Stepping Stones Newsletter
November 2024
Stepping Stones
Email: marla.garcia@alamogordoschools.org
Website: https://ss.alamogordoschools.org/o/ssp
Location: 1200 N Florida Ave, Alamogordo, NM 88310
Phone: 575-812-5525
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/APSSteppingStones/
November 5
NO SCHOOL - Election Day
November 7
Veterans Invited to Stepping Stones Classes
November 11
NO SCHOOL - Veteran's Day
November 15
Regional Family Leadership Summit
November 18
Picture Retakes
November 21
Friendsgiving for 3-Year-Old Classes
3-year-old classes will have a Friendsgiving on November 21.
Please send a store-bought snack to share with the students in the class.
- 10:20 AM Class
- 1:50 PM Class
November 22
Thanksgiving Lunch for 4-Year-Old Classes
Parents Arrive at 10:40 for Lunch at 11:00
November 25-29
NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
December 12
3-Year-Old Christmas Programs (during the school day)
December 13
4-Year-Old Christmas Programs (during the school day)
ECECD Home Visiting Information
We encourage parents/guardians to contact our district's Call Center by calling the Let's Talk line to excuse student absences. Folks at the central office are ready to help. This allows the school's office staff to direct more of their attention to the needs of our students, staff and parents throughout the day.
If you are unable to speak to someone directly at the APS Call Center, please leave a detailed voicemail with your name, your child's first/last name, the name of the school, the date of the absence, and the absence reason.
In addition to assisting with attendance matters, Call Center personnel are also available to help you access your parent Powerschool account, provide information about upcoming school event dates/times, answer general questions about a variety of topics (or put you in touch with the appropriate department or staff member who can), and listen to any concerns or suggestions for improvement, as well as shout-outs or celebrations. For these additional topics, you may call, text, use the Let's Talk app, or submit a message via that area within the district's website (found on the Contact page).
🔔 Stepping Stones Bell Schedule
• 3Y students have ½ day AM or PM sessions
• 4Y students attend all day.
7:40 – Arrival for 3Y (AM) & 4Y
– Teachers come outside to pick up students.
- Please do not drop students off any earlier.
7:50 – Class starts
8:05-8:35 – Breakfast
10:20-11:00 – Lunch for 4Y students
10:50 – Dismissal for 3Y (AM) students
11:20 – Arrival for 3Y (PM) students
11:35-12:05 – Lunch for 3Y (PM) students
2:20 – Dismissal for 3Y (PM) and 4Y students
– Please be here on time for pick-up.
Friday – No school for 3Y
Friday – 1:20 Dismissal for 4Y