Weekly News & Learning
February 1, 2025
Principal's Message
Dear NISL Families,
I am excited to share some exciting highlights from the past week, celebrating our students’ achievements in both academics and leadership.
On January 28 and 29, our school participated in the Islamic Quick Recall competition against HIRA Islamic School. This event was a wonderful opportunity for students to engage in friendly competition while demonstrating their knowledge of Islamic studies. We had four teams representing our school—two elementary teams (boys and girls) and two middle school teams (boys and girls). I am proud to announce that both our elementary and middle school girls’ teams won their matches! Congratulations to all the students who participated, and a special thank you to the teachers and coaches who prepared them for this event.
Additionally, on Saturday, February 1, we held the National Honor Society (NHS), National Junior Honor Society (NJHS), and National Elementary Honor Society (NEHS) induction ceremony. This event recognized students who have excelled in scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Being inducted into these prestigious organizations is not only an academic achievement but also a commitment to upholding the values of integrity, responsibility, and community service.
As we celebrate these accomplishments, I am reminded of the hadith of the Prophet ﷺ:
“Indeed, Allah loves that when one of you performs a task, he does it with excellence.”
Our students demonstrated their pursuit of excellence through their dedication to learning in the Islamic Quick Recall competition and their commitment to scholarship and leadership through the NHS, NJHS, and NEHS induction. May they continue striving for excellence in all they do, seeking knowledge with sincerity and using it to benefit others. We are so grateful to all of our advisors, teachers, staff, admin, and our alumni who worked hard to organize this event and make it memorable.
Thank you, parents, for your continued support in nurturing our students’ academic and spiritual growth. May Allah SwT bless them with success in this life and the Hereafter.
Aisha Blagaia
National Honor Society Inductees
NHS: Grades 10-12
Amina Albarqawi
Aliyah Aminov
Moyzidi Cheikh
Safiya Jourane
Sereen Mohammad
Maryam Shodieva
NJHS: Grades 6-9
Manal Abdulaziz
Zeineb Abeidy
Ahmat Akhmedov
Nour Albarqawi
Malak Ali
Bilal Bouriche
Widad Debagh
Rimane El Hayani
Ziyad Elazizi
Zainab Fatima
Safa Hamid
Saban Haseljic
Salma Hassan
Malek Jourane
Lujain Kadhum
Khadar Mohamed
Sofiya Mohamed
Rama Mohammad
Ali Mohammed
Safa Mukhtar
Hasina Sabur
Aleyna Safarova
Sihaam Shafi
Sumayyah Vineyard
Sora Yusupova
NEHS: Grades 4 - 5
Abdifatah Abdi
Asmah Abdulbaqi
Nazli Akhmedova
Aya Aldaoud
Safiyah Aminov
Luqman Elhayani
Libin Hassan
Maya Jalab
Nusaiba Jourane
Arhamm Khan
Malak Kurbanova
Humam Mahmood
Bilal Mohammad
Faiz Mohammad
Naser Mohammad
Ritaj Mohammad
Yousof Mohammad
Zainab Mohammad
Hasnain Mohammed
Hudhayfah Mukhtar
Muhammad Muradov
Mounis Saudagar
Habsa Shafi
Congratulations and mabrook to NISL's first cohort of National Honor Society inductees and their parents for raising them to value school and character. On Saturday, students officially became members of this prestigious, national organization that recognizes, cultivates, and inspires academic achievement, leadership, service, character, and citizenship.
Being inducted is just the beginning. Now we begin the task of guiding our students in school and community-wide service projects. It is in these projects that NISL students will demonstrate service and develop leadership, character, and citizenship skills, with the help and blessing of Allah. Look for pictures from the ceremony in our next newsletter, bi idhniAllah!
NISL PTO Secondary Movie Night!
Alhamdulillah! NISL PTO Board executed another night of bonding for NISL students. This time, students in grades 6 through 12 met with friends for food and fun!! This marks PTO's second successful event. The boys watched Sonic 3 and the girls watched the live action Mulan.
May Allah amplify their efforts, increase their rewards, and grant them support from all NISL parents in their mission to enhance our children's school experience!
Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
“Whoever does not thank people has not thanked Allah.”
Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4811
عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ لاَ يَشْكُرُ اللَّهَ مَنْ لاَ يَشْكُرُ النَّاسَ
4811 سنن أبي داود كتاب الأدب باب في شكر المعروف
- Kindergarten parents: They jumped on the parent teacher conference link and started signing up like their lives depended on it! (Sr. Hafsa)
- Sr. Sakina for her guiding the students for the quick recall and leading all the girls to success! (Br. Ammar)
Grades 3-5 and 6-8 for winning the Islamic Quick Recall trophy! (Br. Ammar)
Murad Badal (8th), Rifqua Khader (7th), Lujain Kadhom (7th), and Umar Yusopova (6th) for grade 6 do helping with running the Buzzer system smoothly! (Br. Ammar)
Nour Albarqawi (8th), Safa Mukhtar (8th), Sofia Mohamed (8th), Rama Mohammad (8th), Sora Yusupova (8th), and Malak Ali (7th) for moving chairs for the induction ceremony! (Sr. Zainab)
- Sr. Nouna regardless of her health issues that requires her to minimize her activity but still she is like an iron lady that stays still in her responsibilities and commitment. She is a role model of strong will and determination! (Sr. Wisal)
- Sr. Aisha T. Her doors of sacrifice, kindness, involvement, offering helping hands for any concern for any student inspire me as a coworker. She is a stream of greatness.
- Br. Khalil and Br. Omar: The high school handyman Br. Khalil: Regardless to the injured hand, he is still following up with the maintenance pairing up with Br. Omar as treasures of our school and solid backbones! (Sr. Wisal)
- Sr. Fatima and Sr. Hafsa for assuming and even greater workload. I feel humbled by your willingness to do whatever it takes for efficiency! (Sr. Zainab)
- Sr. Bothaina for stepping up to supervise students without being asked! SubhanAllah, she exemplifies the NISL spirit of cooperation and teamwork! (Sr. Zainab)
- Sr. Lobna and Sr. Niveen for accepting last minute changes to their schedules with grace! It is refreshing to work with people like you! (Sr. Zainab)
- Sr. Aisha, Sr. Rubeena, Sr. Walaa, Sr. Sr. Noor, and Ms. Desiree for their invaluable work before and/or during our first NHS Induction Ceremony! Their creativity, initiative, and guidance for our students was beyond expectations! (Sr. Zainab)
- Sr. Amani for keen attention to detail and improving upon the amazing work she is already doing! (Sr. Zainab)
Uniform Reminders
Grades 6-12
No jeans or sweat pants
No sandals or Crocs - EVEN ON FRIDAYS
- Feb. 3-13: WaterStep shoe drive
- Feb. 8-9: CISNA Arabic Spelling Bee (Grades 1-2)
- Feb. 12: School-wide Science Fair (Grades 3-8)
- Feb. 15-16: CISNA Arabic Spelling Bee (Grades 3-5)
- Feb. 17: MIddle school assembly after dhuhr prayer (Water Cleaning & Storage presentation)
- Feb. 18: 4th and 5th grade field trip to WaterStep (9:00AM-11:30AM)
- Feb. 18: 6th, 7th, and 8th grade reward* trip to Main Event (10:30 - 3:00)
- Feb. 22-23: CISNA Arabic Spelling Bee (Grades 6-8)
- Feb. 25: Pre-Ramadan Workshop for students (in school)
Tahfeedh Qur'an Program
- The Tahfeedh Quran program runs Mon-Fri.
- Offering flexible time slots.
- Open to both NISL students and Non-NISL students.
- Helping students of all ages learn how to read with tajweed, memorize and deepen their connection to the Quran.
School year of 2023/2024 Highlights:
- 95% of students completed learning how to read
- 60% of students memorized 10 pages of Quran
- 29% memorized 1 Juz
- 11% memorized more than 1 Juz.
We look forward to welcoming students of all ages and accommodating their learning needs! Sign up here or use the button below to register your children.
Upcoming Learning
ELA/Islamic St./Math/Social St./Science/Art - Sr. Nour Aljalab
Reading daily is key to your child’s growth in vocabulary, comprehension, and creativity. Raz-Kids is now available for your child at home—an excellent resource to support their reading practice! Please encourage them to read a little each day. Your support makes a big difference!
Language & Phonics
Whole group - Amplify Skill 7:
This unit introduces six consonant sounds written with two letters: /ch/ as in chin, /sh/ as in shop, /th/ (unvoiced) as in thin, /th/ (voiced) as in them, /qu/ as in quit, and /ng/ as in sing.
Small Groups:
Group 1: Vowel Teams /ā/, /ē/, /ō/, /ī/
Learning and spelling words with vowel teams like ai, ay, ee, ea, oa, and igh.
Building fluency and accuracy in reading these patterns.
Group 2: Suffix -ing and Syllables
Identifying and spelling words with the suffix -ing.
Breaking words into syllables and understanding how this helps with reading and spelling.
Group 3: Advanced Phonics (ch, wh, ph)
Reading and spelling words with ch /ch/, wh /w/, and ph /f/.
Strengthening phonics and spelling skills with these patterns
Reading Comprehension: Knowledge 7 - Kings and Queens
Exploring kings, queens, and royal traditions through read-aloud stories like The Princess and the Pea and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
Identifying characters, settings, and plots while sequencing events.
