Blue & White Byte Q2 2024
CSF 2nd Quarter News 2024-25

Welcome to the Blue & White Byte!
👋 Hello Hot Dog Community!
Welcome to our digital source of CSF news & media!
Every quarter, we will give you an inside look at some of the awesome
things that have been going on in our schools over the last nine weeks.
Keep scrolling to check out all that's been happening at Frankfort!
Follow our socials to keep up with what's new at CSF!
Building Snapshots from Quarter 2
The La Cosecha conference taught staff about the Dual Language Immersion Program.
Trunk-or-Treat was a big hit this year, and there were tons of creative costumes and trunks.
Boomer from the Indiana Pacers stopped by to help students celebrate reading growth!
Students were very happy to see Officer Hession back in action.
Mrs. Reppert's class had a guest reader from second grade stop by!
Students really enjoyed their Thanksgiving themed lunch at school.
We helped to spread some holiday cheer at the Multilingual Christmas Fiesta family night!
The Purdue Women in Engineering Club spoke to 5th graders about engineering career paths.
Students put on a wonderful performance at the Veteran's Day Program.
The cheer squad and the 8th grade band represented FMS at the Christmas Parade.
Abigail Coddington helped facilitate a Toys for Tots donation of 500 books for FMS!
Students were sorted into "Houses" as part of an exciting new program at the middle school.
The Pep Band always brings the energy for our FHS home varsity basketball games!
All five Lilly scholarship finalists were FHS students! Congrats to the winner, Daizy Valdez!
CRASH Club students celebrated Friendsgiving together with some games and a meal.
Hot Dog Highlights
Hot Dogs Athletics Milestones
October FHS Athletes of the Month
November FHS Athletes of the Month
Journal & Courier Athletic Honors
Frankfort Times County Athletic Honors
FHS Volleyball Team went 3-0 at the Twin Lakes Invite to take the Championship!
Our new press box at the FHS football field was named after AD Ed Niehaus.
Eric Echelbarger & the IU Kokomo Men's Basketball Team put on a youth clinic.
Frankfort Schools in the News
Subscribe to our local news outlets, Clinton County Daily News and The Frankfort Times, to keep
up-to-date with Frankfort happenings and to see our schools and students highlighted!
Hometown Hot Dogs
Pillars of Excellence: Town Hall Episodes
Check out the latest Superintendent Town Hall videos, featuring familiar CSF faces,
Roaming with Rhoda at FHS, and Farley's Frankfort Fun Facts!
FHS Tradition of Excellence
Season 3 of the FHS Tradition of Excellence series is underway! Check out the latest episodes!
Monthly Hot Dog Blog Posts
FHS & FMS YouTube Video Playlists
2400 E. Wabash Street, Frankfort, IN 46041
Phone: (765) 654-5585 | Fax: (765) 659-6220