Before School/Extended Day Programs
2025-2026 Program Information & Registration Links
***The 2025-2026 Online School-Specific Registration Links
can be found at the bottom of this newsletter.***
Registration for NEW students opens on Thursday, May 1, 2025 at 8:00 AM and closes on Wednesday, May 21, 2025 at 11:59PM.
A lottery for enrollment for NEW families will be held on Thursday, May 22, 2025.
Registrations received after the May 21, 2025, deadline will be added to the waitlist on a first-come, first-served basis.
Important Information the 2025-2026 Before School & Extended Day Programs
- Registration for NEW families opens on Thursday, May 1, 2025, at 8:00 AM and closes at 11:59 PM on Wednesday, May 21, 2025. Registration will be online via Google Form. The links to the school-specific registration forms can be found at the bottom of this newsletter.
- Registration is not first come, first served. A lottery for enrollment for NEW families will be held on Thursday, May 22, 2025. The lottery will not be held live.
- Families will be notified via email on or before Friday, May 30, 2025, if, based on the results of the lottery for enrollment, their student(s) is being offered a confirmed space in the program or if they have been waitlisted.
- Registrations received after the May 21, 2025, deadline will be added to our waitlist on a first come, first served basis and will not be included in the lottery for enrollment.
- There is a one-time, registration fee of $100.00 per child to activate your student’s registration. Registration fees are due by Friday, June 6, 2025. Please do not submit your registration fee until you receive your lottery results notification email that will be sent to you on or before May 30, 2025. The email will contain payment instructions. For those being offered a space in the program, the $100.00 registration fee is due in addition to the first month's tuition by Friday, June 6, 2025. For those being place on the waitlist, the $100.00 registration fee is due by Friday, June 6, 2025, if you'd like your student to remain active on the waitlist.
Watertown Community Education and The Before School and Extended Day Programs:
- Watertown Community Education, a department of Watertown Public Schools, is pleased to offer an optional, fee-based Before School Program for WPS students in Kindergarten through Grade 5 and an optional, fee-based Extended Day Program for WPS students PreKindergarten through Grade 5.
- PreKindergarten students are not eligible for the Before School Program.
- The K-5 Before School Program and the PreK-5 Extended Day Program are available to students with confirmed enrollment in the program beginning on their first full day of school.
- The Before School and Extended Day Programs are not academic programs. These are social and play-based programs offering students a schedule of activities each day that include a balance of structured and unstructured time. We offer arts and crafts, movement activities, group-based activities that are both student- and teacher-led, and free playtime with a variety of toys and materials. Students enrolled in the Extended Day Program will spend time outdoors daily, weather permitting.
- The K-5 Before School Program runs from 7:15 AM – 8:05 AM. Students can be dropped off anytime within these hours. Kindergarten students enrolled in the program will be walked to their daytime kindergarten classroom or meeting area at 8:05 AM each day.
- The PreK-5 Extended Day Program runs from 2:30 PM – 6:00 PM. Students can be picked up anytime during these hours.
Enrollment options for The K-5 Before School Program:
5 day per week enrollment (only registration option)
Enrollment options for The PreK-5 Extended Day Program:
5 day per week enrollment
3 day per week enrollment (schedule must be Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays)
2 day per week enrollment (schedule must be Tuesdays and Thursdays)
* No exceptions can be made to the days included in these enrollment options.
* Priority will be given to registrations for 5-day per week enrollment.
Tuition for The Before School & Extended Day Programs:
Click to view the 2025-2026 Before School and Extended Day Tuition Chart
The annual tuition is paid on a monthly basis and is broken down into 10-equal monthly payments. Your first month’s payment is due by Friday, June 6, 2025, to secure and confirm enrollment.
We do not offer scholarships or reduced rates based on income. Child care vouchers are not accepted for these programs.