Social Studies Connection:
Learning about royal responsibilities and customs through stories like King Midas and the Golden Touch.
Discussing leadership qualities and comparing traditions to modern family roles.
Science Connection:
Investigating materials used in castles, clothing, and royal artifacts.
Learning how natural resources play a role in creating these items.
Islamic Studies
Learning about the life of Abu Bakr (RA), the closest companion of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).
Understanding his dedication to Islam and love for Allah.
Discussing lessons from his character and actions that can be applied to our daily lives.
Unit 6: Addition and Subtraction Within 10
Add and subtract numbers within 10 using objects, drawings, and equations.
Practice fluency in solving these problems through games and group activities.
Wrapping up the week with a review and assessment.
Small Groups: Improving Fluency
Group 1: Addition and subtraction within 100.
Group 2: Addition and subtraction within 20.
Group 3: Addition and subtraction within 10.
Qur'an/Arabic - Sr. Bothaina Ali
Topic: Tanween kasra with words/dua for pain
- Pronounce each letter correctly.
- Recognize between tanween kasrah in Arabic and Quran
- Practice reading the words with tanween kasra.
- Identify which letters have a kasra and which letters have tanween kasra
- Recognize the the sound between tanween fatha and tanween kasra .
Practice reading test on Friday (words in tanween kasra)
Social Emotional Learning/Physical Education- Sr. Nouna Bouzelmat
Introduction to BasketballBounce Pass to a Partner (3 out of 4 cues)
Step into the pass.
Push the ball down with control.
Aim for the target area (about two-thirds of the way to your partner).
Follow through with your hands pointing towards the target.
Introduce the second part of Unit 2: Intellectual Positive Actions.
Being curious (that means wondering about things that are new to you). Thinking creatively (that means thinking new things in your own mind)
Gaining new information (that means learning new things).
Solving problems (that means choosing positive solutions).
Strengthening your memory (that means learning something and not forgetting it).
Technology - Sr. Rubeena Valappil
- How to create a Doc
- What Docs are and their uses
- Show basic formatting (e.g., Write a paragraph, changing colors, different font type)
- Assignment and Quiz
ELA/Islamic St./Math/Social St./Science/Art - Sr. Amani Aljalab
Spelling test on Friday 2/7bank, much, phone, link, pink, rich, dolphin, sink, thank, bench, bunk, which, drink, branch, orphan, blank, march, nephew, whale, cliff
Kindness Tree Art Project
Learn about Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) acts of kindness and reflect on practicing kindness in their lives by creating a "Kindness Tree".
English Language Arts
Amplify Skills Unit 5 (Writing & Spelling)
Lesson 16: Plan and Draft an Opinion Paragraph as a Class
Lesson 17: Plan and Draft an Opinion Paragraph Independently
Lesson 18: Edit an Opinion Paragraph
Lesson 19: Spelling Alternatives: Review /l/ › ‘l’ and ‘ll’
Unit 5 Assessment: Word Recognition; Grammar
Knowledge unit 6 (Space & Exploration)
Lesson 4: Stargazing and Constellations
Lesson 5: The Moon
Lesson 6: History of Space
Lesson 7: Exploration of the Moon
Lesson 8: The Solar System
Daily Focus:
Phonics Practice (UFLI): Focus on affixes.
Phonological Awareness Practice: Deletion and substitution of the last sound.
High-Frequency Words Practice: Reinforce recognition and usage.
Reading Comprehension Practice: Enhance understanding of text.
Grammar Lessons: Focus on subject verb agreement
bank, much, phone, link, pink, rich, dolphin, sink, thank, bench, bunk, which, drink, branch, orphan, blank, march, nephew, whale, cliff
Islamic Studies
The Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Learn about key events and teachings from the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and how he serves as a role model in Islam.
Mini Biography Book Project
Create a booklet with illustrations and facts about the Prophet’s life, including his honesty, kindness, and key teachings.
Daily Salat and Wudu Practice
Practice performing Wudu and learn the importance of daily Salat through guided demonstrations and activities.
The Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) quiz on Thursday, 2/6
iReady Math Lesson 20: Adding Two-Digit and One-Digit Numbers
Practice adding within 100, including two-digit numbers with one-digit numbers and multiples of ten. They will use concrete models, drawings, and place value strategies to explain their reasoning.
Daily Math Practice
Numbers and Operations: Two-digit addition and subtraction
Measurement: Length and mass units (USA standards)
Geometry: Faces, edges, and vertices
Word Problem Practice: Solve a daily word problem
Lesson 20 Quiz on Friday, 2/7
Review and take a quiz on Lesson 20, covering two-digit and one-digit addition strategies.
Science Fair Practice
Understand interactions of magnets with other materials.
Practice reading, presenting, and explaining their magnetism projects in preparation for the science fair.
