Daybreak Primary Family Newsletter - June 2, 2024
Dear Daybreak Primary Families:
With two weeks left in our school year, there’s a lot of excitement in the building! Not only are we celebrating the wonderful growth of our students and the important memories made during this school year, but we’re also participating in a variety of fun end-of-year routines and rituals. This week our fourth graders will participate in Daybreak Middle School’s moving-up day, our field day and DragonPalooza events are coming up next week, and our annual fourth grade talent show will take place on the final day of school.
As we celebrate the end of this school year, we want to offer our gratitude to all of you, our Dragon families. With the establishment of the Daybreak Primary PTO this year and the increased family attendance at school award assemblies, evening events like our open house and May’s PTO Family Fun Night, and our recent school barbecue, we can’t help but be grateful! Speaking of the May barbecues throughout our district, the Daybreak campus had the highest meal count out of all of our campuses! We have loved having you all join us and are so appreciative of your continued support of all of our students.
In these final weeks, our PurposeFull People character trait is creativity. We define creativity as “using your imagination to create something new or solve a problem.” As we focus on creativity, we remind students that there are opportunities to be creative all around us! In case you’re interested, here are a few questions you might want to consider together as a family to support learning connections at home:
Is being creative and using your imagination something you enjoy doing? Why or why not?
When you think of creativity, what emotion comes to your mind?
How can being creative help you to solve problems?
Creativity is the final trait of 10 traits we’ve explored together this year: kindness, respect, responsibility, gratitude, empathy, perseverance, honesty, cooperation, courage, and creativity. We have really enjoyed seeing students have important conversations about these traits and practicing them throughout the year.
We look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday night at our annual “Daybreak on Display” event. For more info about this evening event, see the news and reminders below.
Finally we wanted to share this photo (see below) from last week’s high school Grad Walk event. Graduates from Battle Ground High School and Prairie High School traveled back to their previous schools (primary and middle) and were able to have a wonderful senior sendoff from students and staff. This photo features many of our Daybreak Primary Dragons - now seniors and ready to graduate - who returned to celebrate with us! Please join us in wishing them all well with their future endeavors!
As we often say: once a Dragon, always a Dragon!
See you all soon,
Krishna Smith, Principal
Joe Manning, Assistant Principal
June 5: “Daybreak on Display” Open House Event (see schedule below)
June 11: Field Day | Daybreak Primary PTO Meeting - Library - 6:00 pm (doors open at 5:45 pm)
June 12: No Wednesday Late Start (regular M-T-Th-F start time) | Kindergarten Graduation - See scheduling details from each K classroom teacher
June 13: 3-Hour Early Dismissal - Dismissal at 12:40 pm*
June 14: Last Day of School | Fourth Grade Talent Show | 3-Hour Early Dismissal - Dismissal at 12:40 pm*
*Sack lunches available for students to take home on each early dismissal day.*
“Daybreak on Display” open house set for Wednesday, June 5
Please join us for “Daybreak on Display,” our spring open house on Wednesday, June 5! This will be an opportunity for our students to share our school with you, for you to see what they've been working on this year, and for you to connect with our staff. We will have a Scholastic book fair taking place in the library, free pizza for families in the cafeteria (BIG thanks to New Heights Church for the donation), and Kona Ice will be on site to sell frozen treats to raise money for our Daybreak Primary PTO!
To help with balancing attendance and accommodating parking throughout the evening, we encourage families to attend during the following times:
Last names A-L: 5:00-5:45 pm
Last names M-Z: 5:45-6:30 pm
We look forward to sharing the great things happening at Daybreak Primary with you!
Pop-up Scholastic Book Fair open Wednesday, June 5
Come to the Daybreak Library Pop-Up Scholastic Book Fair during “Daybreak on Display” on Wednesday, June 5, from 5 to 6:30 pm. The pop-up book fair will only be open during our family night. If you’re unable to attend or would like to purchase online, you can shop at our online fair. The online fair will be open from June 4-17.
All money raised will help purchase books for the Daybreak library students to enjoy in the fall. Thank you for supporting our library programs through our book fairs!
Field Day set for Tuesday, June 11
Each of our classes will be participating in our Field Day as we end the school year. Field Day, scheduled for Tuesday, June 11, is an opportunity for students to play organized games and enjoy their time together as the year comes to an end. Please be sure students wear comfortable clothing, bring a water bottle, and wear sunscreen, as they will be outside, rain or shine.
Daybreak Primary PTO meeting to be held Tuesday, June 11
Please join Daybreak Primary's PTO at our general meeting on Tuesday, June 11, in the DBP Library at 6 p.m. (doors open at 5:45 p.m.). We will be reviewing our recent Family Fun Night, selecting officers for next year's PTO Board, and planning for next year. We hope to see you there!
