Eagle's Eye
February 17th-21
Pastor Kiara here—I've got a story for you about my sweet four-year-old daughter. She loves to surprise her dad when he gets home. Whether it’s baking cookies, building a blanket fort, making a craft, or creating a LEGO masterpiece, she spends the whole afternoon hyping up her creation, counting down the minutes until he walks through the door so she can show off what she's made.
Now, I'll confess—I'm biased, but I think her creations are pretty legit for a preschooler. What’s even more impressive though is the mess that comes in the wake of her creative genius: LEGO scattered everywhere, crumbs on the floor, toys in complete chaos under the blanket fort—you get the picture.
But when my husband walks through that door, he doesn’t see the mess. All he sees is her effort. Why? Because he knows that everything she creates is driven by one simple thing—her love for him. She’s not worried about perfection or performance. She’s not thinking, Maybe this creation will finally earn my dad's approval. She just pours her heart into whatever she’s doing because she loves him.
I wonder if you've ever felt the opposite when it comes to God. Have you ever read your Bible, prayed, served, or tried to be a good person because you thought you had to—as if God's love was something you needed to earn? I’ve been there too. But here's what I’ve learned: it’s not about earning His love. It’s about being motivated by His love.
1 Corinthians 13 reminds us of this truth. Even if we do all the right things, without love, it's meaningless:
"If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing. If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing."
God doesn’t want perfection, He wants your heart. What’s it look like for you to live out God’s love in all you do? Whether learning in class, hanging with friends, serving at church, rehearsing for the musical, practicing for a game, scrolling socials, eating dinner with your family - how might what you’re doing and how you’re doing it change if you were motivated by God’s love?
God thanks that we love because you first loved us (1 John 4:19). Thank you that we don’t need to earn your love or strive for perfection - just give you our hearts. Help us to live out our love for you in all we do. Give us opportunities to practice being motivated by love this week, God. Amen.
All SCS Parents and Guardians are invited to attend these events presented by the SCA Secondary School Council. They will take place the same evenings as the upcoming parent teacher interviews.
We look forward to seeing you!
Course Change Requests
The window for course change requests is now closed! Thank you for your patience as we processed all of the requests for this second semester.
SCS Admin Team
Student Life Handbook
Access the SCS student life handbook: https://www.scasecondary.ca/students/scs-student-life-handbook
Returning Student Registration for 2025-26
The Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) returning student registration process for 2025-26 takes place Feb. 10-24, 2025. Through the online form, all families will confirm the school and program their child will attend next year or advise the Division if they aren’t returning. For students who want to attend a non-designated school next year, these requests must be submitted through the returning student registration process—acceptance is based on available space.
On February 10, the parent/guardian on file in PowerSchool identified as the Permission Click contact for each pre-kindergarten to Grade 11 student will receive an email through Permission Click with a link to the form. If your family hasn’t received any Permission Click forms this school year, contact the school office so we can investigate any technical issues before registration season.
Registration questions? Contact Mrs. Khajavi
FOR STUDENTS interested in RAP
1. Contact Mr. Rempel for a Monday or Thursday Lunch meeting
2. We encourage all RAP Prep students to sign up for the Youth Skills Network with AIT https://tradesecrets.alberta.ca/engagement-events/youth/
Travelling Internationally?
Please let your teacher(s) or the office know if you are traveling outside of Canada and require access to your Brightspace. Regularly, Brightspace isn't accessible when you are outside of Canada, so we need to request access from EIPS for the duration of your travels.
SCS SOARS - Staff Recognition
On behalf of the Strathcona Christian Academy Secondary School Council, thank you for helping us recognize our amazing staff for the wonderful work they do.
If there is staff member you'd like to recognize, please fill out this Google form.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
Celebrate Each Other - Nominate a 10/10
Do you know a person at school that is great and deserves to be recognized? Nominate them for a 10/10! We want to hear all the good things that are happening around our school.
All these awesome stories will be shared on The Board and some may win a free meal at the Eagle's Nest!
EIPS Summer School: Registration opens March 17
Mark your calendars! Registration for EIPS Summer School opens March 17. For more information, see the Summer School page on Next Step’s website
Did you know?
The next municipal election is on Oct. 20, 2025—an important component of this is the election of school trustees. Trustees are elected representatives who are knowledgeable about the communities they serve, and are accountable to students, families, staff and community members of a school division. Once sworn in, these individuals work diligently to promote and advocate for a strong public education system. Learn more
EIPS Dual Credit
Through Dual Credit opportunities, students can earn college/university credits from a Post-Secondary institution and high school credits in select programs. These opportunities are in partnership with Elk Island Public Schools Division, Lakeland College, Portage College, Norquest College, Olds College, and Alberta Education.
Dual credit helps students to:
- get started on a Post-Secondary education while still in high school
- save money on Post-Secondary tuition costs (through the Dual Credit Framework, high school students do not pay post-secondary tuition fees (other than the cost of textbooks)
- potentially earn credits in high school and a Post-Secondary Institution at the same time
gain experience to succeed academically in a Post-Secondary environment
Students will be responsible for purchasing all textbooks and required resources materials (ie: robotics kit). These costs are set by the Post-Secondary Institution and indicated in the course descriptions. Information about purchasing the required materials will be provided to students once they have been accepted into the course.
