Alameda Friday Newsletter
October 25, 2024
A Message from Principal Goldstein
Dear Families,
Today was our second Whole School Assembly of the school year and it did not disappoint. We had performances from students (dancing, singing, euphonium playing, short story reading), introduced our two new whole school read alouds (both books were chosen to celebrate Native American Heritage Month), and ended things with a rousing edition of our school song. It was end-to-end excitement and a thrilling and joyous way to end our day and our week.
This week we had our 2nd early release of the school year. I recognize that these days can be challenging for families and I thank you for your flexibility. Here is a brief synopsis of what took place: Our full staff met to go over school-wide fall assessment results in literacy and math, as well as survey data based on the implementation of our new SEL curriculum. Teachers then spent time meeting in grade level teams to further understand how each student is doing and then, most importantly, they spent time planning further instruction, talking about how to use the WIN (What I Need) Block, and making commitments, as a team, for how they will follow up during their next team meeting. During our November early release, our K-2 and 3-5 teams will meet together to share results/outcomes/suggestions based on what they have been working on over the last several weeks.
On Wednesday night we had our first Site Council Meeting. It was an excellent conversation and I thank those folks who participated. I look forward to ongoing discussions with this group. Our next meeting is in January. Anyone is invited to join these meetings so be on the lookout for a meeting link in the weeks prior to the meeting.
If you have not already done so, you should be receiving an email from your child’s teacher with information about how to sign up for conferences. Conferences are held on Monday and Tuesday, 11/25 and 11/26. Conferences can be in-person or virtual. As a reminder there are NO makeup conference dates. If you are traveling, I encourage you to take advantage of the virtual option. As always, if you have questions for your child’s teacher or concerns you wish to discuss, please send them an email and they will follow up with you.
Next week is the final week of October and with that brings not only 10/31, but also the end of the first quarter (kind of hard to believe). Speaking of 10/31, as I mentioned in previous Friday updates, students will have some time during their day to put on a costume if they would like. As a reminder, costumes need to be simple, easy to put on, and should be free of masks, blood/gore, and weapons. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you have any questions regarding Halloween/Fall classroom celebrations.
Looks like we might have a bit of a wet weekend - perhaps some time to find a good book, a quiet spot, and a cozy blanket.
Matt Goldstein
Updates and Announcements
An Art Update from Ms. Pugsley: Your students and I are having a good time in the art room. Their art work is starting to pop up around the building, so keep your eyes open when you are in the building! As the year progresses and projects are designed, needs are being identified and I'm hoping you all can help. The program needs the following items:
* Paper grocery bags
* Fabric scraps
* Yarn
* Magazines
Items can be dropped off in the lobby in front of the main office in the box that is labeled art donations. I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to organize the items and to drop them off.
If you haven't already, please check out the program on Instagram @pdxalamedaart
Thank you for your continued support of Alameda's art program!
Minions Bike Bus Ride Wednesday, October 30th!!! Last year a couple students had the idea to do a Minions Bike Bus ride the week of Halloween. Children should wear any yellow top they have outside their jackets & blue jeans or blue pants if possible. (Banana costumes are welcome) Coach Balto will be dressed as Gru. If you don't have a yellow shirt, arrive at 7:25am at NE 37th & NE Shaver or NE 53rd & NE Klickitat to get a yellow shirt.
If you are a walker or you drive you can also participate. Meet at the NW corner of NE 29th and NE Klickitat by 7:40 am and when we bike by, everyone can walk or run on the sidewalk to school. (Please don't park on Klickitat if you are driving).
NO SCHOOL: Friday, 11/1, Monday, 11/4, and Monday, 11/11
PICTURE RETAKES: If your child was absent or you were unhappy with your photographs, makeups will take place on Wednesday morning, November 6th.
MONTHLY COFFEE: Principal’s coffee will take place on Friday, November 8th, starting a little after 8:00 AM in the School Cafeteria. Come hear the latest news, ask questions, and meet other parents/guardians.
GRANT WRESTLING: Wrestling Clinic - November 4th (Monday with no school) - 1:00 - 5:00 pm at Beaumont Middle School. A great way for students to learn about wrestling and have some fun. $20/per kid. Sign up here!
PTA Updates
Pointsettia Fundraiser: The mornings are getting frosty out there and that means it is almost time for our annual poinsettia fundraiser. Sales will open November 1, 2024, with orders due November 18, 2024. Pickup is scheduled after school until 5 p.m. on December 3, 2024. Unavailable then? Don't let that stop you from ordering, simply let us know and we can make alternative arrangements. Stay tuned for more information. Contact: Krista at vpfundraising@alamedaschool.org.
PTA Community Meeting: Please join the PTA for our November meeting on Wednesday 11/6 at 6pm in the Alameda Library. We'll be discussing what's next for the former Alameda Foundation, the launch of the new Friends of Alameda, and how fundraising impacts our school community. Pizza and childcare provided. We hope to see you there!
Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB) Info: To parents of 3/4/5th graders:
December 10 @ 7pm: Coaches meeting (online - link to come)
December 13: Team registration deadline
What is Battle of the Books?
The Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB) is a statewide voluntary reading motivation and comprehension program sponsored by the Oregon Association of School Libraries in conjunction with a Library Services and Technology Act grant. Students in 3rd-12th grade, regardless of ability, are exposed to quality literature representing a variety of literary styles and viewpoints.
OBOB’s mission is to encourage and recognize students who enjoy reading, to broaden reading interests, to increase reading comprehension, promote academic excellence, and to promote cooperative learning and teamwork among students.
Alameda Elementary has a long history of participating in OBOB. Teams will form and go through several rounds of battles in a quiz-show-like format. The Alameda winner will represent the school at the Regional Battle of the Books competition in March.