Social Studies
Stories from the Past :Chapter 5, Lesson 5
Identify key details and demonstrate an understanding of the central message in historical and folk stories.( Annie Oakley, Davy Crockett, Paul Bunyan, John Henry).
Chapter 5 lesson 5(stories from the past) test on Wednesday,2/5
Qur'an/Arabic - Sr. Bothaina Ali
Topic: Chapter 4 Lesson 11 (Shaddah)
Social Emotional Learning/Physical Education- Sr. Nouna Bouzelmat
Introduction to BasketballBounce Pass to a Partner (3 out of 4 cues)
Step into the pass.
Push the ball down with control.
Aim for the target area (about two-thirds of the way to your partner).
Follow through with your hands pointing towards the target.
Introduce the second part of Unit 2: Intellectual Positive Actions.
Being curious (that means wondering about things that are new to you). Thinking creatively (that means thinking new things in your own mind)
Gaining new information (that means learning new things).
Solving problems (that means choosing positive solutions).
Strengthening your memory (that means learning something and not forgetting it).
Technology- Sr. Rubeena Valappil
- How to create a Doc
- What Docs are and their uses
- Show basic formatting (e.g., Write a paragraph, changing colors, different font type)
- Assignment and Quiz
ELA/Math/Social Studies/Science - Sr. Mebarka Aftis
Quiz 1: Using sequencing words
Friday, 2/7 Test: Unit 2 - Chapter 4: How are other seeds in the reserve able to get to places where they can grow?
English Language Arts
Knowledge 3: The Ancient Greek Civilization
Lesson 11 Alexander the Great, Part I
Analyze the contributions of Greek philosophers.
Demonstrate an understanding of the Tier 2 word marvelous.
Use a graphic organizer to plan a fictional narrative.
Lesson 12 Alexander the Great, Part II
Recall why Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are still remembered today.
Characterize the accomplishments of Alexander the Great.
Demonstrate an understanding of the Tier 2 word tame.
Write a draft of a fictional narrative.
Lesson 13 Knowledge 3 Domain Assessment
Demonstrate their understanding of domain-specific and academic vocabulary, as well as their knowledge of core content related to Ancient Greek Civilization through a multi-part assessment.
Grammar: Adverbs lesson and worksheets
Understand that adverbs describe verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs by answering questions such as how, when, and where.
Identify adverbs in sentences and use them to enhance their writing.
Lesson 15: Mental Addition and Subtraction
Session 3: Develop
Session 4: Refine
Review lesson 15 and quiz
Test for Lesson 15: Mental Addition and Subtraction Friday, 2/7
Unit 3: Changing Landforms
Chapter 1: How did the edge of the cliff get to be so close to the flagpole?
Lesson 1.1 Pre-Unit Assessment
Lesson 1.2 Observations About Landforms
Lesson 1.3 Observing Sand Samples
Lesson 1.4 Gary’s Sand Journal
Islamic Studies - Sr. Sakina Imtiaz
Unit C - Chapter 5 "Thikr after Salah"
Understand the importance of Thikr (remembrance of Allah) after Salah.
Learn specific phrases of Thikr, such as "SubhanAllah," "Alhamdulillah," and "Allahu Akbar."
Highlight the importance of reciting Ayat al-kursi after each fardh salah.
Learn why making Thikr is beneficial for them as Muslims.
Qur'an/Arabic - Sr. Lobna Hassan
Group 1
Juz 30: Surah Al-Balad (Verses 1- 20)
They can understand by reading.
- Hamzat Al-Wasul and Hamzat Al-Qata’a
- The Lunar (Qamaria) and Silent (Shamsia) Laams
- Words Specific to Quranic Font
- Stopping at the End of a Word
- Punctuation in Quranic Recitation
Group 2
Bidaya Book
Social Emotional Learning/Physical Education- Sr. Nouna Bouzelmat
Introduction to BasketballI can create space with dribbling.
I can make a bounce pass to a partner demonstrating three of four cues.
I can make a chest pass to a wall demonstrating three of four cues.
I can dribble and move with my favorite hand in open space.
Introduce the positive actions for resourcefulness and curiosity for gaining information.
What is curiosity?
Does curiosity makes you smarter?
What is the positive and negative curiosity?
Technology/Art - Sr. Rubeena Valappil
Unit 8 - Lesson 11: Introduction to Basic Docs
- How to create a Doc
- What Docs are and their uses
- Show basic formatting (e.g., Write a paragraph, changing colors, different font type).
Watercolor Fun!
Materials: 3 small Rectangular Pieces of Watercolor Paper.
Activity: The video used one piece of paper divided into 3 sections with tape. You can do either, it is easier to just cut out 3 pieces of rectangular watercolor paper or (thick) paper.
