CCOG Newsletter
Weekly Updates
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Reflections from Pastor Jennifer
Does your prayer life feel that way sometimes? One day you are able to pray down fire, the next day your prayers are bouncing off the ceiling. How can this season of your relationship with God become more consistent than the weather? The answer is in the previous question - consistency. Pray whenever you feel like it, and pray when you don't. Pray about small things, knowing that God cares. Pray about big things, knowing that He is in control. Develop a prayer strategy for praying over your family, and develop a regular habit of praying. You will begin to see results in your prayer life. Allow this season to become a time of growing your faith, your devotion, and your relationship with the Lord.
There is still time to bring a ball or a doll for the month of September. If you want to get an early start on October, we are bringing hair care items. Also, if you would like to volunteer at the Samaritan Purse facility, please let me know. There are 10 spots available on Saturday, December 14 from 1pm-5pm.
5th Sunday
This Sunday, September 29 is the fifth Sunday of the month. All activities - breakfast and Bible study will be held in the fellowship hall, beginning at 10am. Come prepared to discuss Matthew 6:16-18 and Matthew 7:6.
October 6 is First Sunday Meal. Bible study, meal, and yearly planning session will all be held in the fellowship hall on this Sunday. Drinks and desserts are requested, because the meal will be prepared in advance. Come prepared to discuss Matthew 7:24-29 and bring any ideas you have for the church in 2025.
October Focus: First Responders
Help for the Homeless
On Tuesday, October 15, we have the chance to head out with Watchmen of the Streets. If you have never joined us, or if you go every time, you are invited to join. It is a blessing to us and to our homeless neighbors each time that we minister. If you are planning to go, please be at the church in time to leave by 5pm. You can also help by donating to purchase supplies and by praying for those affected by homelessness.
Sunday, October 27
The Gideons are coming! One of the ministries which CCOG is always happy to support is the Gideons. Every dollar that is given to the Gideons is used in the production and distribution of Bibles. They are working throughout the country and the world to spread the Gospel. Be in prayer about giving a special offering on this Sunday.
Over four decades ago, Richard Foster wrote his classic Celebration of Discipline: The Path To Spiritual Growth. In a recently updated Special Anniversary Edition of the book, Foster shares his thoughts on how contemporary culture has changed since the original writing of the book in 1978. He observed the following:
"There is one major difference that has occurred in the past forty years that does indeed impinge upon the spiritual life. I can state it in one word: distraction. Distraction is the primary spiritual problem in contemporary culture."
Of all the problems Foster could have given, why did he choose distraction?
Distraction threatens our ability to be fully present in the things that matter most in our lives. Present to God. Present to the people around us. And present to the condition of our own soul. Sadly, when distraction becomes our new normal, we end up leading fractured lives, rendering us ill-equipped and incapable of being present at the moment.
As an apprentice of Jesus, our lives are set apart for an eternal purpose. Jesus invites us to surrender each moment to the will of the Father, making the most of the time we are given here on earth. How we choose to spend our time and who (or what) we give our attention to will largely determine the person we will become.
Jesus once told a story about a farmer who scattered seeds that fell on different types of soil. The seed fell along the path, among the rocks, in the thornbushes, and on the good soil. In His explanation of the story to His disciples, He said that the seed that had fallen among the thorns represented people who "hear the word; but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful." (See Mark 4:18-19 NIV)
When we become distracted by the cares of this world, we fail to properly steward the time that God has given us. In his letter to the church in Ephesus, the apostle Paul writes, "be careful then how you live, not as unwise people but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are evil." (See Ephesians 5:15-16) Echoing Paul's message, the Psalmist prays, "teach us to count our days that we may gain a wise heart." (See Psalm 90:12)
Over the next few days, we will explore three of the most common distractions we face in today's culture: accomplishment, accumulation, and acceptance.
Today, take a few moments in the quiet with God to reflect on who or what is distracting you from being fully present to Him, others, and yourself.