The Central Catholic Saints
Week ending March 22, 2024
We are so excited to welcome students back tomorrow Monday March 25!
A reminder that school begins at 7:30am with assembly at 7:45am. After 7:45am your student is considered late.
Our doors open for morning care at 6:30am. All students are welcomed and encouraged to have breakfast with us!
Holy Week
A reminder of the events taking place during Holy Week. This is a very special time of the year for our school.
Sunday March 24 is Palm Sunday.
On Wednesday March 27 all school mass.
On Thursday March 28, we will have an all school Sedar meal in the morning. Our 8th grade students will recreate the Last Supper for us.
On Friday March 29, we will have the Passion Play at 10:30am at Good Shepherd Church. At the end of the play, our students will leave the church in silence and remain silent for the remainder of the school day, including dismissal. Please speak to your students about are expectation of them being reverent and quiet for the remainder of the day.
- This is also an early release day, 1pm with no aftercare.
Monday April 1 is Easter Monday - NO SCHOOL
Choice Scholarships
We have begun processing Choice Scholarships - Thank you to those families that have brought in their taxes. At Student Led Conferences, we will have a list of the families whose paperwork has been processed and ready to sign. You will be able to sign your paper work that evening.
If you have filed your taxes please bring a copy into the school office so we may begin processing your scholarship for next school year.
If you have questions please see Mrs. Caldera.
A gentle reminder - Birthday Treats
Parents, I just want to remind you that we are not allowed to have cupcakes, cakes, or candy as a birthday treats. Central Catholic School is a universal free and reduced lunch school we have state guidelines we must follow.
Students my bring a small individual healthy snack - pretzels, fruit snacks, granola bars, etc. - for their classmates. (No drinks)
If cupcakes, cakes or candy is brought as a treat, they will be sent back home. I appreciate your support in this matter.
Soccer Practice Next Week
Monday March 11 - Grades 5/6 - 6-8pm
Tuesday March 12 - Grades 3/4 - 6-7:30pm
Wednesday March 13 - Grades 5/6 - 6-8pm
Thursday - Grades 3/4 - 6-7:30pm
The Counselor's Corner
Food pantry pick up day will be Tuesday March 26. If you have not done so, please bring back your bags to the office.
Important Upcoming Dates
Friday March 29 - Good Friday early dismissal @ 1pm - NO Aftercare - Students will be dismissed in silence
Monday April 1 - Easter Monday - NO School
Monday April 8 - Solar Eclipse - ELearning - NO School
Lunch Menu 3/4-3/8
**I am sorry the entree option is missing at this time. I did not have the menu with me to post. We will make sure students know what is being served each day.**
Monday: , PBJ, or garden salad
Tuesday: pizza lunchable, or garden salad
Wednesday:, PBJ, or garden salad
Thursday: , pizza lunchable, or garden salad
Friday: , PBJ, or lunchie munchie
**A reminder that during Lent we do not serve meat on Friday.
Substitutions may be made without notice. Student meals are provided at no cost through the USDA. Lunch includes choices of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, protein, and dairy.