JCS Staff Newsletter (May)
May 8, 2024

JC Schools Staff Newsletter
We will distribute this newsletter on the Wednesday following the monthly Board of Education meeting. This newsletter will have information from District Departments and other helpful tips. If you have suggestions for content in this newsletter, please send them to Collin Brooks at BrooksB@jcschools.org.
Upcoming Dates
May 2024
- School Principal's Day - May 1
- School Lunch Hero Day - May 3
- Teacher Appreciation Week - May 6 -10
- School Nurse Day - May 8
- National Speech & Language Pathologist Day - May 18
- Click here to view Printable Calendars 2023-2024 & 2024-2025
- Click here to view the Staff Holiday Schedule for the 2023-2024 School Year.
District Enrollment
On-line enrollment opens for Kindergarten and NEW students on April 1.
The in-zone transfer spaces available will be posted on April 1 through April 14 with the application window opening on April 15 and ending May 14.
All links will be available through www.jcschools.org/registration.
District moving to ParentSquare to replace Bloomz & SchoolMessenger
Johnson City Schools will be moving to ParentSquare to replace both Bloomz and SchoolMessenger. It is the expectation that this platform will be used for all communication from the district, school, classroom and extracurricular activities.
ParentSquare Introduction Video
ParentSquare is a unified communication platform that offers a whole host of tools that allows district, school administrators and teachers to more effectively communicate and engage with families and students. Some features include:
· Mass notifications and Urgent Alerts
· Mobile application for administrators and parents (iOS and Android)
· Attendance notifications
· Teacher and classroom communication
· Direct Messaging with two-way translation
· Forms and Permission Slips
· Appointment Sign Ups (parent-teacher conferences, technology pick-ups)
· Calendar and RSVP
· Volunteering and classroom supply sign-ups
· And so much more!
Communication to Parents
This platform will be plugged into our student information system so that over the summer, parents will receive an activation email for their ParentSquare account. Those who do not register will still receive text, email, and phone notifications. Parents who do create an account can interact by viewing photos, downloading attachments, leaving comments, messaging teachers, signing permission slips and managing their communication settings and preferences.
ParentSquare Resources
The district will provide a variety of resources to ensure an effective launch at each site, including: training videos, flyers, PowerPoint presentations for parents and more.
Training Resources
For users who already have a registered ParentSquare account, modules and webinars to learn more about the platform and its features can be found here.
• Self-Paced Teacher Training Modules
• Teacher Training Video (Preparation Handout)
• Live Teacher Training Webinar Registration
• Training Calendar
For training courses that can be accessed without a registered ParentSquare account, please click here.
JCS seeking community input for high school Family Life Curriculum
Johnson City Schools is in the process of evaluating a proposed 6-day Family Life Curriculum to be used in the lifetime wellness course at Science Hill High School. The curriculum, developed by a team of Science Hill High School teachers and administrators, would be presented over a 6-day time frame within all wellness courses. Beginning Monday, May 13, there will be an opportunity for the public to examine the materials and provide feedback using the provided form. The curriculum will be on display at the Johnson City Schools’ Central Office, 100 E. Maple Street, on Monday, May 13 through Friday, May 18, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The proposed curriculum, following comment, will be under consideration during the Johnson City Board of Education meeting on June 3. The Board of Education appreciates the input from parents and interested citizens. For more information, please contact central office at 423-434-5200.
Changes in Contacts for Full-time Employee Benefits
Changes in Contacts for Full-time Employee Benefits
As Johnson City Schools grows and more staff have come onboard, the responsibilities of employee benefits will be shifting from the Finance Department to the Human Resources Department. Going forward, Human Resources will now be handling enrollment, changes in coverage, and questions related to health and dental insurance as well as other voluntary benefits that are provided through Mark III (flexible spending accounts, vision, short-term and long-term disability insurance, etc.) The Finance Department will continue handle retirement, life insurance provided by Johnson City Schools, and questions related pay, insurance pay deductions and insurance coverage end dates when leaving employment with Johnson City Schools. Both Finance and Human Resources will work closely together to assist employees.
Please see the updated list of contacts below.
