The Weekly Update #4
April 19th, 2024

From our Principal!
Dear Birmingham Parents and Guardians,
Please be mindful that the end of the year can be very stressful for our students. We just finished state testing last week. In May, Advanced Placement testing begins. Then soon after AP testing, is senior finals May 21-24. Finals for grades 9-11 are on May 30 - June 4. With this in mind, please find the message below from our mental health support provider Care Solace.
April is Stress Awareness Month and May is Mental Health Awareness Month: Please take this timely reminder to prioritize your and your student's mental health and well-being. In the midst of academic demands and daily responsibilities, it's crucial for all of us to take moments throughout the day to reset and practice mindfulness.
Remember to take some breaks. Step outside, take a few deep breaths, or engage in a quick mindfulness exercise. Your well-being is paramount, and these small breaks can make a significant difference in managing stress. Allow these moments to rejuvenate your mind, so you can have focused and productive days.
Please remember, your and your student's mental health matters, and taking proactive steps to manage stress is a sign of strength. If you or your student needs support, Care Solace is available 24/7/365 for confidential mental health care coordination:
Call: 888-515-0595 (Multilingual support available)
Visit: www.caresolace.com/bcchs
Take the time you need, practice mindfulness, and thrive.
Please also be aware of the scheduling revision below that must take place to accommodate senior finals.
Wednesday, May 22 is a "regular" school day (class begins at 8:30).
Wednesday, May 29 is a late start day (class begins at 9:40)
For planning purposes, please also be aware that the last 4 days of the semester are minimum days for grades 9-11 finals.
Thursday, May 30 – FINALS (9th, 10th, 11th) Minimum Day Schedule
Period 1 8:30 – 10:30 120 minutes
Brunch 10:30 – 11:00 30 minutes
Period 2 11:10 – 1:10 120 minutes
Friday, May 31 – FINALS (9th, 10th, 11th) Minimum Day Schedule
Period 3 8:30 – 10:30 120 minutes
Brunch 10:30 – 11:00 30 minutes
Period 4 11:10 – 1:10 120 minutes
Monday, June 3 – FINALS (9th, 10th, 11th) Minimum Day Schedule
Period 5 8:30 – 10:30 120 minutes
Brunch 10:30 – 11:00 30 minutes
Period 6 11:10 – 1:10 120 minutes
Tuesday, June 4 – FINALS (9th, 10th, 11th) Minimum Day Schedule
Period 7 8:30 – 10:30 120 minutes
Brunch 10:30 – 11:00 30 minutes
Period 8 11:10 – 1:10 120 minutes
A big thank you to the over 1,100 parents that completed our annual survey. We are presently combing through the data and will use your feedback to inform future adjustments to our services and support. Your engagement and feedback is greatly appreciated!!
Principal Bennett
SENIORS…YOU’VE MADE IT! Our annual Powderpuff game will be held at the Prizant beginning at 5pm on Friday, May 17th. Don’t miss out on our Senior Girls vs. Junior Girls showing off their flag football skills.
Although it may feel like a bitter sweet time, remember that it’s Not Over yet! There are still quite a few important dates to keep in mind:
May 1 – Decision Day…During lunch and Academy Period at the Ramirez Field
May 4 – Prom – Camarillo Ranch from 7:00 P.M. - 11:00 P.M. (NO LATE ENTRANCES AFTER 9:00 P.M.)
May 6 - 17 – AP Testing…GOOD LUCK!
May 10 – Deadline to Appeal Participation in Graduation Ceremony …SELECTED STUDENTS ONLY!
(Student Notifications went out on 4/19 via student email, postal service and hand delivered on 4/22)
May 28 – Collections Day #1 (REQUIRED) – Seniors in GROUP A ONLY will be assigned
appointments to return BCCHS items (textbooks, Chromebooks, equipment) and clear out
lockers. (NOTE: Group B students will not need to attend school on this day)
May 29 – Collections Day #2 (REQUIRED) – Seniors in GROUP B ONLY will be assigned
appointments to return BCCHS items (textbooks, Chromebooks, equipment) and clear out
lockers. (NOTE: Group A students will not need to attend school on this day)
May 30 – Senior Clearance Day #1 (REQUIRED) – Seniors in GROUP A ONLY will be assigned
appointments to CLEAR from several stations (fees, academic, post-secondary requirement,
etc) to be ready to participate in the Graduation Ceremony.
(NOTE: Group B students will not need to attend school on this day)
May 30 – Senior Honors Award Banquet - 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm (BY INVITE ONLY)
May 31 – Senior Clearance Day #2 (REQUIRED) – Seniors in GROUP B ONLY will be assigned
appointments to CLEAR from several stations (fees, academic, post-secondary requirement,
etc) to be ready to participate in the Graduation Ceremony.
(NOTE: Group A students will not need to attend school on this day)
May 31 – Senior Sunset – 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at the Ramirez Field
June 3 – Graduation Rehearsal (REQUIRED) – 8:30AM. SENIORS who miss the Graduation
Rehearsal will NOT be allowed to participate in the Graduation Ceremony and will NOT
receive guest tickets.
June 4 – Graduate w/ Family/Friends Photos – Photo opportunity at the Quad from 2:30 PM- 5:00 PM
June 4 – Graduation Ceremony – 6:00 PM. SENIORS MUST ARRIVE at BCCHS by 5:00 PM.
(NOTE: Tickets will be required to enter the graduation ceremony)
Students who miss their appointments and are NOT CLEARED from all the required stations will NOT be allowed to participate in the Graduation Ceremony.
