Hilltop Elementary School
May 31st
Announcements and Updates
-If your family is moving out of the district or relocating to a new home in the district, or if your child will be attending private school next year, please be reminded that proper paperwork must be completed and submitted to the Main office. Click here for more information. Should you have any questions, please contact the school.
-Marking Period 4 report cards will be posted to the Parent Portal on June 7.
- Supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year have been posted to the district website. Click here to access them.
Hilltop Highlights
Showing off our talent!
Principal For The Day- Mr. Wu!
We had a blast!
Literacy Corner
Summer Reading
Hilltop Summer Reading!
As we approach summer break, I wanted to emphasize the importance of summer reading for our Hilltop students.
Reading during the summer is a fantastic way for our students to maintain and even improve their reading skills while they are away from the classroom. It can also prevent the “summer slide,” where students may lose some of the progress they’ve made during the school year.
Encouraging your child to read regularly over the summer can be fun and rewarding. Whether picking out their books from the library or reading together as a family, the benefits of summer reading are invaluable.
The Mendham Borough Library and Chapter One bookstore support our summer reading programs at Hilltop and Mountain View. Both are excellent additional resources for finding books your child will love.
Hilltop Summer Reading Recommendations are listed by grade-level links on the website and below.
Have a wonderful summer, and Happy Reading!
From the Hilltop Library Media Center...
Mrs. LeMay's Summer Reading Resources, Activities and More!
CLICK HERE to view Mrs. LeMay's Summer Packet.
Students will also receive a packet filled with QR codes, activities, reading logs and more during the final week of school.
We Are Readers, Researchers and Creators!
Hilltop students checked out 8,400 books, read 2,549 e-books, accessed and utilized 6,253 articles, created 286 Flip videos, and so much more!
Around Mendham
Boro Bash 2024
Let's Party!!!! Join Us on June 7, 2024!
The celebration is from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Tickets are now available for purchase! Kids are $35 and Adults are $25. A family pack is $120 (for up to six people). Ticket holders will receive bracelets, which are required for entry to the park/activities. Bracelets will be distributed the last week of school. Purchase your tickets here. You are responsible for supervising your children at this event!
What to expect: We will have plenty of incredible activities including games and inflatables from Any Excuse for a Party, air-brushed tattoos, music from Abracadabra DJs, a snack tent with all the best treats, pizza from Dante's Ristorante, and ice cream from The Mendham Creamery! The Fire Dept. will come and spray water towards the end of the event so be prepared with towels, etc.
Volunteers: We've broken up the volunteer activities for this event into time slots and we are also looking for people to bring large coolers filled with ice. Please help where you can. Sign up here.
Mark Your Calendars
6/3- Pre-K Graduation
6/4- Move Up Day
6/7- 4th Grade Clap out and Last Day of School