Health Insurance and other voluntary benefits:
Sharron Livingston: livingstons@jcschools.org or 423-434-5207
Retirement: Leia Valley: valleyl@jcschools.org or 423-434-5212
Christy Fair: fairc@jcschools.org or 423-434-5210
Hartford Life Insurance:
Christy Fair: fairc@jcschools.org or 423-434-5210
Payroll/Questions related to Pay:
Jan Mominee: momineej@jcschools.org or 423-434-5209
LaQuata Lazenby: lazenbyl@jcschools.org or 423-524-8240
Information from Human Resources
Johnson City Schools is hiring Educare assistants, custodians, and instructional assistants. Current job postings can be viewed at www.jcschools.org/jobs.
Johnson City Transit is in need of bus drivers. Please visit this page for more information about open Bus Driver positions.
Welcome, Bailey!
Bailey Stanley (StanleyB@jcschools.org) is the new Administrative Secretary for Human Resources and her number, (423) 232-5384, will be the main line for Human Resources.
Information from Finance
Full-Time Employees Life Insurance Open Enrollment period is May 15th – June 30th
Open Enrollment for Hartford Life Insurance begins May 15th through June 30th. Be on the lookout for an email from Finance with forms and instructions if you are interested in picking up or increasing supplemental life insurance on yourself and/or your dependents. Changes will be effective 9/1/2024.
JC Schools provides life insurance for all full-time employees equal to your annual salary. Once you have been employed full-time with JC Schools for more than 2 years, the amount of coverage provided is equal to 2 times your annual salary.
Summer Training Spectacular ~ Register by May 22nd!
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
RTI Coordinators Workshop
Presented by Dr. Allison Gardenhour & Shannon Suttle,
District RTI Coaches
July 23rd @ Central Office/Oak Room
8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Registration code required.
Wednesday, July 24th, 2024
JCS Summer Literacy Fair | PreK-5th
Presented by Dr. Tiffany Hogan, Dr. Shelley Burton,
& Amanda Fenner, District ELA Coaches
July 24th @ Mountain View Elementary School
8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Thursday, July 25, 2024
Fit to Explore: Energizing Middle School Science Teaching
Presented by Dr. Chris Bowen, District STEM Coach
July 25th @ Liberty Bell Middle School
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Mathletics:E³ (Elevating Educators Expertise) | PreK-8th Grade
Presented by Erika Patterson & Glenda Conner,
District Math Coaches
July 25th @ Mountain View Elementary School
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Summer Literacy Flex: Strengthening Your ELA Instruction | Grades 6-8
Presented by Dr. Lori Church, District Literacy Coach
July 25th @ Liberty Bell Middle School
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Registration code required.
Visual Arts Workshop 2024
Presented by Ann Ferenbach, Lake Ridge Art Teacher
July 25th @ Lake Ridge Elementary School
8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Registration code required.
ESL Teachers Summer Learning Session
Presented by Misty Shively,
District ESL Coach
July 25th @ Central Office, The Learning Center
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (Registration code required.)
Friday, July 26, 2024
2024 Technology and Innovation Academy: Ignite. Inspire. Innovate.
Presented by Dr. Timbs, Tina Faust, Tech Leaders,
& Vendor Partners
July 26th @ Science Hill High School
8:00 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Monday, July 29, 2024
Fit to Explore: Energizing Science Teaching in Gr. 3-5
Presented by Dr. Chris Bowen & Dr. Nancy Miles,
District STEM Coaches
July 29th @ Fairmont Elementary School
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Fit to Explore: Energizing Science Teaching in Gr. K-2
Presented by Dr. Chris Bowen & Dr. Nancy Miles,
District STEM Coaches
July 29th @ Fairmont Elementary School
12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Elementary Music Teacher Training
Presented by Westley Harris, North Side Music/Art Teacher
July 30th @ North Side Elementary School, Little Theater
8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Register by May 22nd in Learning Stream
Teachers may register now using Learning Stream "Training Registration" in the SSO Portal. Interns and other guests may contact Tracey Coffey for a PDP certificate. Be sure to sign-in at each event you attend. We hope you'll join us!
May 6 | Johnson City BOE Meeting
May Board Recognitions
Congratulations toTowne Acres 4th-grader Cheng-Xi Hou for winning the recent Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education Competition, Grades 3-5 division.
