Follower Youth E-News!
Feb 2025 Edition - Fairmount Ave. UMC
Details for February 16 and 17!
Sneak Peak 2/21 Overnighter; Meet up early March!
February 16 is Youth Sunday and Youth Family and Follower Breakfast!
At 8:30 AM two (2) things happen simultaneously:
- Youth to Sanctuary with me (Cindy)
- Musicians will practice and Evelyn and Maizie will need all youth hands on deck to set up and run through the pantomime; Audrey will run through the Time with Children.
- Parents/Families to the Fellowship Hall
- Help our cooks (Kirsten, Amy, and Josiah) set up for the Youth Sunday breakfast and enjoy each other's company.
At 9:15 AM Youth and Families Breakfast!
- I will bring youth down and we will all have breakfast together.
At 9:45 AM (two) 2 things happen simultaneously
- Parents and family can help clean up so coffee hour can be set up.
- I will take the youth back upstairs to work with sound check and for usher(s) to be set up.
At 10:15 AM: All Youth in place. Maizie starts prelude at 10:28 AM.
Service is 10:30 - 11:30 AM.
Monday, February 17: Two (2) Fundraising Activities!
All Mission Trippers 2025 and 2026!
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM: Business Donation Activity
- What to Expect:
- 9:30 AM: Meet up in Wesley Room and warm-up and role play going into businesses.
- Go 0ut in team(s);
- 12 Noon, return to church to report out and have hot chocolate/tea.
- 12:30 PM Pick-up.
DaVanni's on Grand Ave. Total Event from 4-8 PM.
Invite your family and friends!
- Youth and/or Youth Families sign-up to sit with me to help greet from either
- 5:30 - 6:30 or 6:30 - 7:30 PM.
Sneak Peak: February 21 Overnighter!
Video Game Tourney!
Currently being planned by youth! Stay tuned for more details after Wednesday.
At least one adult to stay overnight with the kids at church. See sign-up genius.
Reminder to let me know if you have anything coming up!
Les Misérables at Great River School to see Evelyn.
- General admission tickets $10 & $15/person and one show is "Pay as you can"
- March 7 at 7 PM: Join me for a Meet-up! Or go when you would like 3/7-3/9 or 3/14-3/16.
For more information, click here or copy/paste URL: https://www.greatriverschool.org/lesmistix?rq=les%20mis
FAUMC Calendar--Click "Calendar"
SEARCH "Followers"
Reminder: ALL Church items are also on this calendar.
One can "subscribe" to this one as well.
Followers GOOGLE Calendar
Descriptions will be populated, but this has EVERYTHING Followers.
Most Forms are in, but just in case....
Feel free to get copies from me.
Cindy's Office Times
NOTE: I am flexible to move these times around on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday according to the needs of Followers youth and their families, volunteers, and Young Adults. Just text/call/email and we can find a time.
My cell phone is on usually until 9pm Sunday - Thursday to answer short questions and/or set up future chat times.
- Sunday (2/9 working remote)
- Monday: 2-4 PM/Flexible
- Tuesday: 2-5 PM/Flexible
- Wednesdays: 1:00 PM - 7:30 PM
- Thursday - Flexible
- Friday/Saturday OFF (unless special event weekend).
*Generally 20 hours/week; and depends on 2nd job needs. Sunday and Wednesday are the most set.
Looking for Community Hours for School? A Family Service Project?
Contact Info.
Email: cindy@faumc.net
Website: faumc.net
Location: Fairmount Avenue United Methodist Church
Phone: 763.321.8077
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070005524629
Mission Statement: To be a welcoming, joyful community igniting hearts and minds for God's work.