Cedar Grove Friday Flash
May 17, 2024
Bear Day!
Dear Cedar Grove Families:
Bear Day was last Monday, and it was a perfect day full of fun and sun! Students enjoyed visiting the many stations, learning about our live guests, and having a picnic lunch with friends and family. Many thanks to our parent volunteers; we could not have done this without you! Special thanks to Mr. Jansson, Mrs. Kim, Mrs. Arellano, and Mrs. Hirschhorn for planning and organizing this wonderful event.
Project Happy Feet is a student-run organization aiming to make sports equipment accessible for students in lower income areas. For the next two weeks, we will be collecting new and lightly-used shoes and sports equipment, which will be donated to Title I schools. A box will be inside the main entrance foyer if you would like to make a donation. For more information, please click on this flyer.
As a parent or caregiver, your involvement in your child's learning and engagement in school is valuable and important to us. We are asking you to complete our end of year Parent Survey to identify our priorities for the 2024-2025 school year. This survey asks for your opinions about your experience with our school. Your individual responses will remain confidential and anonymous. Results will only be reported as group data. You can access the survey by clicking the link below. The last day for parents to complete the survey will be May 31, 2024. Thank you for taking a few minutes of your time to complete this survey.
Cedar Grove Parent/Family 2024 Survey
We are looking forward to honoring our many volunteers at a Volunteer Breakfast on Friday, June 7, from 8:45-9:15. Childcare for Cedar Grove students only will be provided by staff members as we visit and eat in the lounge and courtyard. Please click on this link to view the invitation and click on THIS LINK to RSVP so we know how many volunteers to expect. We can't wait to show our appreciation for your commitment to our school community!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mr. Wynne and Mrs. German
To translate this newsletter, click here. Then click the "Websites" tab, choose the language desired, and copy and paste the Smore link into the box. Click on the blue arrow, and the newsletter will be translated in your chosen language.
Grade Level Newsletters
Parents, please click on your child's grade level to view class weekly newsletters. Any questions regarding the content of the newsletters should be directed to your child's teacher. Thank you.
Reminder-Kindergarten Registration Information
The registration window for new kindergarten students opened on March 18. If you have a child who will be turning five on or before September 1, 2024, please contact Mrs. Noreen Fair at 240-740-6190 as soon as possible to register your child. You may also register online through the ParentVUE portal. If your family is new to MCPS, you will need to create a ParentVue account here. For more information about eligibility and the registration process, visit the MCPS Kindergarten Enrollment webpage or contact the school office.
From Mrs. Hirschhorn, Media Specialist
Here is the May Media Monthly for this coming week. We have started a new slate of lessons, our Gr 5 book club celebration is coming up next week, and of course our bulletin board is sparkling with jellybeans! Thank you to those of you who came to help during Bear Day. It was an extraordinary day, starting with the weather and ending with our students' enthusiasm for spending the day engaged in so many different activities. We are also still looking for nominees to join our PTA board. You've witnessed all the events our PTA supports and yet cannot implement without your participation. Our community is what it is because of our families. Have a wonderful, restful weekend.
Art, Music, and PE Newsletter
Please click the link below for the May/June overview of what your students will be doing in Art, General Music, Instrumental Music, and Physical Education. We hope you will take a few moments to read what is happening during these instructional spaces.
From Our PTA:
News and Upcoming Events
PTA Officer and Board Member Nominations
PTA Officer Nominations for the 2024-25 School Year are Officially Open!
The PTA Nomination Committee cordially invites you to nominate yourself, your friends, or any other CGES PTA member you think would make a great officer! The PTA officers are the primary people responsible for planning and organizing some of the most meaningful and beautiful events and projects at our school. The PTA is the icing on our amazing Cedar Grove cake, so if you'd like to be a part of this sweet decorating team, sprinkle some names into this form and let's see what magnificent creations we can make! https://forms.gle/PzgLFSA641piqSAi7
Please contact cgesfallfestival@gmail.com should you have any questions.
Nominations close June 1st - Happy Nominating!
End of Year Party
When: Friday, June 7th, 5:30PM-730PM
Please mark your calendars for our SUMMER SEND OFF PARTY!!! Click HERE for the flyer! This will be the last get together of the school year. You won't want to miss it!!!
Book Fair
Our Spring Book Fair is coming up!
When: Monday June 3rd - Friday June 7th - evening hours June 7th
The kids will be allowed to shop during the school day. Be on the lookout for information about setting up an ewallet for your child. This is an event that requires a lot of help from our amazing parent volunteers. If you are available during the day to help at the Book Fair, please sign up HERE! Thank you in advance.
Spirit Wear
Show your school SPIRIT! SALES CLOSE on May 31st! Click HERE to get your spirit wear now!