Congratulation to the Lake Ridge Discovery Imagination Team who recently finished in 2nd place at their State Competition and are now invited to compete in the Global Competition in Kansas later this year. Team members, coached by Jeana Hughes are:
Keshav Amin- 3rd grade
Keira Clemons- 3rd Grade
Corbin Dean- 4th Grade
Olivia Earley- 4th Grade
Linhan Li- 5th Grade
Byron Eisenzopf- 7th Grade
Sam Quaintance- 7th Grade
Mushabbar Raza- 7th Grade
Congratulations to these Liberty Bell students who recently competed in the National Civics Bee Competition. As I call your name, please come to the front to receive your certificate. Cooper Reeves, Director of Marketing & Communications for the Johnson City Chamber, will speak briefly about the event.
First Place: Eleanor Simpson, 8th Grade
Second Place: Ryan Rodig, 8th Grade
Third Place: Benjamin Park, 8th Grade
During her last board meeting, we honored our Director of Food Services Karen McGahey. She will be retiring after 42 years with Johnson City Schools. We want to thank you for your service and dedication to the students of Johnson City Schools.
We recognized Cohort #8 of our Technology Teach Leader Program led by Dr. David Timbs and Tina Faust. Those teachers include:
David Cross
Lori Campbell
Robert Grunder
Andrea Lowery
Taleah Rogers
Renee Becker
Hannah Hess
Ryan Glenn
Rebecca Weems
Emily Stevens
Dianna Bone
Karla Clapper
Megan Scott
Katie Van Horn
Nicole Cross
Jessica Joyner
Russell Minatel
Angela Taylor
Anne Timbs
Dedra Lamb
Hannah Barnett
Kristi Presley
Next Board of Education Meeting
The next Johnson City Board of Education meeting will be held on Monday, June 3 starting at 6 p.m. inside the Board Room at Central Office (100 E. Maple Street). Board meetings can be viewed on the Johnson City Schools' YouTube channel.
In the News...
Despite end of year, Science Hill students not slowing down in reading challenge
Even with the calendar turning to May, Science Hill students aren’t slowing down. Students were still turning pages throughout April as Science Hill hosted their own reading challenge. The Science Hill staff wanted to challenge students to see how much they can read during the month of April. In all, students accumulated 130,666 minutes of reading. Read more
Science Hill Graduation set for Saturday, May 25
The Science Hill High School Class of 2024 is scheduled to graduate on Saturday, May 25 at 10 am inside the Freedom Hall Civic Center. Doors will open at 9 am and we ask that all guests please arrive and be seated in Freedom Hall by 9:30 a.m.
Each senior will receive EIGHT (8) tickets for guests. These tickets will be distributed at graduation practice. Tickets are required for entry to the ceremony at Freedom Hall. Read more
Science Hill named top high school in region, #10 in state, #864 nationally
Science Hill High School has reached its highest-ranking ever in the US News and World Report rankings. The high school of 2,450 students was ranked 10th in the state for high schools and 864th in the country according to the new rankings that were released on Tuesday.
Science Hill is in now in the top three percent of all high schools in the country. The 10th place ranking is up from 14th last year and up from 20th just three years ago. Read more
Board of Education expresses appreciation for community support, investment
If your business would like a window cling to show support for Johnson City Schools, please reach out to Collin Brooks at BrooksB@jcschools.org. Read the full resolution here.
The Johnson City Board of Education passed a unanimous resolution to recognize and show appreciation for the invaluable support and investment provided by the Johnson City community towards the education and development of its students. To further recognize these contributions, the board will be delivering window clings to local businesses to be displayed in their businesses to show support for Johnson City Schools. Read more
Johnson City Schools accepting nominations for JCS Hall of Fame Class of 2024
Johnson City Schools is accepting nominations for the Johnson City Schools Hall of Fame. The deadline to submit nominations will be Monday, June 3, 2024.
The purpose of the Johnson City Schools Hall of Fame is to recognize and honor those educators, alumni and contributors who made significant impacts in the progress of Johnson City Schools. In doing this, we hope to preserve the rich history of Johnson City Schools and establish a link to the past and present members. Read more
Science Hill sports programs to offer summer camps for students
There will be multiple Science Hill athletic teams offering summer camps for students in grades K-8. View Camps HERE
ETSU announces STEM and environmental health summer programs for high school students
Register your high school student for an engaging summer program in Applied STEM or environmental health!
These programs are only $25 and college credit is available.
Learn more at https://www.etsu.edu/applied-stem
Share your Good News!
Johnson City Schools loves celebrating the accomplishments of our students, staff, and community. If you know of any events, awards, programs, or other compelling stories involving the Johnson City Schools' community, please fill out this form or reach out to Collin Brooks at BrooksB@jcschools.org