Blue & White Newsletter - 5/3/24
Week of April 29, 2024

Our Youngest Bulldogs Get a Taste of Multimedia Video Production!
Kindergarten and first grade students from Wallace Elementary worked collaboratively with students from Mr. TJ Meese's Multimedia Video Production II class at the High School to write, film, and edit videos describing the behavior expectations at Wallace Elementary. These videos will be shared with students who are new to Wallace in order to learn about the school. The high school students first traveled to Wallace to write and film the videos. Then, the kindergarten and first graders traveled to the High School to learn about the editing process. They were also able to film morning announcements for the High School. In addition to learning a lot from each other, both the high school and elementary students made some new friends!
Job Interviews - Trial Runs!
On Tuesday, juniors, as part of their English classes, and students in Mrs. Manda Meese's Intro to Business classes participated in mock interviews in the High School library. Students were assigned, as best as possible, to meet with a representative in a career field that was closest to their future career interest. Students had prepared resumes and questions to ask once their mock interview ended. Overall, students were engaged and learned something from this valuable experience. There were 15 representatives from 12 different businesses, which included FedEx, REMAX, West York Area School District, Thaddeus Stevens, UPMC, US ARMY, York College, Campisi Property Service LLC, IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers), First Capital Federal Credit Union, R.H. Sheppard, and YCEA (York County Economic Alliance). Thank you to all business representatives for participating in this awesome event!
2024 WYASD Prom - A Roaring Success!
In a delightful throwback to the glitz and glamour of the Jazz Age, the prom planning committee transported prom goers back in time with a spectacular Roaring 20's themed prom held at the Out Door Country Club in Manchester Township.
The venue underwent a breathtaking transformation. The prom committee spared no detail in recreating the ambiance of the Roaring 20's, with gold and black decorations, photo areas, and other decorations transporting attendees to the heart of the Roaring 20's era.
During the prom festivities, the 2024 Prom King and Queen were revealed and crowned. Congratulations to Jared Denney and Alivia Walters!
As the night came to a close, students departed with hearts full of wonderful memories. The West York Area High School's Roaring 20's prom will undoubtedly be remembered as a highlight of the school year and a celebration of friendship. Thank you to everyone who planned, volunteered, set-up, and chaperoned this special night!
ENCORE - York County High School Musical Theatre Showcase
On Sunday, April 28th, the High School cast of "Beauty and the Beast" performed two songs at The Pullo Center as part of the York County High School Musical Theatre Showcase known as ENCORE. ENCORE is a chance for York County high school students to showcase a portion of their musical that they performed at their school. Each school is given an opportunity to perform up to eight minutes of their show and a maximum of two numbers. The students' performances are then judged by professionals in the business to win scholarships. Over $30,000 of scholarships are given out to participating schools each year.
In addition to an awesome performance, three of our amazing students were awarded scholarships.
- Jackson Janasek won a $1,000 Senior Scholarship from Cultural Alliance.
- Cariliann Matias-Torres was awarded the W. Dale Brougher Foundation Performance Award of a $500 scholarship provided by Mrs. Nancy Brougher.
- Leah Bazzle was also awarded the W. Dale Brougher Foundation Performance Award with a $500 scholarship, and she also received the Rosie Scholarship worth $5,000!
Congratulations to everyone!
Art on Display - Beautiful Creativity!
Earlier this week, the Middle School held its annual Art Show. Here is a glimpse into the MS Art classes:
- Origami Paper Sculptures - Creating repeating, symmetrical designs.
- Name Neons - Students used layering values of paint, with chalk pastels for the glow effect to make their name neons.
- Pinch Pot Monsters - In 3D Art students used techniques such as scoring, slip, sticking, and smoothing to create their ceramic monsters.
- One-Point Perspective Aquariums - Students researched, studied, and sketched saltwater and freshwater creatures and created one-point perspective tunnel aquariums.
- Happy Flower Logo - Students studied Japanese artist Takashi Murakami, known for his "cute" and "creepy" art style, and the difference between regular and irregular patters.
- Disco Ball Painting - Students used their paintbrush handling skills and mixing knowledge to create big, bright, and funky disco ball paintings.
5th Graders - Preparing for Success in Middle School!
It is an exciting, and yes, sometimes anxious, time when students look toward the transition from elementary school to middle school. To assist in calming the nerves, the Middle School offers various opportunities for our Trimmer Elementary 5th grade students to begin to see themselves as 6th grade students.
On Wednesday evening, 5th grade families were invite to a Middle School Walkthrough that included introductions of key Middle School staff, a glimpse into the academic programming and what a daily schedule looks like, supports and resources available to assist them in being success in the transition, a tour of the Middle School, and a Q&A opportunity for students and parents.
Later this month, our Middle School counselors will visit each 5th grade classroom for another opportunity for the students to ask questions.