How to Register for Watertown Community Education's 2025-2026 K-5 Before School and PreK-5 Extended Day Programs:
The initial new student registration period runs from 8:00 am on Thursday, May 1, 2025, through 11:59 PM on Wednesday, May 21, 2025. ***The registration link can be found at the bottom of this newsletter.***
The link to register for the 2025-2026 K-5 Before School & PreK-5 Extended Day Programs will be available to new families beginning Thursday, May 1, 2025, at 8:00 AM. There is no option for paper or in-person registration. If you do not have access to a computer/internet, please reach out to Debi Cornelius debora.cornelius@watertown.k12.ma.us ahead Wednesday, May 21, 2025, to make an appointment to come to the school to register using one of our computers.
You must complete an online Google Form registration form for each student you wish to register for the program.
Registrations for both the K-5 Before School and PreK-5 Extended Day Programs will be entered into a lottery for new student enrollment according to the schedule you are registering for and your student’s grade level. Priority in the new student PreK-5 Extended Day Program lottery is given to students registered to attend 5-days per week. Students registered to attend 3 days per week (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays) are matched up with other students in their same grade level with 2 day per week schedules (Tuesdays and Thursdays) to ensure the remaining spaces in our groups are enrolled efficiently with equal enrollment on each day of the week to the extent possible.
Once you submit your registration form, you will receive an email from the email address “Google Forms” that will provide you with a copy of the online registration form you submitted. Please check this form and the information you submitted thoroughly to ensure it accurately reflects the program and schedule you are registering for. **Sometimes this email from Google Forms may go to your junk mail/spam folder.** This email also serves as confirmation that you successfully registered your student for the program and so long as you completed the form prior to 11:59 pm on Wednesday, May 21, 2025, your student will be entered into the lottery for enrollment.
Once a registration form is submitted, parents/caregivers are responsible for emailing any schedule corrections to their form to both Debi Cornelius debora.cornelius@watertown.k12.ma.us AND Jeff Bodner jeffrey.bodner@watertown.k12.ma.us prior to 11:59 PM on May 21, 2025. After 11:59 PM on May 21, 2025, any corrections to your initial registration form will be considered a registration change. Registration changes after the May 21, 2025, deadline will nullify your original registration. You will need to submit a new registration and your student will be placed at the end of our program waitlist.
If you are registering more than one student, all students in your family will be considered one lottery number when placing your students in the programs. We will place siblings at the same time to the best of our ability and to the extent possible according to their individual grade/grouping availability. There is no guarantee that if one student in a family is placed, that all students will be placed.
Following the lottery and once a student is offered a space, schedule changes (from one set schedule option to another set schedule option) cannot be made. Registration changes after the May 21, 2025 deadline will nullify your original registration. You will need to submit a new registration and your student will be placed at the end of our program waitlist. Any previous 5-day priority, space offer, and/or waitlist position will no longer apply to future registrations you may submit.
If you wish to cancel your student’s enrollment prior to the first day of school, you must submit your request to withdraw from the program in writing to both Debi Cornelius debora.cornelius@watertown.k12.ma.us and Jeff Bodner jeffrey.bodner@watertown.k12.ma.us, no later than Friday, August 15, 2025, to receive a full refund of your first month’s tuition payment you left to secure your student’s enrollment. You can request a refund of your $100.00 registration fee at this time as well so long as your student is not maintaining their enrollment or active waitlist status in either the Before School and/or Extended Day Program in addition to the program you wish to cancel. If you do not provide written notice by August 15, 2025, your student’s enrollment for September cannot be canceled for any reason including if your student is moving out of Watertown or no longer planning to attend Watertown Public Schools. Requests to withdraw from the program effective during the month of September 2025, will not be accepted. Any requests to withdraw received between August 16, 2025, through September 17, 2025, will go into effect beginning October 1, 2024. Requests to withdraw received on or after September 18, 2025 will follow the standard program cancellation/withdrawal policy.
