Hyatt Elementary
Summer Newsletter
2020-2021 School Year
LCS has created a task force to develop a plan to open the 2020-2021 school year. The governor also announced that on June 30th, she will release an executive order and a robust document called “Michigan’s Return to School Roadmap” that will provide details on what will be required and what will be recommended for schools. We are optimistic that we may resume face to face instruction with safety measures however, things may change. Please see the attached grade level supply lists below that may also be accessible on the Hyatt website under parents and students drop-down. Office staff return the week of August 3rd. Back to school information and teacher assignments will be mailed home by Friday, August 7th. Open House for Hyatt Elementary is scheduled for Wednesday, August 19th. Y5 & Kindergarten will be from 4:30 - 5:30 pm and 1st -3rd grade from 5:00 - 6:00 pm.
District Provided Subscriptions Available All Summer!
Moby Max & Raz Kids are available all summer for your students to maintain their skills. Moby Max user & password are your child's lunch code. Login to RAZ Kids and find your teacher and your name.
Hyatt Heroes, have a great summer!
Hyatt Elementary end of the year 4
Hyatt Elementary
Phone: 810-591-8180