't have internet access, the school office staff can provide you with printed copies of the policy and a review form.
Legion Taekwon-Do is a dynamic martial art, and it is also an exciting sport suitable for all ages and abilities. Classes are for everyone from beginners to advanced levels.
Focused mind, disciplined body and pure spirit through community participation is our motto. Keeping this in mind, we encourage individual growth through a family feel atmosphere whilst practicing Taekwon-Do techniques.
Fees will be free to any Spring Creek School students and to the Spring Creek community. Classes will be Monday 3:15 - 4:15 pm in the Spring Creek Hall from this term. Families need to arrange for their children to go to the hall after school.About us
Email: admin@springcreek.school.nz
Website: www.springcreek.school.nz
Location: 52 Ferry Road, Spring Creek, New Zealand
Phone: 03 5705514
Facebook: facebook.com/SCSchool