August 2024
This year there is a LOT of District information to share with our families. Although the 2024 -2025 Superintendent's "Welcome Back" letter is longer than usual, please take time to review it to learn more about Lindenwold Schools. Great things are happening!
Beginning this year we will be providing many of our annual Back-to-school documents via our Realtime Parent Portal. Upon entering the parent portal, you will be prompted to complete several pieces of information, as well as acknowledge receipt of multiple documents in the portal. You must complete this process before being able to access any student information in your Parent Portal. The following tabs will show upon entry into the portal:
- Healthcare Information - this information is collected per NJ state regulations
- Meal Application - you will need to choose either "I do not wish to apply" or you can complete the application online
- Required Documents - you will click on this button to access the annual district required documents which you will acknowledge individually.
Access instruction to the Parent Portal is provided in the annual school building mailing. Please look for these instructions from your student's school building as you will need your specific student's ID to access the portal.
Special note for students in Grades 5-12 - students will not be given their new chromebook device until the 1:1 handbook and acceptable use policy has been acknowledged/signed.
The Parent Portal will open on 8/21/24. At that time, it will be re-activated for the 24-25 school year.
If you need assistance accessing your student's portal please reach out to your specific school's main office for further guidance. If you require technology to access the online portal, the main office will accommodate this process.
Summer Mailings:
This year summer information will begin to be mailed out around August 21st. If you do not receive information by MONDAY, AUGUST 26th, please contact your child's school and someone will assist you.
Bus passes will be mailed by 8/26/24. If you do not receive it by 8/30/24, please contact your child's school.
Our District / School website will include all up-to-date information by August 21st for the 24-25 school year. We are in the process of replacing and revising our posted information from the previous year.
Our dress code pilot will continue for one more year. We did note a significant reduction in dress code violations at the conclusion of the pilot's first year - especially at LHS. There are some areas where we need your help and additional attention/support:
- Pajama pants are not permitted to be worn during the school day.
- Shirts must cover one's back and abdomen region. Crop tops are not permitted to be worn during the school day.
- Hoodies and hats may not be worn in school during the school day. (This is a school safety issue as we do need to see everyone's full face when in a school building.)
We thank our entire community for working with us as students transitioned from a school uniform policy to a dress code pilot policy. Please see the below webpage for more information.
Important Dates to Know:
September 4th:
LMS Grade 5 Orientation 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
September 5th:
Preschool Open House 6:00 pm -7:00 pm
September 6th:
Grade 9 Orientation 9:45 am - 12:00 pm
September 9th:
First day of school for all students
September 17th
School 4 and School 5 Open House
September 19th:
Evening: LMS Open House
September 26th
LHS Open House
Fall Evening Conferences:
Preschool: 12/10/24 (note the month change)
School 4 & School 5: 12/11/24 (note the month change)
LHS: 11/26/24
PK, Elementary & LMS Spring Conferences:
Spring Afternoon Conferences 3/18, 3/19
LMS Promotion Ceremony: June 17th
LHS Graduation: June 18th
Family/Community Partnerships - Electronic Devices (Cell Phones, Smart Watches, AirPods, etc.):
This year we are focusing on the importance of the home-school partnership. There are so many things that we can not do alone. WE NEED YOU. One area where you can assist us is to support our protocols regarding the use of electronic devices (including but not limited to: cell phones, smart watch communication apps, and AirPods) in school. Electronic Devices have become a significant learning distraction and have also become an actual safety issue in schools across the country. As a result, we need our families to understand our protocols and support us by reinforcing this message at home, too.
Grade PK – Grade 8: Students may not have electronic devices (cell phones, smart watch communication apps, AirPods, etc.) visible and in use during the school day. This protocol begins the moment a student steps off the school bus onto school property. Students will be asked ONE TIME in a school day to put their electronic device away which means cellular communication devices must be placed in their backpack or locker. Electronic devices should remain out of sight and in backpacks and/or lockers during the school day. Please let your children know, after requesting one time for an electronic device to be deactivated or put away, the electronic device will be confiscated by an administrator. Phones will then be secured in the main office and released ONLY to an adult. Electronic devices will not be returned to a child – only an adult. Refusing to surrender an electronic device to an administrator will be considered insubordination. If as a parent you do not wish to support this process, you must keep all electronic devices at home. If you allow your child to bring an electronic device into school, you are agreeing to follow our protocol.