Thank you to everyone who attended and we hope that you are getting excited to be a West York Area Middle School Bulldog next year! A big shout out to our 6th grade tour guides - you ROCK! Madison Clauser, Ryla Delp, Elizabeth Elder, Robyn Foster, Peyton Henry, Rilynn McClary, Guiliana Myers, Jade Shrader, Sylvia Schott, Brooklyn Simonds, Ciara Sims, Madalyn Steele, Chelsea Street, Wesley Miller, Kyleigh Mock, Jerrel Myrick,
Trimmer's K'nex Club - Real-World Problem Solving!
Trimmer Elementary's K'nex Club, lead by Mrs. Laura Livingston, Gifted/Instructional Support Teacher, had a great spring session! Students tested their design, building, and teamwork skills to create solutions that addressed environmental issues, such as water and air pollution, and emergency situations, such as the recent bridge collapse in Baltimore, Maryland. All groups did a wonderful job presenting their prototypes and explaining how it addressed the real-world problem they were trying to solve.
Spring Participants: Alexis Appnel, Asher Barksdale, Thomas Bowman, Andrew Bruck, Michael Denney, Cori Dorsey, Lola Dorsz, Zoey English, Trinity Feeser, Jessea Flemming, Finn Galloway, Lejla Glatfelter, Temperance Graves, Gareth Hedgcock, Elena Holt, Daniel Houser, Aziah Hunter, Jose Jimenez Mejia, Brixton Kyle, Charlie LaBarca, Leilany Marte, Madison Mowery, Rashdan Nadvi, Sydney Nguyen, Jaciel Ortiz, Cameron Otterberg, Coen Riley, Xabriam Robles, Malcom Shade, Kole Shoemaker, Tanya Smith, Grant Smith, Luke Steigleman, Mackenzie Walizer, and Kamdyn Young.
Another Successful District Multicultural Fair!
On Thursday evening, families joined us for our annual District-wide Multicultural event where rich cultures were shared through the celebration of ethnic food, music, dance, art and more.
Thank you to everyone who shared their cultures, delicious food, and traditions, and to those who donated items to the Bulldog Pantry!
Buck A Book Supporting York Literacy Council
At Wallace Elementary, 330 students participated in the BUCK A BOOK® fundraiser for the York Literacy Council. BUCK A BOOK® Reading Program is a motivational reading program held in York County Schools that rewards students for reading and raising money to help others. School students around York County read books, raise sponsorships, and receive great family activity prizes.
Of our 330 participants, 49 students raised a total of $3,074.22! Our top three fundraisers are Rebekah Schultheis, Asher Owings, and Oliver Millan, each raising over $250! Well done and congratulations to all participants!
Shapes, Shapes, Everywhere!
Students in Mrs. Kelly Murphy's first grade class at Wallace Elementary learned a lot from their hands-on experiences in math class as they explored and constructed various shapes. They made 3-Dimensional shapes including a cylinder, rectangular prism, cube, pyramid, and triangular prism. They learned about each shape's sides and vertices.
They also made 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional shapes by using toothpicks and marshmallows. This activity was engaging and provided everyone with a delicious treat.
Well done, students!
It's Pollination Time!
Some of our English Learners at Wallace Elementary participated in activities about pollination. They watched a video, talked about bees and flowers, and completed an experiment to see how bees pollinate flowers.
Volunteering - A Very Rewarding Experience!
On May 2nd, several high school seniors spent the day volunteering for the Catholic Harvest Food Pantry as part of their service learning project. They helped fill orders for customers, sorted donations, and also assisted with translating between the volunteers and the customers. Students worked hard and felt the experience to be very rewarding. Students who participated are pictured to the left (L-R): Yaimar Ruiz-Rivera, Natalia Delacruz, Richard Morel, Jhoan Perez-Cedeno, Nathan Ballan, and Yeslin Ramos-Osorio.
Congrats! 100th Career Goal!
Senior lacrosse player Tyler Michael achieved his 100th Career Goal at the senior night game vs. Gettysburg. He will be continuing his lacrosse career next year at The University of Mount Olive, playing for the Trojans, the Conference of the Carolina’s 2024 Champions. Way to go, Tyler!
Three Choirs Festival - York
This Sunday, May 5th at 3:00 pm, our WY Legacy Group, under the direction of Mr. Robert Titus, will be performing with select groups from Central York and Red Lion school districts. The Three Choirs Festival will take place at St. Paul's Lutheran Church at 25 W. Springettsbury Ave. The concert will feature individual songs from each group as well as several combined numbers. The concert is free and open to the public!
This is another piece of why West York Area School District continues to be acknowledged as a Best Communities for Music Education!
K-5 Remake Learning Night!
Wallace Elementary School
2065 High Street
Tuesday, May 7th
5:30 - 7:00 PM
Come for a night of fun and exciting hands-on activities!
This assists us in preparing the necessary amount of supplies/materials.
May 3, 2024
9th/10th Grade:
Anjel Neopaney
For doing what you needed to during our weather drill!
