Wildcat Weekly
December 5, 2022
Hello Wildcat Families!
Thank you to all who participated in our Giving Tree and/or CHOP fundraiser! The students were beaming with pride in their PJs and the money raised ($1912!!) for CHOP will be put to good use. If you picked a gift off our giving tree, please send all gifts unwrapped and with the ornament attached to the office by December 6th. Since many of you have asked about donating for the giving tree since all of the tags were gone, additional tags have been added to the tree. These items will be used to serve our families in need throughout the year (and there is no deadline for these additional items). Thank you!!
December is in full swing with holiday events and activities. Please take note of these events below. We will have spirit days from the 12th - 22nd so be sure to check them out as we spread holiday cheer throughout December.
Important Dates Coming Up:
12/6- Kindergarten Gingerbread House Activity
12/7 - Kindergarten Gingerbread House Activity
12/9 - Schoolwide Holiday Workshop
12/13 - Band and Orchestra Concert
12/15 - PTO Meeting
Happy Holidays!
Dr. Cruice
Lost and Found
Power Paws
Congratulations to all of our power paw winners pictured below from the last two weeks. These students were selected by their teachers for best representing what it means to be a wildcat by going above and beyond to be safe, respectful, responsible and kind. Great job students!
Employment Opportunities
WCASD Parent Training Series
The Special Education and Pupil Services department will be holding four evening sessions this year for parents. Please see the attached flyers for details.
PTO Information
💲 Activity Fee
The West Chester Area School District has a tradition of offering high-quality extra-curricular programs for students. To support the costs of these programs, an Activity Fee is applied to extra-curricular programs supervised by a contracted coach, advisor, or director. This yearly fee allows a student to participate in one or multiple funded activities, and the maximum amount a family may pay per year is $250. At the elementary level, the activities that require payment of an activity fee for the year are intramurals, chorus, orchestra, and band. Please see the attached letter for additional details and payment information. Payment should not be made until your son or daughter is rostered for the given activity during the school year.