ELA/Math/Social Studies/Science - Ms. Kristen Kinne
Spelling List 17 Group A:
refrigerate translate changes major basic nation hurricane famous dangers spacious escape invade inhale elevator earthquake cascade fragrant pancake concave afraid
Spelling List 17 Group B:
paint braid plain fail grain snail stay tray gray state same fake weight they afraid today
Unit 5: Lights and Sound
Lesson: 13 Thomas Edison The Wizard of Menlo Park
- Read text about Thomas Edison and then compare and contrast Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison.
- Work collaboratively and discuss ideas while analyzing a newspaper to identify informational text features.
- Begin planning for researching and writing a newspaper article on the invention of the telephone or the incandescent light bulb.
Lesson: 14 Research Writing Newspaper Article:
- Conduct research on their topic, taking notes and categorizing the information in a graphic organizer.
- Write their first draft of their research project.
Lesson:15 Drafting Newspaper Article:
- Complete drafts of their newspaper articles.
- Revise based on feedback and criteria on a checklist.
Lesson:16 Editing and Publishing Newspaper Article: Primary Focus of Lesson:
- Edit and publish their final newspaper articles on either the invention of the telephone or the invention of the incandescent light bulb.
- Produce and publish writing using technology
Lesson: 17 Presenting Newspaper Article:
- Present their newspaper articles in a group setting, speaking clearly and at an appropriate pace, and then answer questions from group members.
- Follow the rules of discussion, pose questions to the speaker, and make comments appropriate to the discussion.
Unit 3: Multiplication: Finding Area, Solving Word Problems, and Using Scaled Graphs
Lesson: 16 Add Areas
- Find area of a larger rectangle by breaking it into smaller rectangles
- Find are of other shapes by breaking it into two rectangles.
LESSON 16 Quiz: Friday 2/7
Bring in any and all supplies to work on Science Fair projects.
Islamic Studies - Sr. Sakina Imtiaz
Unit C Chapter-6 "Thikr: Easy Ibadah, Great Rewards"
Understand the concept of Thikr and its importance in Islam.
Learn specific phrases and their meanings (e.g., SubhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar).
Identify the benefits and rewards of Thikr as mentioned in Islam.
Discuss practical ways to incorporate Thikr into daily life.
Qur'an/Arabic - Sr. Lobna Hassan
Group 1
Juz 30: Surah Al-Balad (Verses 1- 20)
They can understand by reading.
- Hamzat Al-Wasul and Hamzat Al-Qata’a
- The Lunar (Qamaria) and Silent (Shamsia) Laams
- Words Specific to Quranic Font
- Stopping at the End of a Word
- Punctuation in Quranic Recitation
Group 2
Bidaya Book.
Social Emotional Learning/Health/PE- Sr. Nouna Bouzelmat
Introduce the positive actions for meeting the intellectual needs of curiosity, creative thinking, learning something new, problem solving, and strengthening your memory.PE
Introduction to Basketball
I can create space with dribbling.
I can make a bounce pass to a partner demonstrating three of four cues.
I can make a chest pass to a wall demonstrating three of four cues.
I can dribble and move with my favorite hand in open space.
Technology/Art - Sr. Rubeena Valappil
Unit 8 - Lesson 11: Introduction to Basic Docs
- How to create a Doc
- What Docs are and their uses
- Show basic formatting (e.g., Write a paragraph, changing colors, different font type).
Watercolor Fun!
Materials: 3 small Rectangular Pieces of Watercolor Paper.
Activity: The video used one piece of paper divided into 3 sections with tape. You can do either, it is easier to just cut out 3 pieces of rectangular watercolor paper or (thick) paper.
English H.W: Razkids 2 stories
- Assigned: Monday, 2/3
- Due: Friday, 2/7
Math: Fractions Packet
- Assigned: Monday, 2/3
- Due: Friday, 2/7
ELA/Math/Social Studies/Science - Sr. Noor Hassouneh
English Language Arts
Unit 4 Eureka! Student Inventor
Lesson 2: Those Fascinating Judges—Research
- Reading: Complete close reads of several inventor biographies and will be able to summarize, refer to details, and draw inferences from these texts.
- Writing: Draw evidence from inventor biographies to support their own research.
Lesson 3: Lovin’ the Light Bulb—Research/Introduction to Pitching
- Reading: Read complex informational texts about major inventions and discuss their development and impact.
- Writing: Write an opinion piece about the importance of the light bulb, providing evidence to support their argument.
- Speaking and Listening: Recognize and summarize best practices for making an oral presentation, and analyze sample presentations. Discuss and choose audio recordings to enhance their oral presentations.
- Language: Acquire domain-specific vocabulary associated with the major inventions they are researching.
