April Newsletter
Class of 2027
Class of 2027 Grade Level Team
(Ms. Bojorquez, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Carbajal, Mr. Watkins, Ms. Castrejon, Ms. Soto)
A Message From Your Grade Level Team!
Course Request Updates
Course request season is officially complete! Courses for next year are officially locked in. Come summer registration, we will meet again individually with students and families to finalize their schedule for 10th grade. Thank you for all of your support with the Class of 2027's first ever course request season.
Q4/ Spring Semester 2 Math Reshuffle
If your student is currently enrolled in COLLEGE PREP Algebra 1, you might notice a change in their schedule for Spring Semester 2.
There are currently 3 potential options your student can be moved to:
1) Honors Prep
2) Algebra 1C-1 Remediation
4) Common Core Review
These schedule changes will be based on teacher recommendation and will occur during Spring Break. It is very important that students double check their schedule on StudentVue on the first day of Spring Semester 2 for the most accurate, up-to-date version of their schedule.
Summer School 2024
Summer school is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, June 12th- Wednesday, July 3rd. More information regarding whether or not you student will be recommended for summer school will be given within the next couple of months.
Concurrent Enrollment - Summer 2024
If your student is interested in taking a class at Grossmont College during the Summer they MUST come see either Ms. Soto or Ms. Castrejon in order to get approved before applying. The class will not count for students who do not get approved to take a Concurrent Enrollment class.
Please keep in mind that the class list for Summer is not out yet but we will keep interested students updated. Please let us know if you have any further questions.
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
Trades Day - Wednesday, April 10 from 9am - 2pm
Helix's Trades Day is a career expo that exposes our students to unique career paths that don't require a college degree like construction trades, law enforcement, cosmetology, real estate and more. We will have over 25 career vendors available to talk to students, explain how to get into the industry and even sign up for training programs on the spot. All interested students are invited to participate. Certain classes will be coming out or students can come out during break, lunch or free periods.
Spring Fling - Wednesday, May 1 from 5pm - 7pm
Helix's annual Spring Fling Showcase for incoming freshmen is coming up! Helix Academics, Arts, Activities and Athletic programs will be showcased throughout the event allowing families to get acquainted with the many curricular and extracurricular programs offered at Helix. Incoming 9th Graders will receive a complimentary meal ($5 ea. for additional family members). Students will be able to sign-up for school athletic teams, clubs, and service organizations. Teachers will be available to provide information and answer questions regarding Helix academics and students from the Helix Performing Arts Programs will perform. For more information on upcoming events for next year's freshmen, check out this newsletter.
Summer Conferencing & Online Enrollment COMING SOON!
Notifications about Helix's annual online enrollment and summer conferencing scheduling process will be coming soon. At the end of April, keep a look out for more information on our annual required process. Dates, times and links will be shared at that time. Grade Level Teams are looking forward to meeting with all students and families to reflect on the school year and review what is coming in the upcoming school year.
Family First Info Nights
Every Thursday at 6pm, Helix staff or special guests present on different topics applicable to high school parents. These events are held in the Helix Library and are open to the public! See below for our upcoming schedule. Visit helixcharter.net/FamilyFirst for more information and for links to previous recordings.
Graduation Regalia - Thursday, April 4 at 6pm via Zoom
Our Student Support team will explain about the requirements to get a Platinum Cap, Golden State Seal, Biliteracy Seal, Honors Cord, and Valedictorian recognitions. Families from all grade levels are invited. The meeting will take place on Zoom. Please click here to join the webinar.
Accessing Accomodations for College Classes - Thursday, April 18 at 6pm via Zoom
Does your student have an IEP or 504 plan? Does your student receive accommodations in their high school classes and plan to take a dual or concurrent enrollment college class? Please come to our Family First Zoom webinar on "How to Access Accommodations for College Classes" happening April 18th starting at 6pm. We will discuss the required steps students must complete in order for Grossmont/Cuyamaca College to potentially honor some accommodations from their IEP or 504 plan. Families and students will learn how they can submit a copy of their IEP or 504 to Grossmont College's Accessibility Resource Center (A.R.C.). This event will be held via zoom. Please click here to join the webinar. For translation services, click here.
C4Me (College Tour Trip for Juniors) - Thursday, April 25 at 6pm via Zoom
NCAA Eligibility Workshop - Thursday, May 2 at 6pm
Student & Community News
Performing Arts Auditions
See graphic for dance & choir auditions for next year.
Pancho Sanchez Concert - Friday, April 12 at 7pm
Join us for this exciting event in our Performing Arts Center. Purchase tickets here.
Support Helix through Farm Fresh To You
Use promocode: HelixCharter when purchasing Farm Fresh to You products and they will give 10% back to Helix.
Bike Safety Classes for Teens Riding in La Mesa
The SD Bike Coalition & the City of La Mesa are offering FREE bike safety classes for teenagers riding in La Mesa. Visit www.sdbikecoalition.ord/events to register for one of their free upcoming events.
Community Service Opportunities
A list of community service opportunities can be found at helixcharter.net/community. We keep it very updated and some interesting new opportunities have just been added!
Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance - Spring Term 1
Click on the link below to access our Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance student for Spring Term 1
Student Highlight of the Month
Our Student Highlight for the month of March is Gabriel Reveles
Here is what Ms. Jones and Ms. Reed had to say about Gabriel. "Gabriel has made a tremendous turn around compared to the fall semester. Gabriel has been able to shift his focus on the importance of effort and time management. He advocates for himself and continually pushes to do the best. He shares his successes as well as his failures, taking heed to the encouragement from those around him to improve. He truly sets an example for his peers!"
Every month your GLT will be recognizing students who have gone above and beyond and have shown what it means to be a true Scottie.
Teacher Tutorial 2:54pm-3:35pm
Art, English, Helix First, LOTE, PE, Performing Arts, Science
Business, Family/Consumer Science, Math, Social Science, Tech
Academic Support Tutorial 3:00pm-4:00pm
Room 1340 Monday-Thursday
*This tutorial offers more one-on-one support from Academic Coaches