Eagle Express
August 9th, 2024
Eagle Express - August 9th, 2024
Good afternoon Arrowwood Families,
We are so thrilled to get students, staff, and families back in the building as we level up for the new school year. As parents ourselves, we understand how hard it is to trust others with our most precious people. Thank you for allowing our team to be a part of your child’s educational journey and being a partner with us to meet the needs of your student. There is so much information packed into our newsletter but please let us know if you have any questions. We can’t wait to see our school community at the Arrowwood Open House on August 14th!
Have a great summer, Eagles!
Ms. Bekah D'Haene
Mrs. Alexandria Hill
- August 9th Class lists released on Skyward, 3 PM
- August 12th to September 2nd Arrowwood Spirit Wear Sale
- August 14th Curriculum Night, 5:00 to 6 PM
- August 18th 7:00 PM Night Before School Read Aloud with Mrs. Hill
- August 19th 7:00 PM Night Before School Read Aloud with Ms. D’Haene
- August 20th First Day of School
- August 23rd No School
- August 30th to September 2nd No School, Labor Day
Click here to subscribe to our Arrowwood Building Events Calendar to never miss an event.
What's Happening Around Arrowwood?
Arrowwood Open House
Third Grade
Welcome to Arrowwood - 5:00 PM: Please join your teachers in the Arrowwood Conference Center to get to know your new school better. Teachers will then lead students to their new classrooms.
Classrooms will be open from 5:15 - 6 PM for families to drop supplies and meet teachers.
Fourth Grade
Classrooms will be open from 5 - 6 PM for families to drop supplies and meet teachers.
Fifth Grade
Classrooms will be open from 5 - 6 PM for families to drop supplies and meet teachers.
Stations and checkpoints will be available for families in the Commons Area and Library to get more information and sign up for programs. After School Activity Club, Nutrition Services, PTO, and STCS BWell will be available during this time.
Class Lists Available August 9th
Class assignments are being finalized and uploaded into Skyward. They will be made public to families on Friday, August 9th by 3:00 PM.
A great deal of time is spent by our classroom teachers, principal, and coaches to build class lists. There are multiple factors that are used to ensure the best learning environment possible for your child, including the ratio of boys/girls, learning styles, ability levels, and personalities. We do not make any changes to class lists, for any reason, at this point in the process. Thank you for your understanding.
Medicine for School?
Complete Skyward Verification by August 13th Please
Each family must review their student’s information on a yearly basis. It’s very important for your school to have the most up-to-date information and emergency information for quick contact. If you have done so already, thank you.
This must be done using Skyward Family Access and it’s a simple and fast process. You can access your Skyward Family Access account at STCS.ORG under the ‘Parents’ tab.
- Please log into your Skyward account and verify or update your student information. This must be completed by August 13th.
- It’s very important for your school to have the most up-to-date information and emergency information for quick contact. Students also need this to be accurate for any online classes they want to take. If you have already filled out the 24-25 Transportation form, please do not duplicate. Please leave ‘Health Information’ blank unless your student has critical alert information.
- If you have moved out of the township, you have until Friday, July 26th to apply for Schools of Choice (K-6th grade only). Any questions regarding Schools of Choice can be directed to STCS.org, click ‘Departments’ then click ‘Community Education’ or call 797-1847.
- If you have forgotten your password and need to reset it, a password reset link can be requested by clicking ‘Forgot you Login/Password?’
If you have any questions, please reach out to your school’s office or the central office at 797-1800.
After School Activity Club (ASAC)
After School Activity Clubs (ASAC) information is available on the STCS website. To register or ask questions, please contact Community Education at (989) 797-1847. Community Education staff will also be available at Curriculum Night to enroll students in programming.
Lunch Aids Needed
Arrowwood Elementary is currently seeking 1 individual to work as a lunch aid with the Eagles. Candidates must love kids, enjoying playing sports, and helping students with lunch. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Ms. D'Haene
Food and Celebrations at Arrowwood
Arrowwood Office cannot accept special deliveries of balloons or flowers for students.
Daily snack procedures are left up to the individual classrooms.
Only water is allowed to be brought in by students. No juice, Gatorade, or pop are allowed in classrooms.
Small, prepackaged snacks and treats with the ingredients clearly listed on them are recommended for special occasions like birthdays.
We want to keep the focus on learning so pizza parties, elaborate birthday treats or Happy Meals are not allowed for birthday treats for the classroom.
School Supply List for 24-25 School Year
Arrival and Dismissal at Arrowwood
Morning Arrival - Parent Drop Off:
Students may exit vehicles and line up to enter the building beginning at 7:25 AM when a staff member is outside and present.
Please say your good byes at the median before your students cross independently or at home so they can quickly exit their vehicle on the passenger side. Parents and families should not line up with kids to help with congestion.
The doors will be opened for all students beginning at 7:30 AM.
All parent drop off students will enter the building at the Main Office Entrance and using the East Parking Lot.
Students in Miss Shanna or Miss Sarah’s classrooms or preschool will use the West Parking Lot for drop off and pick up.
Are you turning Left or Right on Seidel?
Please make a decision based on if your car will be turning left or right on to Seidel Road whether you park or go through the drop off line.
There will be cones and chain to keep the lines separate and help keep a constant flow of traffic. You will not be allowed to change lanes as it stops the flow of both lanes. If everyone follows protocols, we are able to arrive and dismiss in less than 10 minutes.
Again you are not to turn left from the right drop off lane and cross traffic. When this occurs it stops traffic causing significant delays and is a safety concern.
Turning Left on Seidel? Park Your Vehicle in Lot for Arrival and Dismissal
Families will park their vehicles and walk to the crosswalk closest to the main entrance where a staff member will be directing traffic. Please use only the crosswalk with staff crossing guard. Parents and families do not need to cross with students unless they are conducting school business.
Pick Up: As the students come out of the building all PARKERS will be crossed at the center crosswalk to families waiting in the median. Parents will be able to take their children from there and return to their vehicles.
When your vehicle is leaving, you will turn LEFT onto Seidel Road from the parking lot.
Turning Right on Seidel? Use the Drop Off Line for Arrival and Dismissal
Follow the perimeter of the parking lot to be in the drop off line. Once your vehicle has reached anywhere on the main sidewalk from the Conference Center to the Main Entrance, your child may exit the car.
Do not wait to drop off or pick up your child at the main entrance as this slows down traffic. Once they are at the sidewalk and you are pulled up as far as you can, please have them exit on the passenger side of the vehicle.
Please say goodbyes at home and be ready to have your child exit the vehicle immediately as this line moves quickly. Drivers are not allowed to exit the vehicle and will be asked to park.
When your vehicle is leaving, you will turn RIGHT onto Seidel Road from the parking lot.
Bussing Information
Bus riders will be expected to use the backpack tags distributed on the first day of school. To access your child’s bus route, log on to Skyward through the STCS website. If you do not have a login, please contact our office and we would be happy to assist.
Log on to Skyward.
Click link called “Student Information” located on the left side of the screen.
Select “Bus Schedule” tab at the top of the page. Your child’s bus schedule should appear on the next screen, including any bus transfer information.
Update from the PTO
Spirit Wear Sale is open!
Looking for new spirit wear for your Eagle? Shop the PTO Spirit Wear Sale through Sandlot Sports. Multiple options, colors, and sizes are available for you to select from. The sale will run from August 12th to September 2nd.
Visit this link to order: https://arrowwood2024.itemorder.com/shop/home/