Feathers Up Monthly Newsletter
August 2024
News from Mr. Culbreth
Warrior Family,
It's that time of year again! We look forward to welcoming students back into the building for what is going to be an outstanding school year. I want to give a couple of reminders as we start the year.
- School hours have been adjusted for the 24/25 school year. The school day will begin at 8:15 am and end at 3:30 pm. Parents may drop off students beginning at 7:00 am as we have done in the past. Please remember that all parent drop-off and pick-up is at the rear of the school. No cars should be in the bus lanes during drop-off and pick-up times.
- I want to encourage you to connect with your child's teachers within the first few days of school. Email is usually the best way to reach them. We are in the process of updating our website so if you can't find your child's teacher on our website, please email me and I will connect you.
- I want to encourage you to connect with LMS through our various social media outlets (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) and stay up to date with your child's information by downloading the Parent Portal and PBIS apps. The PBIS app has a feature that will allow you to directly chat with your child's teacher in a quick and concise manner.
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns at any time.
Matt Culbreth
Lakeview Middle School
Office: 706-866-1040
Email: Mculbreth@catoosa.k12.ga.us
Open House
We would like to invite parents to join us for Open House on the following dates: 6th grade on August 5th (5:00-7:00 pm);
7th and 8th grade on August 6th (5:00-7:00 pm)
New School Hours
New School Hours and First Day of School (Weekly with a final reminder on 8/7)
LMS Parents: Please remember that we will begin implementing a two-tiered transportation schedule this upcoming school year. LMS hours will be from 8:15 am - 3:30 pm. Parent drop-off will be available beginning at 7:00 am as has been the case in the past. Click here to view a letter from Superintendent Nix containing more information. If you have any questions or concerns, please email principal Matt Culbreth at mculbreth@catoosa.k12.ga.us.
Fall Survey
Please click here to complete the Fall Survey.
In order to develop a partnership between parents, students, and Lakeview Middle School, we would like to offer workshops that are needed by parents. Your student will be entered in a drawing for completion.
Annual Title I Meeting
The LMS Title I Meeting will be held during Open House August 5th and 6th 2024. The information will be presented in all classrooms. Parents will also be given a Title I informational flyer with a QR code, this will allow you to view the information at home. The Title I meeting is always available on our website at https://lms.catoosa.k12.ga.us/title_i/title_i_annual_meeting
Parent Meeting and Volunteer Orientation
You are invited to be a member of the LMS Parent Council team.
Please click here to RSVP for the Fall Parent Council Meeting.
If you would like to volunteer please click here to RSVP for the Volunteer Orientation Meeting.
Understanding what my child is learning
MATH 6-8
Language -ELA 6-8
Science 6-8
Social Studies 6-8
Title I Information
Click Here to view the Title I LMS Parent Engagement Policy
Click here to view the CCPS Title I Parent Engagement Policy
Title I - Parent and Family Engagement
Lakeview Middle believes that parent and family engagement means the participation of parents in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities. Our school hosts regular meetings throughout the year to facilitate this process. In addition to these meetings, parents have the right to request additional meetings and workshops they feel will benefit their child. The Parent Involvement Coordinator will take requests to the administration to see how these requests can be incorporated into the school’s Plan of Action. Also, parents can request a meeting with their child’s teacher or the administration if they have questions or concerns about their child. Parents can call the school at (706) 866-1040 or email the teacher via the school website (www.lms.catoosa.k12.ga.us)
Title I LMS Parent Resource Room Information
Parent Institute Digital Library Click Here
Click here to check out parent resources
Click here for the LMS website parent resource page and parent informational links
Family Compacts and Parent Input Needed
Please click the button above to complete the parent compact input. Your student will be entered in a drawing for completion.
What is a Family-School Compact?
A Family-School Compact for Achievement is an agreement that parents, students, and teachers develop together. It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all students get the individual support they need to reach and exceed grade-level standards.
Effective Compacts:
Link goals to School Improvement Plan
Focus on Student Learning Skills
Describe how Teachers will help students using high-quality instruction.
Share Specific Strategies parents can use at home.
Explain how teachers and parents will communicate about student progress.
Describe opportunities for parents to volunteer, observe, and participate in the classroom.
Students will receive Family Compacts in September
Please make sure you go over the Family Compacts for Student Achievement with your child and keep the compact information sheet at home.
Please sign and have your child return the Compact signature sheet to their homeroom teacher.
Students that return their signed Compact signature sheet by September 30th will be entered in a drawing for a set of resource books and a candy basket.
All ESOL students will be tested for growth in English language acquisition. This annual assessment will cover the following domains: listening, reading, speaking, and writing. When English language learners (ELL) earn an overall score of 4.3 they may exit the ESOL program and become monitored students for the next two years. If your student is part of this program and you have questions, please contact Annie Stallings at 706-866-1040 or astallings.lms@catoosa.k12.ga.us
Catoosa County Family Engagement Policy (translated)
Lakeview Middle School Family Engagement Policy (translated)
Highly Qualified informational letter
This information was also available in the first day school packets your student brought home.
Dear Parents, In compliance with the requirements of the Every Students Succeeds Act, Lakeview Middle School would like to inform you that you may request information about the professional qualifications of your student’s teacher(s) and/or paraprofessional(s). The following information may be requested: · Whether the student’s teacher— has met State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction; is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived; and is teaching in the field of discipline of the certification of the teacher. Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications. If you wish to request information concerning your child’s teacher’s and/ or paraprofessional’s qualifications, please contact Mr. Culbreth, at 706-866-1040.
Lakeview Middle School
Email: snewell.lms@catoosa.k12.ga.us
Website: https://lms.catoosa.k12.ga.us
Location: 416 Cross Street, Rossville, GA, USA
Phone: 706-866-1040
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Education/Lakeview-Middle-School-1764378973848802/
Twitter: @WarriorsLMS