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Weddington Middle School Newsletter
March 6, 2020
Notes from the Principal
Dear Parents,
We’re back at it, partnering with our old pals at the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) to make our mark on cancer and cancer research! Did you know WMS alone has raised over $100,000 to support LLS and its blood cancer research? Starting back in 2004-2005, this school and community partnered with LLS to cure blood cancer! We’re not there yet, and the fight continues. Last year, our students led one of the grandest campaigns ever, and allowed our $30,000+ last year to go specifically to pediatric cancer research. A student from Piedmont joined us last year, herself a leukemia survivor, and thanked our school for our support. Levi Vetter, Charlotte’s LLS Boy of the Year—and a personal friend of me and my family—has come to WMS to thank our students for their service, their generosity, and their support.
Today, we held a pep rally to kickstart this year’s celebration, and our aim this year is less a financial one; although we will collect funds on March Fridays for the rest of the month, we expect ALL our students to design an LLS webpage to learn and communicate about the disease, support its study, and tell the story of its survivors. On behalf of LLS and all those affected by blood cancer, I scream THANK YOU to the Weddington community for your sixteen year support of LLS! Check out the “Pennies for Patients” infographic about our support, and join us on the journey to kill blood cancer!
Our 7th grade social studies students participate in “One Human Family” on March 11, another effort to teach our students how to NOT be a bystander. It’s about life skills, cultural respect, and looking out for one another; whether we like it or not, we ARE one human family! A continuation of a program rollout last semester, we’ve made slight adjustments and hope for an insight-filled, half-day full of discussion. Traditional academics also roll on, and you’ll have a portal into your child’s status come Thursday, March 12—Report Card Day. Spring is indeed upon us, and we are 2/3 through our school year. For better or for worse, the end is near! We’ll make the most of it. Happy Friday, and enjoy your weekend!
Coming up next week:
Tuesday-Wednesday--8th gr. WHS Registration
Thursday--Report Cards
Friday--New Student Social
Congratulations to this week's Weekly Weddington Wildcats!
Sixth Grade
Kamryn Wilkes--shows commitment
Aiden Manion--shows commitment
Evelyn Serpico--is a hard worker
Seventh Grade
Evan Levitas--shows commitment
Zach Yoder--is a hard worker
Sam Hall--is well-rounded
Bailey Page--achieves balance
Eighth Grade
Stass Kornev--shows commitment
Allison Miller--is a hard worker
Varsha Boilla--shows commitment
Drew Schilling--is a hard worker
A charged computer battery is a happy battery! Please make sure your student is plugging in each night!
High School Registration can be daunting! Here's some help:
8th Grade Promotion Information
June 9, 2020
9:30am for students in the following homerooms: Johnson, Palarino, Dove, Sullivan, Chirico, Estro, Proleika, Scott
1:30pm for students in the following homerooms: Forbes, Helms, Huesing, Salema, Seaborn, Washburn, Zimmerman, Zwally
In collaboration with the guidance department’s “We Belong” initiative, WMS show choir, concert band and journalism present a night of creativity and unity
Doors open at 6:30 for gallery walk
Performances at 7:00
Event is 6:30-8:00
Located in WMS gym
Worried about sickness?
*Please do not send your child to school sick
*Please encourage your child to wash his/her hands multiple times throughout the day:
- Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap.
- Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
- Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice.
- Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
- Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.
So thankful to have these special ladies help us kick off our LLS campaign today!!
Congratulation to Robin Pettit for being nominated for the March 2020 UCPS Influencers award!
A student recently honored Ms. Pettit by submitting the following information to the UCPS Influencers program:
Mrs. Pettit because she always has a good attitude and listens to what her students have to say. She takes time to assist individual students that might get behind and never gets frustrated. Students actually get excited about going to her class because of her sense of humor and love of students.
Is there a teacher or staff member that has had a positive influence on your child? Nominate him/her for a UCPS "Influencer Award" here: https://ucpsinfluencers.com/
We have a few teachers nominated for an NC School Hero Award!
Information about the Wildcat Word is headed your way!
There are limited copies of The Wildcat Word (winter edition) still available. However, the WMS Journalism class has begun the publication process of our Spring edition of The Wildcat Word. We are adding business advertisement to the Spring edition. Feel free to reach out to Beverly Young if you would like to advertise your business or if your employer would like to advertise in our publication.
Advertising Price Menu
Business Card Ad - $50.00
Page Sponsorship - $100.00
Back Cover Ad - contact Beverly Young directly
Yearbooks sales are HOT this year and are on target to sell-out before the deadline!
PLEASE purchase NOW so that your student will have a yearbook when the greatly anticipated yearbook distribution day arrives. Order now at www.balfour.com.
ATTENTION PARENTS OF ALL 8TH GRADERS! The time for purchasing an ad to acknowledge your 8th grader in the yearbook will soon come to a close. Send your 8th grader to high school by acknowledging your pride and love for them in the 2019-2020 yearbook. What a great way to record a special memory in the pages of our WMS history! Purchase an ad when you purchase a yearbook for your 8th grader at www.balfour.com. The deadline to order an acknowledgement ad for your student is March 13, 2020.
Career Day 2020 will be Friday April 24th from 8:30am-11:00am. If you know anyone interested in sharing their career with our middle school students, please share the sign-up link below. The Career Day Information for Presenters link has a video that outlines answers to frequently asked questions by our presenters. If you know anyone who is interested that doesn’t live in the area, we are also able to setup video conferencing. Mr. Vreeland’s son presented for us last year from California, and it was a great experience. We are also able to accommodate a speaker if they are only available for one or two sessions, we just need to know up front.
Please let us know if you have any questions, and thanks for your help in recruiting for career day 2020!
Career Day Sign-Up for Presenters:
Career Day Information for Presenters:
PAWS-itively Important Information
Helpful WMS Info
Please remember you need to bring your driver’s license to visit, volunteer, or check out students. You will need to present identification to be allowed into the building. Please note that you may only drop off materials until 10:30 each morning.
- Download the Here Comes the Bus app or visit herecomesthebus.com
- Click the Sign Up button
- Enter school code 74436 and click “Next” followed by “Confirm”
- Complete the “User Profile” box
- Under “My Students,” click “Add”
- Enter your child’s last name and student ID number
Car riders are not permitted to ride school buses.
Absence/Early Dismissal/Drop Offs
Parents, if your child will be leaving school early, please send a note to the homeroom teacher with the dismissal time. Students who leave before or arrive after 12:15 pm will be marked absent for the day. There are no dismissals allowed after 3:15 pm. If you send a note for your student to be in the office at 3:00 pm and you arrive after the 3:15 pm deadline, if your student is not in the office waiting for you the office staff will not call your student out of class.
Also, all early dismissal and late arrivals from medical appointments must have a note from the doctor in order to be excused. When students are absent it is not necessary to call the school. Be sure to send a note to the homeroom teacher stating why the student was not in school. UCPS will notify you through Connect-Ed if your student was absent.
Any materials being dropped off must be dropped off by 10:30am. No drop offs will be accepted after this time.
About Us
Email: amy.rogers@ucps.k12.nc.us
Website: https://www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Domain/56
Location: 5903 Deal Road, Matthews, NC, USA
Phone: 704.296.6318
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WeddingtonMS.NC/
Twitter: @WMSINFO