Sprague School

Healthy Mind Walk
Thanks to the families who donated to the Healthy Moves Mind Walk. The fundraiser brought in $3,200 to support physical and mental health programs. While the walk was canceled, students enjoyed exercising during PE class as these photos illustrate.
Upcoming Events
- MAP Testing: Through Wednesday, May 1, for grades 1-2.
- Reading Night: An hour of storytelling from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. Thursday, May 2.
- End of Year Bash: Family get together on Friday, May 10, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.
- D103 5K Run: Register now for the PTO sponsored event on Saturday, May 18.
Add Sprague Calendar: Subscribe to the Sprague calendar so meetings and events can automatically be added to your personal calendar. Right click, copy and past in new window, download.
Bus Update
The D103 Administration and Transportation Department would like to thank the families whose buses to/from school have been disrupted recently. The Department is in the process of hiring additional drivers to replace individuals who have resigned recently. Once training is complete, Transportation expects to be fully staffed.
Strep A Notice
If the school nurse calls you to say your child is experiencing Strep symptoms, we strongly urge you to get your child tested. Sprague has seen a surge in Strep A cases. Parents need to be on high alert for strep symptoms.
Please consider taking any precautions to protect your family from coming in contact with this illness. Raised awareness is important in reducing the risk of transmission. The school will undergo additional cleanings. Safety precautions like proper hand washing should be reinforced.
Family Reading Night
Appreciating Our Volunteers
This week (April 21-27) is National Volunteer Appreciation Week. The D103 Board of Education, at its meeting this week recognized our District 103 parent organizations, the PTO and Learning Fund Foundation, of which its members work countless hours supporting our staff, student, and parent community.
Our two organizations provide many educational events for students and staff that occur during school, evenings, and weekends, sponsor field trips and musical performances, provide supplies and equipment, volunteer in and out of classrooms and raise needed funds to support our teachers and the district.
"We are very honored to work alongside our PTO and Learning Fund Foundation. Both organizations provide needed financial and volunteer support for our staff to enhance our students' learning throughout the year. We are grateful for our treasured partnerships!" said Dr. Scott Warren, Superintendent of D103 Schools.
End of Year Bash
Save the date for Sprague's End of Year Bash, happening on Friday, May 10, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m,. Attendance is free for Sprague families. Pizza, drinks, and snacks are available for pre-purchase. Volunteers are also needed for this event. Please consider volunteering if you can.
- RSVP and pre-purchase food @ https://bit.ly/3JmnLyl
- Sign up to volunteer @ https://bit.ly/D103SignUp
- Please contact Kate Davidson or Shweta Ramamurthy with questions.
Volunteer Recognition
The PTO would like to recognize District 103 volunteers who have dedicated his or her time and talents to our schools!
The "Scott S. Guziec Volunteer of the Year Award" recognizes an outstanding volunteer who has truly gone above and beyond this school year. Anyone may nominate a deserving person for this award. All nominees and nominators remain confidential; however, nominations cannot be made anonymously.
The "Dawn Anderson Volunteer Angel Award" is awarded to an exceptional individual who has made a huge impact through volunteering within the schools over many years and whose youngest child is an eighth-grader graduating from the district.
To learn more about these two prestigious awards and nominate someone, please visit https://www.d103pto.org/volunteer-awards.html
NOMINATIONS ARE DUE BY MAY 3, 2024. The award recipient will be announced in May.
Teacher Appreciation Donations
We will be celebrating our annual teacher and staff appreciation the week of May 6. This year the theme is "THANKS FOR HELPING US GROW!" For an itinerary of the weeks events along with a suggestion of ways you can contribute to the fun of showering our teachers and staff with the appreciation they deserve, please visit d103pto.org!
