'The Pack' PK-8 Coyote News
Tornillo PK-8 Newsletter- Welcome to Our School! 2023-2024
QT3: Week 8, March 25-29
Happy Sunday PK-8 Coyotes!
We are glad you are here! Just a few updates for this week.
2024-2025 New & Returning Student Registration Open for All Students
We are excited to announce that our student registration for all students for the 2024-2025 school year will open April 1st. You can register your child online by visiting the district website or stop by this year's annual face to face registration being held, Saturday, April 20. Check out the flyer below for more information.
Donations Needed: Student Easter Egg Hunt - Wednesday, March 27
We would like to hold our annual Easter Egg Hunt this year for all our PK-4th grade students. We are kindly asking for donations of plastic eggs and candy to fill the plastic eggs. If you are able to donate any of those items, please send your donations to your child's teacher by March 25.
Student Attendance - When you miss a day, you miss alot.
We will continue to make daily contact with all families when a student is absent. As Texas law requires, a warning letter is sent to families when they have unexcused absences, are below 90% in attendance, or have extreme tardies. Please remember to submit your doctor's or parent note within 48 hours.
"Every child. Every day. Whatever it takes!"
Myrna Lopez-Patti, Proud Principal
Tornillo PK-8
Mission Statement
Empowering our learning community to live their purpose by honoring values and beliefs for a holistic postsecondary journey.
Vision Statement
Believe we can succeed, with pride we will achieve.
QT3: Week 8 Happenings at Our School
Mindful Monday, March 25
-3rd grade fieldtrip
-2nd grade fieldtrip
-Coffee with the Principal & Leader of the Pack Student Awards, 5:00
Thankful Tuesday, March 26
-Fundamental 5 Classroom Walkthroughs (PK-12 grades)
-PK-3rd Classroom Visits
PLC: DDI Lead by Grade Level Leads
Wellness Wednesday, March 27
-Transcend Blended Learning Classroom Walkthroughs (3rd-5th grade)
-PK-4th grade Easter Egg Hunt
-Board Mtg, 5:30pm
-PLC: Teacher PD in Mrs. Erives/Ms. Duran's Room
Thoughtful Thursday, March 28
-Lower Valley Special Olympics hosted by Tornillo ISD
-IFL Math Walkthroughs (6th-8th grade)
-PLC: Reach out to parents for students recommended to after-school tutoring/
Friday, March 29 & Monday, April 1
-Friday, March 29: Good Friday, No School for Students
-Monday, April 1: TISD Wellness Day, No School for Students
Upcoming Events
-Assistant Principal's Week: April 1-5
-New Teacher UTEP PLC's: April 2nd
-Paraprofessional Appreciation Day: April 3
-GT Coordinator Appreciation Day: April 4
-2024-2025 New Student & Returning Registration Begins: April 1
-At-Risk & EB Entries due: April 12
-TTESS Dimension 4 Due to appraiser: April 12
Great things happening at Tornillo PK-8!
April After School Tutoring
Be on the lookout for after school permission slips for PK-8 students.
April tutoring begins April 2.
2024-2025 New & Returning Student Registration Coming in April!
April 1- Online Registration opens to new & returning students.
April 20- Face to face registration for new & returning students at Tornillo PK-8.
Uniform Policy for Tornillo PK-8
Parents, thank you for ensuring that your child is following the dress code for our school everyday.
March Reading Challenge
Rainy Dismissal Procedures
PK-8 Leadership - We're to Help!
Tornillo PK-8
-Building B (3rd-8th grade students)
Website: https://www.tisd.us/
Location: 420 Oil Mill Rd, Tornillo, TX 79853
Phone: (915)765-3350
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TornilloCoyotes/
Twitter: @MLopez_TISD