11th/12th Grade:
Randelle Agravante
For helping make prom a huge success!
Ms. Madelyn Myers
For being a great chaperone at the prom!
How Sick is Too Sick for School?
This is a question parents often ask. We know that mornings can be challenging for adults and children alike. Sometimes we wake and might not feel our best, but once we get moving, often we find it wasn't a problem making it through the day - at work or at school.
So, here's a great reference for assisting you in determining whether to send your child to school when they have complaints of not feeling well. You can click here for a printable copy to hang on your refrigerator on family bulletin board.
Have You Reconnected with Us?
Recently, we created fresh Facebook and Instagram accounts, as shared in our March 1st newsletter. Be sure to Like/Follow us so you don't experience FOMO - Fear of Missing Out!
Click below to Like and Follow us!
2024-2025 District Calendar Now Available!
At the February 20th Board Meeting, the 2024-2025 District Calendar was approved and you can access it from our website by clicking the bar below.
Important Dates - Late April - May
- Friday, May 3, HS Spring Band Concert (7:00 p.m.)
- Monday, May 6, MS Academic Recognition Awards Assembly (6:30 p.m.)
- Tuesday, May 7, K-5 Remake Learning Event/Wallace Art Show (5:30 p.m.)
- Friday, May 10, Early Dismissal
- Monday, May 13, HS Awards Ceremony (6:00 p.m.)
- Tuesday, May 14, EPC Meeting (5:30 p.m.)
- Tuesday, May 14, Work Session of the Board (7:00 p.m.)
- Thursday, May 16, MS/HS Pops Concert (6:30 p.m.)
- Tuesday, May 21, Board Voting Meeting (6:30 p.m.)
- Wednesday, May 22, Bulldog Pantry Distribution (5:00 p.m.)
- Wednesday, May 22, MS Spring Band Concert (6:30 p.m.)
- Thursday, May 23, Early Dismissal
- Thursday, May 23, Commencement
- Friday, May 24, Early Dismissal
- Monday, May 27, Memorial Day - Offices and Schools Closed
The Bulldog Breakdown
Check out this week's issue of the Bulldog Breakdown, a weekly recap of the prior week's athletic accomplishments and lists the upcoming sporting events.
Don't miss important information on the PIAA postseason events, brackets, schedules, and how to purchase tickets! Simply click the Bulldog image to view the latest issue!
Kindergarten Registration is Now OPEN!
Kindergarten registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open. We encourage families to register early. Simply click the image to the right and click on Create A New Account. Even if you already have students in West York, you will use the Create A New Account to begin the registration process for your incoming kindergarten student. Children need to be five years of age by September 1, 2024, to be eligible for kindergarten.
If you have any questions, please contact our Registration Office at 717-792-2796 extension 1216.
Flower Bouquets for 2024 Graduation Ceremony
The Class of 2025 is holding a Commencement Bouquets fundraiser for the 2024 graduation! This is a great opportunity to have a beautiful bouquet of roses conveniently ready for you just outside the ceremony entrance! If you would like to pre-purchase a bouquet, please scan the QR Code below or click the picture to be directed to the vendor website.
Middle School Leader In Me Student Lighthouse Team Fundraiser
WYAHS Football Team Fundraiser! A Night at The Races!
Join your fellow Bulldogs at a Night at the Races, a fundraiser to benefit the West York Area High School football team!
Wyndam Gardens
Friday, May 10th
Doors Open at 5:00 PM, Dinner at 6:00 PM
Contact Jess for Tickets and Questions
$65.00/Person includes Dinner
Other gambling will be available
Kids Bowl Free Program
Check out the Kids Bowl Free Program! This program is designed by bowling centers to give back to the community. We have three bowling centers in our area that are participating:
- Colony Park Lanes
- Laser Alleys
- Suburban Bowlerama
Step 1: Go to https://www.kidsbowlfree.com/all_centers.php#PA and find a center near you.
Step 2: Create an account for your family.
Step 3: Enjoy an entire summer of bowling FUN!
Three FREE Comic Books!
Comix Connection located on White Street in the Carlisle Commerce Center will be giving out three free comic books on Saturday, May 4th! Be sure to stop by to get yours and get a head start of selecting your summer reading materials!
Free Synchro Clinic!
Community Corner
Be Sure To Check It Out Often!
The Community Corner of our website offers families many helpful links to organizations or flyers about upcoming or ongoing community activities, clubs, and events. The information on this webpage changes frequently and those changes will be highlighted here as they occur. The latest updates are pictured below.
From our Home webpage, click on Community to access links to various organizations/community events.
Newly Added: Belmont Summer Academy - Theatre Summer Camps
Here are just some examples:
- Cub Scouts (Boys & Girls ages 5-12)
- Girl Scouts
- West York Boys Club
- YMCA of York
- YWCA of York
Community Resources such as:
- United Way
- Community Progress Council
- Dream Wrights Center for Community Arts
- Belmont Summer Academy - Theatre Summer Camps