Appointments for Collections Day and Senior Clearance Day will be emailed to students on Monday, May 20, 2024. Students will need to adhere to his/her/their appointment dates and times as we have many students to get through this process.
June 9 - June 10 – Grad Nite – 7:45 am at BCCHS Haynes Parking Lot. All students MUST
bring their purchase receipt and student ID. Pick-up at BCCHS after Grad Nite will be
between 3:00 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. the morning of June 10th, depending on how quickly we
are able to leave Disneyland. (Please note: The Grad Nite event goes until 2:00 a.m., then
students have to get to the buses, load the buses, and then we need to drive back to
BCCHS – the drive alone is roughly 45 minutes without traffic).
As you are nearing the end in completing yet another life milestone, know that this is only the beginning to a new and adventurous journey. We wish you ALL a lifetime of happiness and success! There is ONLY one Birmingham “Class of 2024” and we will MISS YOU!
12th Grade Level Academy Team
Mr. Elmore - Administrative Director
Mrs. Franco - 12th Grade Coordinator
Mrs. Reisbord - 12th Grade Dean
Mrs. Martinez - Counselor (A-F)
Mrs. Marquez - Counselor (G-N)
Mrs. Mutia - Counselor (O-Z)
Mrs. Lopez - Psychiatric Social Worker
Ms. Sedani - 12th Grade Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Venegas - 12th Grade Clerk
11th Grade Students and Families,
You did it!!!
This past month all Juniors participated in state-mandated testing for English, Math, and Science (SBAC and CAST). We are so proud of the hard work and dedication you showed by showing up every day and taking your time with these state-mandated assessments! Well done!
Finals are scheduled for May 30-June 4. The grades for this semester are the last grades that will appear on your transcript for college applications. Make them count! Remember, students must get Cs or better to be eligible to apply to a 4 year university.
Juniors who have missing credits and are not on path to graduation will be enrolled into summer school (June 6th-July 3rd). Any student who needs additional credits, may be enrolled in a second session of summer school in July. A letter was sent out explaining the importance of attending summer school and the consequences of not committing to summer school. If you want more information, please schedule a time to meet with your counselor ASAP.
Next year is going to go very quickly. As incoming seniors there will be many events and deadlines happening. Please get started on college applications EARLY, and start getting documents for the FAFSA, etc NOW.
Recap of Events from April
April Recap:
Sophomore Senate meetings Every Monday in Room F-41 at Lunch!! Come be part of our amazing Senate… We need you!!
Spring Food Fest was on April 12th - The Class of 2026 sold Wingstop & sold out in the first 3 minutes!! All proceeds go to the Class of 2026 for any Fundraisers they may want to do next year.
We will be having a Class T-shirt for you next year that will be available to purchase in the student store. I'm asking ALL Sophomores if you are interested in designing YOUR Class shirt for next year (Junior year). This is your time to shine with your cool designs! Here are the MUST for the T-shirt:
- 1. Background Class Color - Heather Grey
- 2. Two color print design- Heather Grey background color & YELLOW some where on the T-shirt
- 3. Front & Back design
- 4. Create a design in Canva on a square-size layout & download it as a PNG
Deadline date is May 8th to have designs to Ms.Fitz.
We will have a Class Vote in the Academy Period on May 15th for the BEST DESIGN!!
*Reminder: No school on April 24th in Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide.
Important May Dates:
*May 15th: The last day of the Academy Period for this school year.
*May 30th: June 4th- Finals begin (Please check the website or parent-square for the Finals Bell Schedule)
Important June Dates:
*June 6th- July 3rd- Summer School
Thank you from 10th Grade Level Academy Team
Mr. Climaco- Administrator Director
Ms.Fitzpatrick- 10th Grade Level Coordinator
Ms.Piliposian- 10th Grade Dean
Mrs.Riuesch- Counselor ( A-F )
Ms.Vasquez- Counselor (G- N )
Ms. Rocha -Counselor (O-Z)
Mr. Rodriquez -PSW
Mrs.Salvatierra- 10th Grade Clerk
April/May 2024
The first year of our 9th graders' high school career has nearly come to an end, and it has gone by incredibly fast! We are proud of our 9th graders for their dedication and commitment to their education, as well as their compassion toward one another, the Birmingham community, and their families. We know that, as they move on to higher grade levels, they will serve as models and mentors for our incoming new students.
In the meantime, here is what we have coming up for our 9th graders during the month of May:
May 1st: Mental Health Awareness Assembly
May 8th: Voting for Class T-shirt
May 8th: Balboa Park Field Trip (select students)
May 14th: UCLA Field Trip (first 200 students to submit a trip slip)
May 16th: Aquarium of the Pacific Field Trip (select students)
May 30 - June 4: Final Exams
Please continue to encourage your children to work hard, make up any missing assignments they may have, and study hard for their final exams!
As always, should you have any questions or concerns, you may contact any one of us on the 9th Grade Team.
Warm Regards,
Michele Wydra
9th Grade Coordinator
Isaac Alatorre
9th Grade Administrative Director
Lillian Galvez, Lisa Gazarian, Stephanie Scherrer, & Monica Montoya
9th Grade Counselors & PSW
Nick Halic
9th Grade Dean
Jenny Constanza
9th Grade Office Technician
NEW location for The Hub - Students and parents can now access The Hub in the Blue and Gold Center! Time: 8 am - 5:30 pm.
The Hub will still be available in the Parent Center
Items and stock may vary by location
For updates on The Hub make sure to sign in to Parent Square and turn on notifications or Visit the school website