Trojan Update
January 26, 2024
Office Hours 8:00 am - 4:00 pm - Main Phone Line (719) 382-1580 Attendance (719) 382-1584
Life Changes
Change happens, like housing loss, homelessness, job challenges, and resource needs. If this applies to you, contact your District Liaison for support. We offer resources like a school pantry, clothes closet, hot meals program, parent resource nights, and more. Reach out to Promis Bruno, MSW, at 719-492-8810 or pbruno@ffc8.org for assistance."
Events Calendar
After School Clubs & Tutoring Schedule: https://shorturl.at/fxMYW
- After school clubs will begin January 13.
Other Events
- 1/28 - Rising Freshmen Parent Night @ FMS
- 1/30 - Trojan Voices CMEA Performance
- 1/30 - NJHS Mtg.
- 2/1 - Robotics Competition
- 2/5 - Academic Awards Recognition - FMS Special Events Center
- 6th - 8:45 am
- 7th - 9:35 am
- 8th - 10:35 am
- Digital invitations will be sent this week.
- 2/5 - Basketball vs Falcon
Students are encouraged to attend after-school sporting events, but please note we don't offer transportation for spectators. Ensure your student is picked up at the venue by 6:30 p.m. Students leaving campus after school must have an adult escort to return for events.
Message from Nurse Ball
As we move into the season of colds, flu and viruses galore, please remember that students are not able to carry any medications in their backpacks. This includes cough drops, Tylenol/ibuprofen, or cold medications. We can administer these medications in the nurse’s office if we have a doctor’s order and a new unopened package of the medication as outlined in board policy JLCD. Please let your nurse know if you have any questions or concerns.
Illness Practices
If your student is ill, please remember these guidelines for return to school:
● They must be fever free with no medications (Tylenol or Ibuprofen) for 24 hours
● It must be 24 hours from the last time they vomited or had diarrhea
● If they are diagnosed with strep throat, they must have been on antibiotics for a full 24 hours
● Their symptoms should have improved to a point that they feel well enough to focus and participate for the entire school day without another dose of medication
If you have any question about whether your student is well enough to return, View the Colorado Department of Public Health’s "HOW SICK IS TOO SICK?" . This document is available at this link translated into many languages.
Immunization Reports and Exemptions
Fall is also when school nurses are compiling and reporting immunization compliance data to the state. If your child’s immunization record is not complete or if we have not received it, you will receive a reminder letting you know what immunizations your child is missing. You can check to see what immunizations your child should have received by visiting the CDC's immunization schedules page or call your school nurse.
If you have chosen to not immunize your child for religious or personal reasons, or if your child is medically unable to receive immunizations, we need to have a completed exemption form on file. For religious or personal exemptions, it is required that an exemption form be completed every year. You can access these exemption forms on the CDPHE website. If you have any questions regarding exemptions, please contact your school nurse.
Please feel free to call Nurse Ball with any questions or concerns: 719-358-4365.
What's New?
Password Changes
Student account passwords are being reset July 15-22. If passwords don't work, use the new one. Parents/guardians can find the new password in the IC Parent Portal under "More" > "Student Email." New passwords will also be given to students at the start of school. You can contact our Help Desk (719-382-1608) for assistance (Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.).
Otus Gradebook
We are excited to introduce a new system for reporting student grades called Otus.
- Why Otus: Otus replaces Infinite Campus for viewing grades, offering a more detailed picture of student learning.
- Accessing Otus: Access Otus through a link in the Infinite Campus portal, your school's website, or by visiting otus.com. Bookmark the website for easy access.
- Adding Students: Use a unique student code provided by the school to link your child to your Otus account.
- Viewing Grades: The Gradebook module shows enrolled classes, standards mastery (progress bars with color codes), and assignment details (due dates, submission type, comments).
- Filtering: Filter the Gradebook by standard or assessment for a more focused view.
- Activity Tab: This section displays notifications about class activities and upcoming/outstanding assessments.
- Reports Module: View third-party data like district, state, and national assessments (if available).
- Help & Resources: A help center is available within Otus. You can also contact your child's school or find resources linked in the video description.
For a more detailed walkthrough, watch the full video provided.
Vape Sensor
We've installed vape sensors to create a healthier learning environment for all students. Vaping is harmful and can disrupt the classroom. We want our students focused on their education, not addictive substances.
Throughout the year, we'll work with student groups to educate about the dangers of vaping. Please watch the attached video with your child to start a conversation about this important issue.
Thank you for helping us keep our campus tobacco and vape-free.
Carpool Safety and Efficiency
We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring a safe and efficient carpool line. To maintain a smooth drop-off and pick-up process, please:
- Be patient and courteous to other drivers.
- Utilize the crosswalk for student drop-off and pick-up.
- Use the parking lot for longer drop-offs or unloading.
- Avoid blocking crosswalks or changing lanes within the carpool zone.
- Observe speed limits and follow traffic flow.
- Quick drop-offs: If your drop-off is quick, use the carpool line. For longer unloading, please use the parking lot.
- No trunk unloading: The carpool lane is not for unloading items from your trunk.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students safe!
Student Deliveries
To maximize classroom time, follow these guidelines for delivering forgotten items during the school day:
Drop off forgotten items at the table near the Attendance Secretary's office, labeled with your student's name and grade.
Students can retrieve non-classroom items during lunch. Please note that only parents or guardians can deliver personal lunches to the Attendance office; we cannot accept deliveries from businesses or organizations.
Life Changes
"Change happens, like housing loss, homelessness, job challenges, and resource needs. If this applies to you, contact your District Liaison for support. We offer resources like a school pantry, clothes closet, hot meals program, parent resource nights, and more. Reach out to Promis Bruno, MSW, at 719-492-8810 or pbruno@ffc8.org for assistance."
FMS Trojans
Website: https://www.ffc8.org/FMS
Location: 515 North Santa Fe Avenue, Fountain, CO, USA
Phone: 719 382 1580
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FMSTrojansFFC8/