Daybreak participates in monthly safety drills
Our school participates in monthly safety drills, including fire, earthquake, lockdown, and shelter-in-place. Each drill provides us the opportunity to practice procedures, assess problems that develop, and respond in ways that improve our procedures.
For May, we had a small group of safety committee members do a campus mapping drill, walking the campus to locate important areas, such as gas, electric, and water shut-offs, to prepare for any emergency that would require us to access and turn off these resources. In June, we will once again discuss and practice with students our in-building response should an intruder enter one of our buildings. During the classroom discussion, teachers will convey to students that schools are one of the safest places to be, and it is unlikely we will ever need to implement these procedures. But if it becomes necessary, we will do what is needed to keep students safe. Our primary students students will hear the following messages:
During all emergencies, students should listen and follow staff members’ directions.
A staff member may tell you to go someplace other than your desk or classroom.
When the adult is talking, listen very closely and do exactly what they say.
If you have questions, save them until the adult says it is time to answer questions.
If you hear or see anything concerning, please report it immediately to an administrator or staff member.
Preparing our students and staff for in-building safety responses and emergencies is a priority. More information about Battle Ground Public Schools’ emergency practices is on the district website.
Check the lost and found before the end of the year
It’s that time of the year again — as we move into the final couple weeks of the school year — to check the lost and found for missing items. Items that remain after the last day of school will be donated to our district’s Family & Community Resource Center.
Pick-up student medications by Friday, June 14
All medication needs to be picked up by parents/guardians by the last day of school, Friday, June 14. Students are not able to transport medications home. Any medication remaining at school after the last student day will need to be properly disposed of by our health staff. This includes all prescription and non-prescription medications, inhalers, and Epinephrine pens. If you are unable to pick up medication by the last day of school, alternative arrangements can be made by contacting our LPN, Colleen Schaffer, prior to the end of the school year.
Please return wifi hotspots by Monday, June 17
If you have a district-issued hotspot, please return it by Monday, June 17. Hotspots can be dropped off at the following location only (schools can’t accept them):
CASEE C building
11104 NE 149th St., Brush Prairie, WA 98606
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Families who need assistance with connectivity may wish to visit one of the area locations that offer free temporary Wi-Fi. Some cellphone providers may allow you to use your mobile device to create a hotspot. Contact your provider to explore this option.
If you have any questions, please contact studenthelp@battlegroundps.org or 360-885-5444.
Enroll now for kindergarten next fall
Kindergarten enrollment is now open for the 2024-25 school year. Any child who will be 5 years old by Aug. 31, 2024, is eligible to enroll. Please enroll your child online now.
To learn more about kindergarten in Battle Ground Public Schools, visit our website, or watch this short video.
Dragon Wagon to return for Summer 2024
Throughout the summer, our Dragon Wagon, in coordination with Community Education and the local parks department, will make weekly visits to our school neighborhood as part of the Battle Grounds Parks activities program. The Dragon Wagon gives students the opportunity to check out books. You’ll be able to find the Dragon Wagon at Florence Robison Park (1901 NW 9th St.) on Thursdays from 10:00 to 12:00, starting at the end of June and going through mid-August.
Community Education summer camp & enrichment opportunities
Battle Ground Community Education has a variety of summer camp and enrichment opportunities available to students this summer. Please visit the BGCE webpage for information on all opportunities.
Right At School summer camp registration
Registration is open for Right At School’s Summer Camps. These camps will be held on primary school campuses throughout the district and are available for students in kindergarten through 5th grade from June 24th through August 9th. Discounts are available for families that qualify. Learn more and apply by visiting the Right At School website.
Police Activities League summer camps open for registration
The Police Activities League of Southwest Washington is offering summer camps throughout the summer. Please note that the camps have age restrictions, and the earliest age any of the camps accepts is age 8. All camps have scholarships available. More details can be found on the organization’s summer camp webpage.
Free summer meals available to anyone 18 or younger
Battle Ground Public Schools will be serving free breakfast and/or lunch for anyone 18 years of age or younger at two locations this summer:
Daybreak Primary (1900 NW 20th Ave.)
Lunch - Monday-Friday, June 24 through Aug. 16, 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.
No breakfast served at this site
Maple Grove Primary School (610B SW Eaton Blvd.)
Lunch - Monday-Friday, June 24 through Aug. 16, 11:45 a.m. to 12:24 p.m.
Breakfast - Monday-Thursday, July 8-18, 8-8:30 a.m. (no Friday breakfast service)
The Summer Food Services Program, sponsored by the district and funded primarily through a U.S. Department of Agriculture grant, helps provide nutritious meals during the summer months when children are not in school. Children and teens do not need to attend a Battle Ground school to participate. Meals must be consumed onsite.
