McDaniel Family Newsletter
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Message from the Principal
Dear McDaniel HS Community,
We are excited to start the 2024-25 school year and are looking forward to seeing everyone for Back To School Prep and Photo ID Day on August 20th. It is an honor to have the opportunity to lead a school with a legacy of excellence. We will continue to focus on strong relationships with families, students, and our community partners. Our commitment to our CREED values (Community, Respect, Education, Equity, and Diversity) remain steadfast, and we believe our greatest asset is our incredible students. Thank you for your continued support. Together, along with VP’s Keyla Santiago Rodriguez, Ian Twiss, Kerri West and the entire McDaniel staff we will make this school year a successful and memorable one!
There are a few important dates and times to share with you before school starts. Back To School Prep and Photo ID Day will take place at McDaniel High School located at 2735 NE 82nd Avenue on Aug 20. Please enter through the front of the school. This is the best opportunity to take your photo, get your ID and bus pass. Student schedules will be available by Monday, August 19th. Schedules can be accessed through ParentVue and StudentVue.
Yearly Verification
Each year parents and/or guardians are asked to verify and update the information on file for their student. To ensure you don’t miss out on receiving important school and/or District communications, please complete the Yearly Verification by Wednesday, August 28th.
During Registration McDaniel students will:
Take their photo for their FREE TriMet Bus Pass/Student ID card (no hats please)
Receive Electronic Yearly Verification support (update address & contact information)
Pay fees for yearbook, athletic participation, and/or all-sports pass (cash, debit/credit)
Donate fees for Career and Technical Education (CTE), Music, & Science courses
Choose to purchase a photo package from Lifetouch (not required)
Find out information about Athletics, Clubs, and other programs at McDaniel
Please note textbooks Will Not be handed out until the first week of school
Chromebook pick up for Freshman and new students
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
5:30 pm - 8:00 pm (9th Grade Only)
Each student needs to have their photo taken. If you are unable to attend during the dates above,
Thursday, August 29th 9am- 3pm is makeup day.
9th Grade Family Welcome Night will be on Tuesday, August 20th at 6:00 PM. AVID Families will meet prior at 5:00 pm. We will have student activities, parent workshops and an opportunity to meet our staff.
Prep-Day tasks (mentioned above) will be available from 5:30 - 8:00 pm for 9th Grade families only, no need to come earlier in the day.
When will I get my schedule?
Schedules will be available by Monday, August 19th on StudentVUE and ParentVUE.
How do I change my schedule?
The week of August 19th a link for requesting schedule changes will be sent.
Please do not directly email counselors.
When do I pick up my books?
Textbooks will not be handed out until the first month of school.
How do I pay fees (sports, yearbook, ASB pass, etc…)?
*Note re: class fees - We do not have any fees for classes but we do ask for contributions for specific courses. Here is a list of those courses.
School Pay; See link here
Check made out to McDaniel High School
In person at Back to School Prep Day on Aug. 20
- What are the school fees?
- Click HERE for a list of fees and contributions.
We also encourage students and families to follow our official Instagram page: @mcdanielhighschoolpdx and to download the Trivory app, where you can find resources and announcements.
We look forward to seeing you on August 20th.
Adam Skyles
McDaniel High School
Important Dates
Monday, August 19th: Student Schedules Released on ParentVUE/StudentVUE
Tuesday, August 20th: Back to School Prep Day
Tuesday, August 20th: 9th Grade Family Night
Tuesday, August 27th: First Day of School 9th & 12th Grade Only!
- 9th Grade (8:26AM-12:30PM)
- 12th Grade (12:00PM-3:30PM)
Wednesday, August 28th: First Day of School All Grades
Wednesday, August 28th: ParentVUE Yearly Verification Due
Thursday, August 29th: Picture Day Make Ups
Schedule Change for 2024-25 School Year
We're excited to announce some big changes to our schedule for the 24-25 school year. We believe these changes will significantly increase engagement by providing more support and enrichment opportunities for our students.
We are moving the “All-Eight” day from Fridays to Wednesdays. Students will have all of their classes on Wednesdays. This schedule maintains that all students attend each class three times a week. By moving All 8 days to Wednesday, it ensures that special schedules for assemblies on Fridays preserve a more productive block of instructional time. The weekly schedule will look like this:
We are moving Flex time to the morning between the first and second class of the day. Flex weeks will be approximately twice a month.
During morning Flex time, all teachers will be available for each session so that students will be able to get extra instruction, re-take tests, complete projects, or work in small groups. Students in strong standing in all of their classes will have access to clubs and enrichment activities during Flex time.
Portland Public Schools has adjusted the start time for all high schools to 8:26 am. Every day will have the same start time of 8:26 am and end at 3:30 pm. Students can arrive at 7:45 am for breakfast in the commons.
These changes are designed to maximize instructional time, improve student access to Flex time with teachers, and make for a more coherent and productive experience for teachers and students. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns as we problem-solve and plan for an excellent academic experience in 24-25.
Sophomore English Update
At McDaniel HS, we believe it is our job to prepare every student for success in college and career. With that in mind, we have made an exciting change which will affect your student’s English class. We are offering AP Seminar for all 10th grade English Language Arts students for the following reasons:
AP Seminar is driven by students’ interests, making the course feel relevant to students with real world applications.
The focus of AP Seminar is on building powerful skills for the future, whether that means college, career, trades, or business. The skills students develop in AP Seminar-- collaboration, research, and communication-- will set them up for success in future study and work opportunities.
AP Seminar supports student success in future high school coursework, whether they take AP classes, dual credit classes, career technical education, or our career pathways courses.
AP Seminar will offer students flexibility. We will offer support and scaffolds for students who need them. Students who want to stretch will have the opportunity to push their learning, take the AP Seminar exam and earn elective college credit for AP Seminar. AP Seminar is a grade-level class aligned to 10th grade standards.
We understand that some students and families will be excited, and some will be anxious. We will have supports in place for all of our students and we are excited about the opportunity we are offering. AP Seminar is being taught in place of 10th grade English in 38 states and it is effective and accessible. We know this change in our English course sequence will help students think about themselves as capable, strong, academic thinkers, ready to take on challenges and pursue their dreams. We are looking forward to this journey with our students.
School Communication
Synergy ParentVUE/StudentVUE is a tool to help families stay informed about their student's progress, including grades and attendance information. User ID and password remain the same each year. If you have not set up your account or if you are having trouble accessing StudentVue or ParentVue,contact our School Admin Assistant, Ana Rosa Macias at or (503)916-5200. Also, you can download and install the mobile application from the app store.
Visit the McDaniel website for many resources including details about upcoming events, contact information for teachers and administrators, study and test preparation resources, college and career information, and much more.
Students and families can download the Trivory app on their phones or access it online. We use Trivory to send out immediate important school information about activities, clubs and athletics. This is also a great resource to find Tri-Met bus schedules and to see the daily schedule.
Much of our communication goes out via email, including the weekly Principal's Newsletters. If you do not get these newsletters or other important school communications via email, please contact the Main Office at 503-916-5220 to make sure your contact information is current.
Portland Public Schools uses Remind for two-way communication between teachers and families. This allows or text, email and push notifications and phone calls. Please note, installation of the mobile app is not required to receive texts or phone calls. Please click here for more information about Remind
Leodis V. McDaniel High School
- 2735 NE 82nd Avenue Portland, Oregon
- Stay updated by checking our website
- Follow us on Instagram @mcdanielhighschoolpdx @mcdanielhighschoolpdx.espanol
- Link to the McDaniel HS Trivory Page:
- Follow our TikTok @mcdanielhspdx