Grade 9 – Grade 12: At this time, the High School is implementing a "Stop Light" system. As older students, our goal is to teach our older students how to utilize their phones in a responsible manner. Classrooms may also have phone "pockets" where students may be required to store their phone while in a classroom. More information will be shared by LHS Administration.
Grade PK – Grade 12: Students may not use their personal electronic devices to randomly record or photograph other students during the school day. Only school related photographs may be taken during the school day. Those photographs are taken by our identified and trained LHS District Student Photographers or by designated School Staff.
School District Photographers or school staff ONLY use photographs for the following identified purposes: communication with families, commemorating school related celebrations, unique educational experiences, or for school / district promotional purposes.
ANY student who chooses to video record or photograph during the school day – including but not limited to – inappropriate student behavior for the purpose of personal entertainment, humiliation, bullying, or harassment will be disciplined in accordance to the Code of Conduct. Furthermore, any student SHARING photographs/videos of other students for the purposes of bullying, harassment, humiliation, etc. will be addressed in the same manner. Sharing photos and videos causes significant harm to others. We hope you can support us as these actions have become socially, emotionally, and sometimes physically harmful to oneself and others.
Preschool, School 4, & School 5:
The District does not have a required school supply list for OUR ELEMENTARY students. The District will provide students with all necessary school supplies such as: folders, crayons, pencils, etc. for students in Preschool, School 4, and School 5.
Families may wish to purchase backpacks and lunch boxes. The District also receives donations of backpacks, too, which may be shared with students. If you are in need of a bookbag for your child, please contact your child’s school. We are happy to assist you.
Secondary Instructional Supplies:
The District's Safety Specialist, Ms. Adrienne McManis, has continued her dedicated focus on the safety of our staff and students throughout the Lindenwold School District. You can reach her using this email address: amcmanis@lindenwold.k12.nj.us.
Please take some time to review the below important safety measures:
One measure will include the requirement that ALL students, staff, approved guests, and substitutes are required to wear a school issued ID each day.
Middle and high school students will receive a temporary ID on the first day of school in homeroom. Permanent IDs will be provided following school picture days, which will occur later in the fall.
Food Delivery Services:
Food delivery services will be denied access and will be turned away from any of our schools during normal business hours. Please be aware, if this results in a loss of student money, the student assumes that risk. This is a violation of school district safety procedures.
Side Door Access:
Students opening side doors for unauthorized guests (family or friends) and food delivery services will receive consequences aligned to compromising the safety of our staff and students within the building.
Elementary First Day of School Information:
Elementary Students will be mailed a name tag in their “Welcome Back to School” informational mailing in late August. Mailings will take place around 8/21 and you should receive your information no later than 8/26.
Students will receive their permanent ID tag at school which will be connected to their book bag. Please leave this tag connected to your child’s bookbag for the entire year, as it will assist in the dismissal process each day.
ALL grade 5 - 12 students will be required to wear their IDs starting on day 1 of school, September, 8th. This visual identifier will help school staff quickly know who has been approved to be inside our schools as well as on our school property. Bus drivers will also require these IDs to properly identify students on their bus.
Head Coverings:
Students may NOT wear hoods or head coverings (hats, ball caps, head wraps, etc.) of any kind during the school day in common areas: cafeteria, hallways, gymnasium, etc. Head coverings compromise our ability to visually identify students / staff/ guest faces on our camera system. Disregarding this guideline is considered a violation of student/staff/school safety procedures. (Exception: A religious exemption regarding head coverings will be granted; however, documentation and a meeting with administration will be required prior to receiving an approval.)
Note: Often students prefer a head covering when he/she is in need of a hair cut. PLEASE contact the school if you need assistance in this area. We have resources that can assist. We want ALL of our students to feel comfortable and good about themselves.
Dr. Kristin P O'Neil - Superintendent
PK Principal:
School 4 Principal:
School 5 Principal:
LMS Principal:
LHS Principal:
Amber Callow: Community & Inclusion Coordinator / District HIB Specialist
agresik-callow @lindenwold.k12.nj.us
All complaints & concerns are taken very seriously and thoroughly investigated.
To understand the HIB process, please visit the following District webpage:
You can access STOP IT on our main webpage:
or on our District Safety Page:
OR from your phone. Download the App.
Lindenwold Contact Information
Email: koneil@lindenwold.k12.nj.us
Website: www.lindenwold.k12.nj.us
Location: 803 Egg Harbor Road, Lindenwold, NJ, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LindenwoldPublicSchoolDistrict
Twitter: @LWSch_District