The lottery for enrollment will take place on Thursday, May 22, 2025. The lottery will not be held live. Process: Watertown Community Education will enter registered students from each family/household into a lottery according to the school and program for which they registered. Watertown Community Education will pull student/household names for each program using a random list generator such as Random.org. Students will be placed according to their lottery position, schedule, then the availability in their age/grade grouping. Families will be notified via email on or before Friday, May 30, 2025, if their student(s) is being offered a space in the program or if they have been waitlisted.
There is a one-time, registration fee of $100.00 per child to activate your student’s registration. Registration fees are due on Friday, June 6, 2025. Please do not submit your registration fee until you receive your lottery results notification email that will be sent to you on or before Friday, May 30, 2025. That email will contain payment instructions. For those being offered a space in the program, the $100.00 registration fee is due in addition to the first month's tuition by Friday, June 6, 2025. For those being place on the waitlist, the $100.00 registration fee is due by Friday, June 6, 2025, if you'd like your student to remain active on the waitlist.
If your student is offered a space in a program and you wish to accept, the first full month’s tuition plus the $100.00 per student registration fee must be paid by Friday, June 6, 2025, to indicate your acceptance of the space. Payment instructions will be emailed along with the space offer on or before Friday, May 30, 2025. If full payment is not received by Friday, June 6, 2025, it will be assumed that you have forfeited your space and your student's space will be cancelled.
If your student is offered a space in a program and you are choosing to decline their space but you would like to remain active on the waitlist, the $100.00 registration fee must be received by Friday, June 6, 2025. If the registration fee is not received by Friday, June 6, 2025, your student's registration will be cancelled and they will not remain on the waitlist. Their initial registration cannot be reactivated at a later date. If you are interested in registering at a later time, you must submit a new registration. Any previous 5-day priority, space offer, and/or waitlist position will no longer apply to future registrations you may submit.
If your student is waitlisted in a program, the $100.00 per student registration fee must be received by Friday, June 6, 2025, if you would like your student to remain active on the waitlist. If the registration fee is not received by Friday, June 6, 2025, your student's registration will be cancelled and they will not remain on the waitlist. Their initial registration cannot be reactivated at a later date. If you are interested in registering at a later time, you must submit a new registration. Any previous 5-day priority, space offer, and/or waitlist position will no longer apply to future registrations you may submit.
If your student is waitlisted and you have submitted the $100.00 per student registration fee by Friday, June 6, 2025, to activate their position on the waitlist, you can expect to receive an email when and if a space becomes available for your student. We will not be sending out regular waitlist updates. If you have a question regarding your student's position on the waitlist at any time, please email both Debi Cornelius at debora.cornelius@watertown.k12.ma.us and Jeff Bodner at jeffrey.bodner@watertown.k12.ma.us.
If you have any questions regarding Watertown Community Education's Before School and/or Extended Day Programs, please contact
Debi Cornelius at debora.cornelius@watertown.k12.ma.us or
Jeff Bodner at jeffrey.bodner@watertown.k12.ma.us or 857-241-8499.
2025-2026 CUNNIFF K-5 Before School and/or PreK-5 Extended Day Program Registration Form
2025-2026 HOSMER & EARLY STEPS K-5 Before School and/or PreK-5 Extended Day Program Registration Form
2025-2026 LOWELL K-5 Before School and/or PreK-5 Extended Day Program Registration Form
**If you are not sure which school and/or site your student will be attending for daytime Prekindergarten through grade 5 for the 2025-2026 school year, please complete a registration form for any site they could attend. If you complete more than one site's registration form for your student, your student will be entered into the lottery for enrollment for all sites your complete a registration form for. Your student's lottery results for the daytime school site they are confirmed to attend are the only lottery results that will be honored. If you student is offered a space in the Before School and/or Extended Day Program site that does not match your student's daytime school placement, that confirmed space cannot be transferred to another school site. Your student's placement in a Before School and/or Extended Day Program site location does not make them eligible to attend daytime school at that site location. Your student's daytime school location is determined by the Superintendent of Watertown Public Schools and/or School Administrators, not by Watertown Community Education. Your student cannot attend the Before School and/or Extended Day Program at a school site different than their assigned daytime school placement site.