Carver Cougars Parent Newsletter
October 21st-25th
Message from your Principal
Hello Carver Elementary Community!
We hope everyone had a fabulous week off with their students and enjoyed some of our Fall weather! It is definitely time for coats in the mornings, please send your student to school with warm clothes in the morning.
Thank you to all of the parents who attended Parent Teacher Conferences! We appreciate all of your support for our students! Thank you for contributing to our Teacher Potluck!
Welcome to second quarter! Report Cards will be sent home this week in Thursday folders and we will have our First Quarter Awards ceremony on Friday, October 25th at 8:15 AM in the gym. If your student is nominated-they will receive a reminder note on Thursday.
We will be reteaching routines, procedures, and expectations this week! Students have been out of school for nine days and we are going to remind them of what it is like to be a successful, Carver student. Please remember that the bell rings at 7:50 AM and students attendance is taken by 8:00 AM. Our gym doors open at 7:30 AM for breakfast and students are dismissed to class after the 7:50 AM bell.
Our afterschool program with Skyhawks is currently Flag Football and Cheer and is FULL. Volleyball registration is open for November and there are still slots left. Please register below.
REMINDER that Wednesday, October 23rd is an EARLY RELEASE day and students will be dismissed at 11:50 AM. Students will eat lunch before dismissal and busses will run at the same times, but 3 HOURS earlier. Please make arrangements to pick up your students at 11:50 AM.
Our PTA is sponsoring our FALL FESTIVAL on Friday, October 25th. Please send in your Candy donations this week and we hope to see you from 5:00-7:00 PM!
Our School Store is updated! Please click this link to purchase some Carver items to represent our Carver Community!
Again, welcome to Carver Elementary! If you are a returning family or if this your first year at Carver, we are excited to work with you to achieve great results. Please know that our doors are always open for communication, and we look forward to partnering with you in your child's education. Please look for opportunities to participate in the Parent Teacher Association, the SAC, and other volunteer opportunities.
Thank you for your support!
Mrs. Bizzell
Proud Principal of Carver Elementary!
Important Update for October 23rd: Early Release in Support of Parent-Teacher Conferences
Dear Families,
Please be aware that Wednesday, October 23rd, will be a half-day for all students in support of Parent-Teacher Conferences. Here are the key details:
· Early Release: Students will be released three hours earlier than their typical dismissal time. For Carver, dismissal will be at 11:50 AM.
· Lunch: Lunch will still be provided before dismissal.
· Transportation: Buses will run their usual routes, but students will leave school three hours earlier than usual.
· Attendance: Please note that attendance still counts, so it’s important that your child is present.
· Pre-K: There will be no afternoon preschool classes on October 23rd.
Thank you for your attention to these changes. We look forward to seeing you at the conferences!
Best regards,
Mrs. Bizzell
Carver Identity Statement
As a quality neighborhood school in D11, the Carver community is supportive and safe as staff, parents, and students are valued and involved in creating engaging, intentional learning experiences that are responsive to student needs and results in a place where everyone wants to be.
Thank you for voting for our new logo and Carver Elementary is proud to be the Heart of Our Community!! Our staff recently attended the Capturing Kids' Heart training and we are excited to build relationships, challenge ourselves and our students, and truly become the Heart of Our Community! We will continue to partner with local businesses, resources, and community members to enhance our identity statement and challenge our students to be the BEST they can be, every day at school. We are providing intentional learning experiences that involve and engage all of our students and our staff. We look forward to this school year and partnering with YOU!!