Unit 4: Fractions, Decimals, and Measurement: Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication
Lesson 17: Understand Equivalent Fractions
Science Unit 2 : Vision and Light
Lesson 2: Introducing Animal Senses
- People and other animals use their senses to get information about what is in their environment.
- People and other animals have body structures that function to get information from their environment.
Social Studies
Chapter 5
Regions: The Northeast
Islamic Studies - Sr. Sakina Imtiaz
Unit C Chapter 5 "Mubtilat Al-Salah: Things That Break the Prayer"
Understand the concept of mubtilat as-salah (things that break or invalidate the prayer).
Identify common actions or situations that break the prayer.
Learn how to avoid these actions during prayer to maintain its validity.
Recognize the importance of maintaining proper focus and respect during Salah.
Reflect on how proper prayer can strengthen their connection to Allah.
Qur'an/Arabic - Sr. Lobna Hassan
They can understand by reading.
- Hamzat Al-Wasul and Hamzat Al-Qata’a
- The Lunar (Qamaria) and Silent (Shamsia) Laams
- Words Specific to Quranic Font
- Stopping at the End of a Word
- Punctuation in Quranic Recitation
Lam of Allah
Social Emotional Learning/Health/PE- Sr. Nouna Bouzelmat
Learn the intellectual positive actions for a healthy mind:
Creative thinking
Learning something new
Problem solving
Strengthening your memory
Introduction to Basketball
I can create space with dribbling.
I can make a bounce pass to a partner demonstrating three of four cues.
I can make a chest pass to a wall demonstrating three of four cues.
I can dribble and move with my favorite hand in open space.
Technology/Art - Sr. Rubeena Valappil
Unit 5: Lesson 5: Introduction to Slides - Chart
- Different types of Charts (Bar, Column, Line, Pie)
- How to Create different types of charts ?
- Assignment and quiz
Painting Seasons!
Our students are exploring the beauty of nature through a special Painting the Seasons project! Each season inspires unique colors and imagery:
- Spring: Pastel tones, blooming flowers, and fresh greenery symbolizing new beginnings.
- Summer: Bright, sunny colors with themes of beaches, sunshine, and vibrant life.
- Autumn: Warm shades of orange, red, and gold, celebrating falling leaves and harvests.
- Winter: Cool hues like blue and white, featuring snowy landscapes and cozy scenes.
Science fair projects due Monday, FEBRUARY 10th!
Raz kids-2 stories & 3 pages in math packet each week.
Vocabulary List:
- accurately, adv. correctly; doing something without mistakes or errors
- alliance, n. a formal agreement to work together
- anxious, adj. nervous; worried
- apprentice, v. to learn a skill or trade by working with a skilled craftsman for a period of time
- betrayal, n. the act of being disloyal to and dishonest with someone who trusts you
- brute, n. someone who is mean, tough, and/or a bully
- commission, v. to hire an artist to produce a work of art
- composer, n. someone who writes music
- composition, n. a song or piece of music that has been written
- contemporary, adj. modern; current
- controversial, adj. related to or causing much discussion, disagreement, or argument
- corrupt, adj. dishonest
- cultural, adj. 1. of or relating to the fine arts (painting, music, etc.) 2. of or relating to a particular group of people and their habits, traditions, and beliefs
ELA/Math/Social Studies/Science - Ms. Desiree Wofford
English Language Arts
Unit 5: The Renaissance
- Lesson 18: Writing Informational Texts: Editing for Conventions
- Lesson 19: Presenting on a Topic: Renaissance Artist Biographies
Unit 6: The Reformation
- Lesson 1: The Power of Shared Ideas
- Lesson 2: Changes in Everyday Life
- Lesson 3: The Influence and Practices of the Church
Demonstrate their understanding of the Renaissance period by identifying key facts from the text.
Speaking and Listening:
Exchange key information about Shakespeare’s life using evidence from the text.
Unit 3: More Decimals and Fractions: Multiplication and Division
Lesson 18 Fractions as Divisions
- Explore the idea that when you divide to find equal shares, the size of each share is sometimes a fraction.
- Understand that division and fractions are related.
- Refine strategies for representing quotients of whole numbers as fractions or mixed numbers.
- Refine understanding of a fraction as a division expression.
Unit: 3 The Earth Systems
- Lesson 2.1: Investigating Water Drop Formation
- Lesson 2.2: From Water Vapor to Liquid Water
Construct the understanding that the water that condenses on the outside of a cold cup comes from water vapor in the air. This will provide them with a model of how raindrops form.
Social Studies
Chapter 7: The Young Nation Grows
Lesson 1: Washington Takes Office
- Analyze the role of George Washington in creating the Executive Branch of the Federal government.
- Describe the development of political parties in the new nation.