SUN Bucks program supports summer food access
Children attending Battle Ground Public Schools may be eligible to receive $120 each this summer as part of a new Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer program known as SUN Bucks. Students may be automatically eligible for SUN Bucks if they previously qualified for free or reduced-price meal benefit through the district. You may also submit a new application through the end of the school year.
If you previously received pandemic-era summer meals funding, known as P-EBT, you may discard that card and a new one will automatically be sent to you. Additional information is available through the Washington Dept. of Social and Health Services.
2024-25 school calendar
The 2024-25 academic calendar (Русский) (Español) has been updated since it was first released. Here are some of the key dates:
First day of school: Tuesday, Aug. 27
Kindergarten Smart Start begins: Tuesday, Sept. 3
Thanksgiving break: Nov. 27-29
Winter break: Dec. 23, 2024, through Jan. 3, 2025
Spring break: Monday, March 31, through Friday, April 4
In-service dates (no student attendance): Oct. 11, Oct. 30, Jan. 29
Last day of school: Tuesday, June 10 (assuming no added days for weather-related closures)
Communication survey
BGPS wants to hear about your communication preferences. Please take a few minutes to complete this brief survey. Everyone is welcome to share their thoughts. The results will help us improve our communication in the future. Thank you for your input!
Care Solace: Your link to mental health support
Battle Ground Public Schools has partnered with an organization called Care Solace to support the well-being of students and their immediate family members. Care Solace is a complimentary and confidential care coordination service that can help any student and/or their immediate family members quickly find mental health or substance use treatment options matched to their needs, regardless of insurance or circumstance. If you would like to use Care Solace to help you find a provider:
Call 888-515-0595 (available 24/7/365 in any language).
Visit www.caresolace.com/battlegroundps and either search on your own or select “Book appointment” for assistance by video chat, email or phone.
Russian, Ukrainian and Spanish translation and interpretation services
Услуги по устному и письменному переводу на русский и украинский языки 360-885-5433
Servicios de Traducción e Interpretación en Español 360-885-5431
Action requested: Family preferred language
Beginning in fall 2024, the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction will require school districts to report a family's preferred language for communication, in addition to the language that they speak at home. Whether your family's language is English or a language other than English, please make a selection in Skyward Family Access following these steps.
Employee Recognition Award
Do you know an amazing staff member? The new Employee Recognition Awards will highlight staff members who reflect the district’s strategic plan goals. Three nominees will be selected each month and recognized at a board meeting. Everyone is welcome to submit a nomination.
Report incidents anonymously with SafeSchools
Please report bullying, intimidation, harassment, threats and safety concerns using our anonymous reporting system. Reporters can remain anonymous. Emergencies should always be reported to 911. Learn more about emergency procedures and safety protocols.
Enroll in Fred Meyer Community Rewards to benefit Daybreak schools
We want to pass along an easy way to raise funds for Daybreak Schools. Fred Meyer, according to its website, is committed to community engagement, positive social impact, and charitable giving. A specific goal is to partner with the neighborhoods the company serves and to help community members live healthier lives. One of the ways in which they do this is through their Fred Meyer Community Rewards program. This program makes fundraising easy by donating to local organizations based on the shopping people do every day. Once you link your card to an organization, all you have to do is shop at Fred Meyer and swipe your Shopper’s Card or enter your shopper number. For directions, please visit the Fred Meyer Community Rewards page. When you select your organization, be sure to select “Daybreak Middle School.” All money the rewards program generates for Daybreak will be split evenly between Daybreak Primary and Daybreak Middle Schools.
Daybreak Primary School Mission:
We will encourage students to strive for personal success and to enjoy learning. We will challenge them to believe in themselves as individuals in a safe and nurturing environment.
Email: info.dbp@battlegroundps.org
Website: https://dbs.battlegroundps.org/
Location: 1900 Northwest 20th Avenue, Battle Ground, WA, USA
Phone: 360-885-6950
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daybreakdragons/
BGPS Non-Discrimination Statement:
The Battle Ground Public Schools provides equal opportunity in programs and employment and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin/language, creed/religion, sex, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a service animal by a person with a disability, age, marital status, honorably discharged veteran or military status, HIV/Hepatitis C status. The district provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Contact the following regarding questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Tom Adams, Director of Student Services, adams.tom@battlegroundps.org, Title IX Compliance Officer, 360.885.5415; Michelle Reinhardt, Executive Director of Human Resources, reinhardt.michelle@battlegroundps.org, Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator/Section 504/ADA Coordinator, 360.885.5481; or a letter may be submitted to the designated coordinator at the Battle Ground Public Schools, PO Box 200, Battle Ground, WA 98604