What is PBIS?
Read below to find out what it's all about!
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based, tiered framework for supporting students’ behavioral, academic, social, emotional, and mental health. When implemented with fidelity, PBIS improves social emotional competence, academic success, and school climate. It also improves teacher health and wellbeing. It is a way to create positive, predictable, equitable and safe learning environments where everyone thrives. We use ‘students’ to refer to all children and youth in any educational or therapeutic setting (e.g., K-12 school, early childhood program, treatment program, juvenile justice program).
FIVE Elements
PBIS emphasizes five inter-related elements: equity, systems, data, practices, and outcomes.
Tiered PBIS Framework
Tiered PBIS Framework
Educators and practitioners provide a continuum of academic, behavioral, social, and emotional support matched to students’ needs. We describe this continuum across three tiers of support.
Foundational systems across all three tiers include:
- A shared vision for a positive school social culture
- A representative leadership team that meets regularly and shares expertise in coaching, social, emotional, behavioral, academic, equity, mental health, physical health, wellness, and trauma
- Families are actively engaged
- A supportive and involved school administration
- On-going access to professional development for preparing all staff to implement each tier of PBIS
- Systematic collection of screening, progress-monitoring, outcome, and fidelity data
- Ongoing use of data for decision making
- Disaggregating data to examine equity among student subgroups
Mango Elementary School-Wide Expectations
Families, you are an important part of the process. We couldn't do this without your partnership.
PBIS Events
- 9/13/24
- 10/11/24
- 11/8/24
- 12/13/24
- 1/31/25
- 2/13/25
- 3/14/25
- 4/25/25
- 5/25/25
Vision: To enable greatness in students, educators, and the community.
Mission: Change starts with me.
Mango Elementary
Mango Elementary strives for excellence in education by providing a safe and supportive learning environment. As a community, we will inspire and challenge all students to achieve their maximum potential as life-long learners.