Note: due to the independent nature of dual credit programming, students should be self-directed learners.
For more information about dual credit, reach out to Mrs. Matheson (dion.matheson@eips.ca)
Counsellor's Corner:
Student Services
Did you know that students at SCS have access to spiritual, academic and social-emotional support every day at school? Student Services is located on the second floor of the school in room 203. Mrs. Matheson, the school counsellor, and Campus Pastors Kiara, Jamie and Luke are available, and students are encouraged to pop in to see them. However, sometimes students may not feel comfortable popping by and would prefer to book an appointment. In order to make this process easier, SCS Student Services is launching their new Student Support Form. Students can scan this QR code or use the URL to open up a google form where they can request an appointment with someone from student services. It is important to note that the form is screened by the entire student services team (including Mrs. Meints) and the form is NOT a place to report an emergency as it does not get screened 24/7. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to anyone from student services!
This week On Campus
It's time for Intramural Hockey🏒 Sign up your team from Feb 18-21 outside the North Gym. Remember, each team needs at least 2 girls and can have up to 6 players. There will be both a junior and senior high league - these teams will NOT crossover.
Games will be held from Feb 24-Mar 7 in the South Gym. The completed schedule will be posted, so keep an eye out!
Beginning on February 4th a Girls Bible study will be held on Tuesdays at lunch in legato. All are welcome to join! Meet in front of the school office at the beginning of lunch.
NEW BEGINNING SEMESTER 2: All guys grade 7-12 are invited to join this weekly Bible Study!
Join us every Wednesday from 11:45-12:25 in the SPAC Legato (coffee shop) for a men’s Bible study led by grade 12 students and supported by our campus pastor team. This group is open to all guys, grades 7-12. Our hope and prayer with this group is that everyone, no matter where they are at on their faith journey, knows that they belong here, as we challenge, encourage, and pray with one another.
If you have any questions or want more information, reach out to Pastor Luke.
Gym Schedule February 17-21
If you or someone you know is familiar with handball, has a passion for coaching, and loves Jesus, we’d love to hear from you! Please reach out to Mr. Botchey at symonds.botchey@eips.ca for more information.
Grad News
Graduation Photo Dates and Schedule- PLEASE REGISTER IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY!
Attention Graduates! Edge Imaging will be at Strathcona Christian Secondary School for Graduation Photos!
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Don’t miss out on your opportunity to be featured in the class composite and leave your legacy in the hallways of the school for years to come.
To book your appointment, use our school code: NTM at bookmygrad.ca.
Your School Code is: NTM
Not sure what to expect from your grad sitting? Check out this helpful video! https://www.edgeimaging.ca/en/what-to-expect-on-high-school-grad-photo-day/
Reserve your Grad Ceremony Tickets!
For this year's graduation ceremony, due to the size of the graduating class and seating available in the sanctuary, each graduate is entitled to a minimum of 8 guest tickets. Please fill out this form to indicate how many of these 8 tickets your graduate will be using (graduates do not need to count themselves in this amount). Depending on the number of guest tickets claimed, there is the possibility that grads will have access to more than the 8 minimum, so please indicate in the form how many additional tickets you would require if they become available. There is no cost for the tickets for the graduation ceremony.
Parents of 2025 Grads - If you haven’t already, please follow the 2025 Parent Grad Committee on one of our social media channels:
Facebook: SCA 2025 After Grad Party
Instagram: scagradparents2025
The Parent Grad Committee is getting ready to send out an information letter by email to 2025 grad parents.
Please help the committee connect with you, by sending your preferred email address to:
Eagles Nest
- The Eagle's Nest is open! Each day, Miss Higgs will have a delicious meal ready for purchase. Meals are $6 each or you can purchase a 5-meal punch pass for $25. Cash or cards are accepted.
Monday, February 17
- No School
Tuesday, February 18 (Day 1)
- Brisket Mac n Cheese
Wednesday, February 19 (Day 2)
- Grilled cheese or Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich with Soup
Thursday, February 20 (Day 1)
- Teriyaki Chicken Rice Bowl or Butter Chicken with Naan
Friday, February 21 (Day 2)
- Bacon Beast Burger with Fries
Upcoming Key Dates
- February 17- Family day, NO SCHOOL
- February 20-21- Jr High Band Trip- Gull Lake
- February 18-20- Grad Photos
- February 24- School Council Meeting 7:00 PM
- February 26- Pink Shirt Day
- February 28- Grade 8 Retreat- Millennium Place
- March 13- Parent Teacher Interviews 4:00-8:00
- March 17- Parent Teacher Interviews 4:00-8:00
The window to order Castle Rock Materials is from February 5th-20th. https://schoolorders.solaro.com/3395
A note from Sherwood Park Alliance Church
SPAC Youth has weekly gatherings, and we would love to have you join:
Senior High (Grade 9-12)
Tuesday | 7pm
Junior High (Grade 7-8)
Wednesday | 7pm
We’d love to have you join
Follow us on Instagram - @spacyth for more details.
We hope to see you there.
Building Hours
Please remember that our building does not open for students before 8:20AM. Students who arrive earlier will need to wait outside until the doors open.
In the afternoon, we kindly ask that parents pick up their children before 3:35PM. After 3:35PM, students are kindly asked to wait outside for their transportation.