dV Weekly Newsletter, Dragon Tales
August 29, 2022
Spoiler Alert: Lunch Schedule, Chromebook Agreement Forms, Community Care Day...
Dear da Vinci Families,
We are only a day or two away from welcoming our students back to school. I have a few quick updates to help get our week started off right.
First, thank you families for coming and supporting our community events. Both our Ice Cream Social and Community Care Day were successful! We appreciate and thank our volunteers for pulling weeds, cutting bushes, spreading mulch and doing all the laborious work to beautify the grounds surrounding our school (see below for a few photos).
Weather Announcements
It will be a scorcher this week, with temperatures in the high 90s. Like many PPS schools, our buildings are older and without central air conditioning - which means it will be hot. Please remind your middle schooler to dress lightly and pack a reusable/refillable water bottle. Students do not need to bring a lot of supplies the first few days so pack light.
This year we have carved out a full-day Jumpstart (new student orientation) for our incoming 6th-grade students on August 30th. New 7th and 8th graders are invited for the morning so they are welcome to attend through lunchtime, 11:30.
Returning 7th and 8th-grade students start Wednesday, August 31, 2022.
Principal Davis
Thank you Community Care Volunteers! We got a lot done.
Jumpstart! August 30th for NEW Students
Jumpstart is an opportunity for our incoming 6th grade students (and new-to-da Vinci 7th and 8th graders) to come on campus a day ahead of the rest of the school and learn the lay of the land. New students will attend a full-day orientation, lead by our student leadership group, Leo Leaders, and staff. New 7th and 8th graders will attend for half of the day.
*All returning 7th and 8th graders will start on Wednesday, August 31st.
Wondering which lunch your student has?
Chromebook Agreements (must be signed and returned back to school)
- Each student should have a school issued chromebook to use throughout the school year. The PPS chromebook assigned to each student is the device they should use while in the building, as personal devices are not allowed unless outlined in a student IEP/504.
- If students did not keep their device over the summer, they will be issued one sometime during the first week of school. Please note that these devices will need an initial charge before use.
- Students will also be issued a charger and have the option to take a chromebook case.
- Students should plan to bring their charged chromebook to and from school every day. Many subjects have new curriculum this year which requires daily technology use while in the classroom.
- Please work to find a good charging spot at home so the chromebook gets plugged in each night (making sure to use the correct port) and brought back to school each morning.
- Students should find some way to "personalize" their chromebook so that they know it's theirs - sticker with their name on it, washi tape, sticker, etc. Please ensure that this personalization is not permanent in any way, as it will need to be removed upon returning the chromebook.
A note about PPS provided chromebook cases:
Since students will not be allowed to bring backpacks into classrooms this year, having a case to transport their chromebook around the building is highly recommended. The PPS provided cases are very protective, but don't easily fit in student backpacks at the end of the day. If students have a safe way to transport their chromebook home (backpack, etc), they can always use the PPS case while at school and then store it in their locker for use the next day.
Parent/Student Technology Agreement:
Students will be given a copy of the district technology agreement during the first week of school. It can also be found here. Please review the guidelines on the form with your student(s), sign, and return one form for each student. If your student kept their chromebook over the summer, a form still needs to be filled out.
Please note that the agreement notes no "defacing" of the district owned technology. This serves as a reminder that any personalization done to the chromebook needs to be removable. No use of sharpie or paint pens, please.
Technology Fee:
You may have read something about a technology fee for this school year. That is not being implemented and there is no fee.
If you have any questions regarding student chromebook/technology use, please reach out to the office.
Main Daily Bell Schedule
More Details
Attendance Reporting and Tardies
If your student will be absent from school for any reason, please notify sbryan@pps.net with their name and the reason for the absence. You can also call the main office at 503-916-5356 but we receive a high volume of calls and email is preferred. If your student arrives after the tardy bell at 8:45, they will need to check in at the main office for a tardy slip.
Breakfast times, and Entrance/Exit Routines
Breakfast will now be available from 8:20 to 8:40 in the morning. Students should enter from the SE corner/playground gate through the garden courtyard.
At 8:35, student can enter through the front doors:
6th grade enters the building through the east doors, closest to the playground.
7th grade enters the building through the center/main doors.
8th grade enters through the west doors, closest to the driveway from the parking lot.
After lunch, students return to the building through these same doors.
After school, students should exit through the closest exit to their classroom.
Cell Phone Policy
Phones and all personal electronic devices should be turned OFF and put AWAY during school hours. We do not want to see earbuds or headphones. The school is not responsible for these items if they are lost or stolen. They should be locked up in the locker. Please do not try to text your student during school hours. If you need to reach them or deliver a message, call the main office and we will give them a message or call them to the office to call you.
The doorbell at the main front door
For security purposes, the building is locked during school hours. If a student arrives outside of normal arrival hours, or you need to visit, the doorbell rings the main office phone line. We can answer on an intercom and release the door. There is a camera so we can see who is at the door. However, if we are on the phone or attending to a student, we may not be able to answer immediately. Please keep trying if we do not answer immediately.
Students will be assigned a locker and should use it for their personal belongings during the day. Lockers need to be kept securely locked and students should not share the combinations. The office does maintain a list of combinations. We are not responsible for valuables brought to school. If students bring phones or other electronic devices, they need to be powered off and remain in their lockers for the entire day (including lunch periods). As a reminder, students in 7th and 8th grades will need to get a lock as soon as possible so they can keep their belongings locked up.
Traffic Pattern Highlights
We strongly encourage you to work with your community and arrange carpools to reduce congestion and help our environment. Additionally, please follow this guide if possible to help with the traffic flow in front of the school:
Everett St. in front of the school is for 6th graders. Travel EAST, from 24th toward 28th Ave. Pull to the curb for your student(s) to get out of the car. Carefully enter the line of traffic.
7th graders can be dropped off and picked up from 24th Ave. Please be careful at the intersection of 24th and Everett and yield to pedestrians.
8th graders can be dropped off on Couch (a one-way headed east) and walk through the park beside the Coco-Cola building.
There is also a driveway entering from 24th and Davis that will exit onto Everett for buses and those with special needs. Parking in the neighborhood and behind the school is very limited.
Please be courteous of our neighbors at all times and do not idle as you are parked.