Herd Happenings
Bradley Elementary Newsletter
This Week At Bradley
Thursday 5/23-Last day of preschool
Friday 5/24- 1/2 day 11:30 Dismissal/ Last Day of school for Kindergarten-5th grade
Records Pickup- Friday 5/24 12:30-4:00pm & 5/28-5/30 8:00am-4:00pm
The Last Week.
It is hard to believe that the last week of the 2023-2024 school year is upon us already. This week will be full of learning, fun, and some hard good-byes. I am so thankful for the support of the community as we finish the year strong.
Counseling Corner
Hi parents,
I can't believe summer is already here! How can you keep showing kindness while school is out? Here are some ideas:
- Kindness at home: Challenge siblings to do 1 Kind act for each other each day. Small acts of Kindness go a long way and daily attention to Kindness helps form lasting habits! To help keep it going, set aside a regular time for siblings to share and celebrate what their Kind act was that day.
Kindness toward neighbors: Get to know your neighbors or welcome new neighbors with an outdoor gathering! Invite families to bring lawn chairs and a snack to share and build community with your neighbors.
Kindness in action: Be on the lookout for ways to show others you care. Facetime a relative who lives far away, make a card for a grandparent, or help a neighbor with a need.
USD 207 Hiring for the 2024-2025 School Year
We Need You! Join the USD 207 team!
The district is hiring for the 24-25 school year
Upcoming Events
May 20 Board Meeting
May 23 Last Day of Preschool
May 24 Last Day of School 1/2 day
May 28-May 30- Records Pickup 8:00am-4:00pm
Kristin Holland
Email: kholland@usd207.org