Islamic Studies - Sr. Sakina Imtiaz
Unit C Chapter-4 Surat Al- Mursalat: The Winds 1 (Ayat 1-20)
Understand the meaning and significance of the first 20 verses of Surat Al-Mursalat.
Recognize the themes of the surah, such as the Day of Judgment, the power of Allah, and the consequences of human actions.
Reflect on the lessons from the surah and how they can apply to their own lives.
Learn key vocabulary from the surah and understand their meanings.
Discuss the importance of believing in the unseen and preparing for the Hereafter.
Qur'an/Arabic - Sr. Lobna Hassan
Rã Mutaharrikah (Tajweed)
The rule is:
When Rã has a dammah or fathah, it will be full-mouth, and when it has a kasrah, it will be empty-mouth.
For example: نَارٌ . رَبِّكَ، شَرّ
"Rã Mutaharrikah" includes Rã with fathatayn, dammatayn or kasratayn, as well as Rã with shaddah; the Rã will be read according to its harakah.
Social Emotional Learning/Health/PE- Sr. Nouna Bouzelmat
Learn the positive action of managing our gifts or resources through self-discipline so that we feel good about ourselves.
What is self discipline?
How can I train my self on it?
Does self-discipline help you build self-concept?
Introduction to Basketball
I can create space with dribbling.
I can make a bounce pass to a partner demonstrating three of four cues.
I can make a chest pass to a wall demonstrating three of four cues.
I can dribble and move with my favorite hand in open space.
Technology/Art - Sr. Rubeena Valappil
Unit 5: Lesson 5: Introduction to Slides - Chart
- Different types of Charts (Bar, Column, Line, Pie)
- How to Create different types of charts ?
- Assignment and quiz
Painting Seasons!
Our students are exploring the beauty of nature through a special Painting the Seasons project! Each season inspires unique colors and imagery:
- Spring: Pastel tones, blooming flowers, and fresh greenery symbolizing new beginnings.
- Summer: Bright, sunny colors with themes of beaches, sunshine, and vibrant life.
- Autumn: Warm shades of orange, red, and gold, celebrating falling leaves and harvests.
- Winter: Cool hues like blue and white, featuring snowy landscapes and cozy scenes.
Science Fair Reminders
- Please check in with students on the progress with their progress on their projects.
- Please refer to the project format and explanations sent to parents earlier.
- Remember conducting the experiment and collecting data is done at home and not at school.
English Language Arts - Ms. Desiree Wofford
Unit: 6D The Greeks
Sub Unit 3: Arachne
- Lesson 4 Justice
- Lesson 5 Arachne in Your Own Words
- Lesson 1 Making a Claim and Gathering Evidence
- Lesson 2 Writing Body Paragraphs
- Lesson 4 Revising and writing an introduction
Skill Practice: Identify the claim and use of text evidence in a sample essay.
Writing: Write a claim for their essays and gather text evidence to support their claim.
Islamic Studies - Br. Ammar Shaikh
An Nasihah Series Hadith Section
- Students will present and teach the class the topic of their chosen Hadeeth
Test on Friday, 2/7 on different Hadeeth presentations
Leadership/Character - Br. Ammar Shaikh
Students will understand the concept of preparation through Islamic teachings, identify its significance in their personal and spiritual lives, and develop actionable plans to embody this value.
Math - Sr. Matou Amar
- Unit 4 Review: Monday to Wednesday
- Unit 4 Assessment planned for Thursday, 02/06
Quran/Arabic - Sr. Walaa Musleh
Lesson 11B: Past Tense
Science - Ms. Matrid Ndife
Science Fair
Providing individual assistance to students on their research projects
Objective: Assist students with data analysis and interpretation of patterns in data.
Class instruction given and assistance given on all phases of the project:
- Introduction
- Data presentation
- Writing of references
Social Studies - Sr. Walaa Musleh
Chapter 3: Mexico
Section 3: Mexico Today
Social Emotional Learning/Health/PE- Sr. Nouna Bouzelmat
Engage students in physical activity.
Improve motor skills and teamwork.
Ensure safety and fun.
Endurance development
Straight development
Raise up cardio to 80 to 90% of VMA
Technology/Art - Sr. Rubeena Valappil
Painting Fruits!
Put it in front of you or in front of an interesting background. Use acrylic paint to paint the fruit in the background. Try to use light colored fruits with dark background
Science Fair Reminders
- Please check in with students on the progress with their progress on their projects.
- Please refer to the project format and explanations sent to parents earlier.
- Remember conducting the experiment and collecting data is done at home and not at school.
English Language Arts - Sr. Aisha Taylor
Follow a writing process to produce clear and coherent short stories
Analyze how an author develops theme in a story
Determine how to outline a mystery from start to finish
Key vocabulary words: macabre; wretched; quarrels; predicament interrogate; alibi; dissemble; surmise; discreet; sleuth
Spelling test on Monday, 2/3!
