Stagecoach Elementary
Empowering Kids to Shine!
A note from Mrs. Skiba and Mrs. Carranco...
1. Use equipment properly: slide down, don't climb up slides, sit in swings and don't jump out of them
2. Keep hands and feet to yourself: No pushing, shoving, rough play, or play (pretend) fighting
3. No throwing rocks: Keep all rocks on the ground
4. Use kind words and actions: Speak politely and be respectful of others. Do not use foul language
Fall Break Nov. 25-29
We hope you and your family enjoy the Fall Break and have a Happy Thanksgiving. We are very thankful for our Stagecoach families!
Boosterthon Fundraiser for Stagecoach Elementary
Please register your child for our Boosterthon Fundraiser! You can sign your child up at Mybooster.com
Students will get a prize just for registering! Once your student is registered, they can start collecting donations with an easy online share feature and will earn a lot of cool prizes!
We also accept checks made out to Stagecoach Elementary and cash donations. Your child will still earn the same prizes. On Nov. 21st all students will get to participate in a Glow Dance Party regardless of financial participation. Thank you so much for supporting Stagecoach Elementary!
The Wild Robot One Book, One School Event
Parents, we hope you and your child enjoyed reading The Wild Robot for our One Book One School Event. We would love to get your feedback on our event. Please take a few minutes to click on the link and respond to a very short survey.
Counselor's Corner
Happy November from Ms. Noechel, Stagecoach Counselor
In counseling this month we have been talking about teamwork. Remind your student that teamwork means working together with others to achieve a common goal. It’s about sharing ideas, helping each other, and listening to everyone’s thoughts. When we work as a team, we can solve problems faster and have more fun! It’s important to respect each other’s strengths and support each other’s weaknesses. Whether it’s in school projects, sports, or at home, teamwork helps us grow and learn together. Parents, guardians, and caregivers can encourage teamwork by guiding their children to communicate well, share responsibilities, and celebrate each other’s successes.
Remember, We’re Better Together!
Lunch Information
Lunch Prices:
Breakfast is free for all students!
Lunch: $2.65
Milk or Water only: 50 cents
We love for parents to come have lunch with their students! Please sit in the area designated for parents. Please do not invite other students to eat with you and your child. Students are not allowed to eat with anyone other than their own parents/guardians for safety purposes.
Parents are not allowed to go on the playground during recess time for safety purposes.
If you would like to apply for Free Lunch for your student, click on the link for the meal application www.ezmealapp.com. This website is secure and confidential and is a faster and easier way for parents to apply.
A paper application can be provided if you request one from our office.
If you have any questions, contact the Food Services Department at 501-843-3363.
We empower kids to S.H.I.N.E !!
The mission of Stagecoach Elementary is "We empower kids to SHINE." The faculty and staff believe in this mission and we want our students to believe they can SHINE in all they do!
S.H.I.N.E is an acronym that stands for:
Succeed...We will help our students succeed in all they do!
Hope... We will teach our students to have a positive, hopeful outlook!
Improve... We will work hard every day to help students grow and improve!
Navigate... We will teach students the social-emotional skills to navigate through life!
Engage... We will engage students in meaningful, relevant learning every day!
Stagecoach Student Affirmations
An affirmation is a positive statement that can help to challenge and overcome a person’s negative thoughts. When frequently repeated, they can become ingrained in our children’s minds, bodies, and hearts. Our students will begin to believe these attributes about themselves, and positive changes can happen. Self-esteem grows, kids are more confident, they work harder, and are more successful at school, home and the community.
This year, Stagecoach will be using the same five affirmation statements that we used last year. These statements can be found outside at our car and bus parking lots; they are posted on our school walls and students will hear them throughout the day. You can also say and repeat these affirmations with your student(s) as you bring them to and from school, as you’re having dinner, if your child is having a rough morning, or really anytime!
Stagecoach Affirmations, Student Repeats Back
Adult says, "You belong." Child says, "I belong."
Adult says, "You matter." Child says, "I matter."
Adult says, "You are unique." Child says, "I am unique."
Adult says, "You can do hard things." Child says, "I can do hard things."
Adult says, "You are loved." Child says, "I am loved."
Lost and Found
Important Dates...
Fri. Nov. 22nd....November Birthday Celebrations
Nov. 25-29....Fall Break/Happy Thanksgiving!
Mon. Dec. 2nd...School Resumes
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Also check out our Stagecoach PTO Facebook page.
You can also follow us on Twitter @StagecoachCabot
And Instagram: Stagecoachelementarycabot