What's Happening at Carver (Looking ahead)
October 23rd-Early Dismissal at 11:50 AM-lunch will be provided
October 25th Parent Child Partnership Class-8:00-9:00 AM, First Quarter Awards Assembly 8:15-8:45 AM, Second Cup of Coffee-9:00-10:00 AM Library; Fifth Grade STARBASE 8:30-2:30 PM Peterson Space Force
October 25th PTA Fall Festival 5:00-7:00 PM
October 29th Picture Retake Day
October 29th Halloween Movie Night! 3:15-4:45 PM
October 30th-Skate City!! 5:00-7:00 PM
October 31st-Halloween Parade 8:15 AM
November 1st-Pancakes with the Principal
November 7th Title I Family Culture Night 5:00-7:00 PM
November 8th Veteran's Day Assembly 8:15-9:00 AM
November 14th SAC/PTA Meeting 3:00-4:30 PM Library
November 15th Parent Child Partnership Class 8:00-9:00 AM
November 18th No School
November 22nd Second Cup of Coffee 8:00-9:00 AM
November 25-29th No School-Thanksgiving Break
December 6th Pancakes with the Principal
December 10th Skate City Night 5:00-7:00 PM
December 13th Parent Child Partnership Class 8:00-9:00 AM
December 23rd-January 6th-NO SCHOOL Holiday Break
January 7th Students Return-Third Quarter Begins
Breakfast in the cafeteria 7:30-7:45 AM (cold breakfast 7:45-8:10 AM)
Office Hours: 7:30 AM-3:45 PM
Carver School Hours: 7:50 AM-2:50 PM
Tardy bell rings at 7:50
Lunch Times
10:50-11:10 Kindergarten and First Grade
11:10-11:30 Second and Third Grade
11:30-11:50 Fourth and Fifth Grade
Free and Reduced Meal Application
Under the Healthy School Meals for All program the State of Colorado provides free meals for all D11 students. Please take a moment to fill out our Free and Reduced Meal Application regardless of whether you think you would qualify or not. This program benefits the school as well as your family. Our goal is 100% participation. As a reminder, Carver is a free breakfast and lunch school. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the front office. Carver is currently 85% free or reduced lunch and we receive Federal Funds for this.
Essentials Schedule 2024-2025
K/1 12:10-1:00
2/4 1:05-1:55
3/5 2:00-2:50
Essentials: Art, Music, PE, Technology
Adaptive PE/Art: Fridays from 9:00-10:05 AM (Selected students)
Band for grades 4th and 5th (Tuesdays and Wednesdays)
Orchestra for grades 4th and 5th (Mondays and Wednesdays)
We are still accepting interested students for BAND and ORCHESTRA! Please stop by the front office for a permission slip!
Volunteer Opportunities
Please join us!
Counselor Corner!
Notes from Ms. Gio!
Hello everyone!
I hope you had a nice weekend, this month we are learning about “being a buddy not a bully” during our SEL time, we learn about what is RUDE, MEAN AND BULLY ,please talk to your child about the differences.
- Rude - is unintentionally saying or doing something that hurts someone else. In children this takes the form of social errors like “burping in someone's face, jumping ahead in line, bragging about achieving the highest grade or even throwing a crushed up pile of leaves in someone's face.” The critical factor? “Incidents of rudeness are usually spontaneous, unplanned, based on poor manners, but not meant to actually hurt someone.
- Mean - Being mean involves “purposefully saying or doing something to hurt someone once (or maybe twice).”
- Bullying - Bullying is “intentionally aggressive behavior, repeated over time, that involves an imbalance of power. Kids who bully say or do something intentionally hurtful to others and they keep doing it, with no sense of regret or remorse — even when targets of bullying show or express their hurt or tell the aggressors to stop.
AND THERE IS ALSO …..Telling vs. Tattling
A some lot kids say that they don’t want to tell an adult about bullying because they don’t want to be called a tattle-tale. But there’s a big difference between “telling” and “tattling.”
It’s okay to tell an adult when you see bullying. In fact, it’s a really smart thing to do!
FOR PARENTS : Take Steps to Stop It Checklist
- Start early . Parent/child talks are essential. Teach kids to respect others before they start school and continue to talk about this topic on an ongoing basis. Even small acts of teasing should be stopped in their tracks. Don’t fail to correct this kind of behavior due to a child’s young age. This is exactly when to stop it.
- Teach your children how to be assertive. Encourage your children to express their feelings clearly, say no when they feel uncomfortable or pressured, stand up for themselves without fighting and walk away in dangerous situations.
- Stop bullying when you see it . Adults who remain silent when bullying occurs are encouraging it and making it worse.
- Listen and support children who speak up. Telling an adult about bullying is not easy for children. If a child comes to you seeking assistance with bullying, spend time listening to them and provide affirmation and support before taking actions. Read through and discuss our Bullying Checklist with your child as a resource.
- Recognize the signs of depression. Youth who experience persistent bullying can develop signs of depression like sadness, isolation, poor concentration and sleeping problems. These symptoms can affect their relationships and school performance. Many children do not recognize or speak up about their emotional needs. Make sure to reach out and get them help when you see these signs.