Islamic Studies - Br. Ammar Shaikh
An Nasihah Series Hadith Section
- Students will present and teach the class the topic of their chosen Hadeeth
Test on Friday, 2/7 on different Hadeeth presentations
Leadership/Character - Br. Ammar Shaikh
Math - Sr. Matou Amar
Lesson 17: Understand Multi-Step Equations
- Session 1 homework is due on Tuesday, 02/04.
- Session 2 homework is due on Wednesday, 02/05.
Lesson 18: Write and Solve Multi-Step Equations
- Session 1 homework is due Friday, 02/07.
Quran/Arabic - Sr. Walaa Musleh
Lesson 11B: Past Tense
Science - Ms. Matrid Ndife
Science Fair
Providing individual assistance to students on their research projects
Objective: Assist students with data analysis and interpretation of patterns in data.
Class instruction given and assistance given on all phases of the project:
- Introduction
- Data presentation
- Writing of references
Social Studies - Sr. Walaa Musleh
Chapter 6: Civilizations of Early India
Section 2: India's Vedic Age
- Theories about the origins of the Indo-Aryans
- Information the Vedas provide about Aryan life
- How the Vedas evolved into a caste system
Social Emotional Learning/Health/PE- Sr. Nouna Bouzelmat
Engage students in physical activity.
Improve motor skills and teamwork.
Ensure safety and fun.
Endurance development
Straight development
Raise up cardio to 80 to 90% of VMA
Technology/Art - Sr. Rubeena Valappil
Painting Seasons!
Our students are exploring the beauty of nature through a special Painting the Seasons project! Each season inspires unique colors and imagery:
- Spring: Pastel tones, blooming flowers, and fresh greenery symbolizing new beginnings.
- Summer: Bright, sunny colors with themes of beaches, sunshine, and vibrant life.
- Autumn: Warm shades of orange, red, and gold, celebrating falling leaves and harvests.
- Winter: Cool hues like blue and white, featuring snowy landscapes and cozy scenes.
English Language Arts - Sr. Aisha Taylor
- Create a timeline of clues
Analyze how an author uses character development to propel the plot
Demonstrate their understanding of how to make inferences using textual evidence
This week, our classes will be writing heavy. Please make sure students are dedicating enough time to complete writing projects that will be read in class the following day!
Islamic Studies - Br. Ammar Shaikh
An Nasihah Series Hadith Section
- Students will present and teach the class the topic of their chosen Hadeeth
Test on Friday, 2/7 on different Hadeeth presentations
Leadership/Character - Br. Ammar Shaikh
Math - Sr. Matou Amar
Lesson 16: Use Functions to Model Linear Relationships
- Session 3 homework is due Tuesday, 02/04.
- Session 4 homework is due Wednesday, 02/05.
Lesson 17: Compare Different Representations of Functions
- Session 1 homework is due Friday, 02/07.
- Session 2 homework is due Monday, 02/10.
Quran/Arabic - Sr. Walaa Musleh
5B Teaching of Names (Al-Baqarah: 31-33)
- Understand the significance of Allah teaching Adam the names of all things.
- Recognize the importance of knowledge as a unique attribute of humans.
- Tajwid Rule: Mim and Nun Mushadaddah.
- Review meanings of Surah Al-Baqarah from (1-29)
Science - Ms. Matrid Ndife
Science Fair
Providing individual assistance to students on their research projects
Objective: Assist students with data analysis and interpretation of patterns in data.
Class instruction given and assistance given on all phases of the project:
- Introduction
- Data presentation
- Writing of references
Social Studies - Sr. Walaa Musleh
Chapter 7: The Road to Revolution
Section 4: On the Brink of War
- Understand why the colonists formed the First Continental Congress.
- Identify the key events that led to the outbreak of the American Revolution.
- Define important terms such as the Intolerable Acts, militia, minutemen, and Second Continental Congress.
Social Emotional Learning/Health/PE- Sr. Nouna Bouzelmat
Engage students in physical activity.
Improve motor skills and teamwork.
Ensure safety and fun.
Endurance development
Straight development
Raise up cardio to 80 to 90% of VMA
Technology/Art - Sr. Rubeena Valappil
Painting Seasons!
Our students are exploring the beauty of nature through a special Painting the Seasons project! Each season inspires unique colors and imagery:
- Spring: Pastel tones, blooming flowers, and fresh greenery symbolizing new beginnings.
- Summer: Bright, sunny colors with themes of beaches, sunshine, and vibrant life.
- Autumn: Warm shades of orange, red, and gold, celebrating falling leaves and harvests.
- Winter: Cool hues like blue and white, featuring snowy landscapes and cozy scenes.