WMS Friday Forecast
September 25, 2020 - Week 6
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Dear RedHawk Families,
School (and life) can be hard! And sometimes our students need some additional support. While we have counselors and social workers here at school, they are not “therapeutic”- meaning, they don’t do therapy. They generally help kids solve short term problems here at school.
When problems get to be too big, or last too long, kids may need an outside counselor or therapist. (They are the same job with different names, and I will use them interchangeably.) Our goal is to remove the stigma of having a counselor. As a society, we need to re-frame having a therapist as something positive rather than something negative. Seeing a counselor is not only helpful, but often creates a sense of freedom for the student, parent, or family who is struggling. Seeing a therapist takes work, dedication, and a commitment to change. But in the end, the visits can truly help the patient realize their full potential and heal.
If your child needs support, I would strongly suggest going to see a therapist. You will hear from me more than once this year on the importance of gaining outside help when struggles occur. Here is a YouTube video that I created to help you find a therapist in our area. The website I reference (psychology today.com - find a therapist) has changed slightly, but you will certainly be able to navigate it using the tips on the video.
The meme included really captures our thinking. Going to a counselor or therapist is simply another way to get healthy!
Happy Friday!
If you are going to look at one thing today...
make it the D303 Instructional Tech for Families website!
We know that all of us have been thrown into a whole new world of technology. You may not know Zoom or Meets, you may struggle with Google Classroom or Home Access Center. Our district has created a wonderful resource for you to use if you are struggling or just want to learn more about the technology we use in D303. Check out the D303 Instructional Tech for Families website.
On this website, you can:
- Learn how Google Classroom for parents works.
- How to check assignments for completion in Home Access Center
- See videos that show you how many of our digital tools work
- And a TON more!
It is worth browsing briefly and then returning to as you or your student have questions. Bookmark this website for future use!
Parent-Teacher Conferences
You should not feel obligated to sign-up for conferences. If your child is doing well at school, both academically and socially, then you do not have to schedule a conference. If your child is struggling, we would suggest that you do schedule conferences as appropriate.
Way more often than your gym clothes!
CLICK HERE for the CDC mask recommendation
Attention Parents and Guardians of All 8th Grade, 7th Grade AVID, and Infinity Students:
District 303 offers all students enrolled in 8th grade, 7th grade AVID, and Infinity to take the PSAT 8/9 in the fall. This PSAT is a part of the SAT series of assessments that help guide students through academic measures of college and career readiness ending with the SAT taken in their junior year. The SAT can be used with most colleges as a part of the admission process.
Your son/daughter will be participating in the PSAT test on either Wednesday, October 21st (A day) or Thursday, October 22nd (B day). Like any other day, attendance is important. If students arrive late to school, they will be held in the main office until the window for one of the tests has closed.
If you are a remote student, you will be getting a separate email regarding testing and the location from the Department of Assessment and Accountability.
Below are some helpful tips to help your child as they prepare for testing day:
Get a good night sleep
Eat a healthy breakfast
Be sure to charge the chromebook overnight
If you have specific questions about the assessment please contact David Chiszar (david.chiszar@d303.org) You can also find additional assessment information at https://district.d303.org/departments/assessment.
Thank you-
Patrick McGuire, Assistant PrincipalYEARBOOK COVER CONTEST!
The yearbook club is announcing the 4th annual yearbook cover contest. The yearbook cover can be submitted in any form such as graphic design, paint, drawing, photography.
Please submit your artwork as follows:
- Digital artwork to timothy.massie@d303.org.
- Live artwork (print, paint, etc.) can be turned into Mrs. Morrison in the main office.
Current theme: "Sports and Activities during a pandemic"
- Pictures can be shared through the Google drive or email at Timothy.Massie@d303.org OR
- CLICK THE IMAGE BELOW (computer or smartphone) and use access code - redhawks)
STUDENT ID Expectations for Middle and High Schools:
- Students received 1 ID and can get 1 additional ID for free.
- Students received 1 lanyard and can get 1 additional lanyard for free.
Reminders From the Health Office:
Our new FAX is up and running! To fax medical forms directly to the office: 331-228-3707
If you pick up one child from school with any symptoms related to COVID, you must pick up their siblings as well. If you work in the district and you or your child goes home sick with these symptoms, all family members in D303 must go home until the individual with symptoms is cleared. Their clearance, when it is provided by a physician note that indicates an alternative diagnosis, clears all other family members to return. Your school nurses can help you in determining your options for the symptomatic child and the siblings to return to school.
The steps school nurses are taking to mitigate COVID 19 by following the IDPH exclusion guidance promotes a decision-making process that ensures the safer return of students who have depicted symptoms associated with this virus. Thank you for your cooperation in help[ing us mitigate the spread of COVID-19
- HYBRID A/B Calendar - current month September next month October
- WMS Bell Schedule and the REMOTE Class Schedule
- Who to contact at WMS for what?
- STUDENT MEAL ORDER FORM - contact our kitchen manager, Deb Badali at deb.badali@d303.org with any questions related to student meals
- Student COVID-19 Certification plus the LUGGAGE TAG TEMPLATE
- D303 COVID-19 Response Protocol
- D303 Reopen School Plan
- D303 Face Coverings Guidance
- 6th-grade support referrals
- 7th-grade support referrals
- 8th-grade support referrals
- REQUEST MEETING WITH MR. SLAIHER: 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade
- Community resources as posted on the district website
- Resources from the state
Wredling Middle School - Home of the RedHawks
Website: wredling.d303.org
Location: 1200 Dunham Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: (331)228-3700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Wredling-Middle-School-537757163011275/
Twitter: @WredlingD303