- Tell your children to take action when they see bullying behavior. Tell them to speak out against the bully and inform a teacher if the behavior doesn’t stop. Bullying continues only when we allow it to.
- Communicate clear policies and consequences. Bullying is less likely in schools where adults are involved and firm about stopping bullying behaviors. Send out a clear message at your school that bullying will have negative consequences.
- Team up . Work with your PTA or local MHA affiliate to make sure that schools treat bullying as violence. Help them develop programs to prevent bullying and promote safe school environments.
Check out this video “You can be an Upstander” https://video.link/w/fmE8d
Mrs. Gio - School Counselor please feel free to contact me at 719-328-2171 for more resources or consultations.
Please check this Community Resource List: https://www.d11.org/cms/lib/CO02201641/Centricity/Domain/6049/Community%20COVID19%20Resource%20List.pdf
Check out and share us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/carver.d11.org/
With kind regards
Mrs. Gio (Giovanny) Franco-Diaz, MA, LPCC
School Counselor - 504 coordinator , Student Council Advisor
Phone # 719-328-2171
Random Acts of Kindness
What is happening in Random Acts of Kindness?
RAK is delivered throughout the week in each classroom. We will continue to focus on Responsibility for the month of October.
PAWS Expectations
P- I am Prepared
A-I have a great Attitude
W-I Work hard
S-I am Safe
Student Council
5th grade : Alianna C. , Anamaria T., Liberty P. , Zaleigh M., Eli M. and Wyatt M.
4th grade : Carmen A. & Izayiah D.
3rd grade : Nayomie D., Eve P. Ethan P. & Belinda L.
Jonathon P. & Vakayla B.
Mrs. Gio Franco Diaz & Mrs. Mello – Student Council Advisors
Parent Teacher Association!!
Again, we are super excited to have a Parent Led PTA this year! Please join us at our next meeting on Thursday, November 14th from 3:00-4:30 PM in the library! We are excited to plan for the Fall Festival and other exciting events for this school year!
Our new PTA board is:
President: Brittany Shelly
Vice President:
Treasurer: Stephanie Gano
Secretary: Kelly Dawson
All our welcome to attend our meetings!
- Hold - In Your Classroom or Area
- Directive: "In Your Room or Area"
- Purpose: This protocol is used when hallways need to be kept clear of occupants. Students and staff remain in their rooms or areas until further notice.
Secure - Get Inside. Lock Outside Doors
- Directive: "Get Inside. Lock Outside Doors"
- Purpose: This protocol is used to safeguard people within the building by securing all exterior doors. Normal activities continue inside the building.
Lockdown - Locks, Lights, Out of Sight
- Directive: "Locks, Lights, Out of Sight"
- Purpose: This protocol is used to secure individual rooms and keep occupants quiet and in place. Doors are locked, lights are turned off, and everyone stays out of sight.
Evacuate - To a Stated Location
- Directive: "Evacuate to [Location]"
- Purpose: This protocol is used to move people from one location to a different location, either within or outside the building. The specific location will be communicated during the drill or emergency.
Shelter - State the Hazard and the Safety Strategy
- Directive: "Shelter [Hazard] and [Safety Strategy]"
- Purpose: This protocol is used for group and self-protection based on the specific hazard (e.g., tornado, hazmat). The safety strategy will be clearly communicated.
Monthly Drills:
To ensure we are prepared, we conduct monthly/quarterly drills for each of these protocols. These drills help students and staff practice the appropriate responses and become familiar with the procedures. Your support in reinforcing the importance of these drills at home is greatly appreciated.
In the event of an actual emergency, we will communicate with families promptly. Please ensure that your contact information is up to date in our records so that you can receive timely notifications.
Thank you for your cooperation and support in keeping our school safe. If you have any questions or concerns about our safety protocols, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Together, we can ensure a safe and secure learning environment for all our students.
Title I
Carver Elementary is a Title I school.
The purpose of Title I is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.
If you have any questions, please reach out:
Email: lisa.bizzell@d11.org
Website: https://www.d11.org/Page/69
Location: 4740 Artistic Circle, Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Phone: 719-328-7100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carver.d11.org/