TAW Donation Links
- General Monetary Donations (all schools): https://bit.ly/3JwPIDR
- Sprague Item Donations: https://bit.ly/4baoqid
Seeking Leaders for D103 PTO and Executive Board: Shape the Future of Education
The District 103 Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) and Executive Board are calling upon passionate and dedicated individuals to step forward and assume leadership roles for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. This pivotal opportunity not only enriches your engagement with the community but also directly impacts the educational landscape for our children. As we navigate the evolving challenges in education, your leadership can chart a course that fosters innovation, inclusivity, and excellence.
By joining the PTO or Executive Board, you become a catalyst for positive change, influencing policies, programs, and initiatives that shape the academic journey of students across our district. Whether you bring expertise in fundraising, communication, event planning, or advocacy, your unique skills and perspectives are invaluable in creating a vibrant and supportive learning environment. Seize this chance to make a lasting difference and be part of a dynamic team driving educational success in D103!
May the Fourth Fiesta
Join us at the Lincolnshire Swim Club in starting off the summer season with fellow D103 parents at a happy hour hosted by Parent Education from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Saturday, May 4! Let’s celebrate Cinco de Mayo and Star Wars Day! Snacks and drink tickets for the bar will be provided. May the (Parenting) Fourth be with you! Please register for the event so we can expect you!
Graduation Lawn Signs
Celebrate your child's achievements with our exclusive Graduate Lawn Signs! These celebratory signs are available for Sprague, Half Day, and/or Daniel Wright. The signs are single-sided and sized 24" wide and 18" tall. A lawn stake is included. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to show off your child's accomplishments and make their graduation even more special! Orders are due by Friday, April 26!
Pick up your signs during the 5K packet pick up times on Thursday, May 16, from 3:00 to 6:30 p.m. or Friday, May 17, from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the D103 district offices located at 111 Barclay Blvd.,n Lincolnshire.
- Learn more and purchase @ https://bit.ly/3xqfmYc
Register Now for Run for D103
Volunteers are desperately needed for this event. Most volunteer positions also allow for participating in the event. Sign up to volunteer https://bit.ly/D103SignUp. Volunteers specify your position:
- This Position Allows volunteer to Run
- -pre-race setup
- -place mile markers
- -parking assistants
- This Position is for Non-Running Volunteers
- -course support
- -kids activity table helper
Community News
Soccer Tryouts
Chicago Rush soccer tryouts for the 2024-2025 season are fast approaching. Tryout information can be found on the club's website.
Steve & Kate's Camp
At Steve & Kate's Camp, campers choose from a variety of activities including sewing, coding, maker crafts, sports & more! Buy any number of days to use at any time. Unused days are automatically refunded at summer’s end. Est. 1980. Lunch, snacks & all hours (8am–6pm) included.
Nursery School Program
Lincolnshire Community Nursery School is excited to open up our high quality and engaging enrichment classes to 4 year old students from the community for the 2024-2025 school year! Classes are available Monday through Friday from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. Transportation from Sprague's Early Childhood program is available. LCNS is proud to be a NAEYC accredited program. Reach out to Katie Tantillo at director@lcns.org or 847-945-1450 for more details. www.lcns.org"
Vernon Township Summer Camp
Children aged 4-7-years old are invited to participate in the Vernon Township Summer Camp from June 17 to August 2. Visit the Vernon Township website for details.
Parks Improvement Survey
Enhance our village parks by sharing your feedback through a 2-minute survey. Share what you enjoy about our parks and suggest possible improvements. The village values your input and urges you to participate before the deadline on Tuesday, April 30.
Center for Gifted Classes
The Center for Gifted is bringing their flagship program, Summer Wonders, back to District 103. Offering an exciting variety of challenging, hands-on courses, it comprises three one-week sessions for grades first through sixth in July. The Center for Gifted will offer a 10% tuition discount to students of District 103 families and employees. District 103 students receive a 10% tuition discount, using this code at checkout: TEN4D103.
Laura B. Sprague School
- Principal Ann Hofmeier
- Assistant Principal Jennifer Arroyo
- 847-945-6686
- Ls_attendance@d103.org