School Counselor Bulletin
Family Edition for the Week of May 18 - 22
Celebrating Our Successes
Dear HUSD Families,
Since the abrupt announcement of the school closure, we have been faced with many challenges. However, through challenging times and adversity, our current situation can present a great opportunity for personal growth. Therefore, this is the time to reflect on any accomplishments you have made, small or large. It is important to look forward to the future as we transition to summer and look forward to begin our new school year.
We are in your corner and we are cheering you on!
HUSD School Counselors
Summer School for Middle and High School Students
MS Summer School Dates: June 5 -July 2nd.
High School - NEW! Summer school for Grades 9-12 will be offered online through Hemet Unified School District. There will be two sessions offered and students will be able to check out a device if needed. This is a great opportunity to make up F or D grades from previous semesters to meet graduation and A-G college admissions requirements. Also, it is important to note that a grade of P (Pass) for this current semester will meet graduation requirements but will NOT be acceptable to meet college admissions requirements. Students can repeat an F, D, or P grade in summer school.
HS Summer School Dates: Session 1: June 5 - June 18 Session 2: June 19 - July 2
You can sign up for Summer School at:
College and Career Corner - Attention Seniors
Attention Seniors!! The district has a very important survey that they sent to you on May 7, 2020. Please take the time to give your honest feedback on this important survey. This information is used to help improve the learning experience of future Hemet USD students. All information is kept confidential so please share your experiences. If you didn't get the email here is the link:
Focus of the Week
During the last few weeks, these family edition bulletins have focused on a specific skill. As we find the school year coming to an end, we would like to shift our attention to the excitement of transitioning to the summer and the next grade level with a new teacher.
Mindful play is a great way for kids to develop focusing skills while learning to regulate their emotions and respond to any situation calmly, with kindness and compassion ( Click on the link to engage in a Mindful Games: Rock-A-Bye Activity.
TK-2 Managing Worry
This video explores what it means to worry and provides several strategies for managing worried feelings. It also encourages kids to reach out to trusted adults or friends to help the “What ifs?” go away. Managing Worry Video
3-4 Coping with Change
5th Getting Reading for Middle School
What are your feelings about Middle School? Fifth graders fill out this Moving Up to Middle School Worksheet and discuss it with your parents.
Middle School Fears and Faves
Attention all 5th graders!! We know that some of you may be worried about what to expect in Middle School....but don't fear. Enjoy this video where students walk you through their transition to help reduce your stress.
Getting Ready for Middle School Part 1: Fears & FavesThe Middle School Day
Middle School Friends & Activities
Students tell us about the activities available in middle school, and about their experience with meeting new friends at a new, larger school
Getting Ready for Middle School Part 3: Friends & Activities
Elementary Transition Activity
During P.E. in middle school, working the combination lock for the first time can be stressful. This worksheet will walk your middle school student step-by-step in unlocking their locks.
Mental Health Matters
The act of coloring is more than just a fun break from the stress of daily life, it can be very beneficial for your mental and emotional health. Take time for yourself and color these pages with positive messages. Find English Coloring Pages and Spanish Coloring Pages. Use any available art supplies (crayons, coloring pencils, markers, etc.) and invite both kids and adults to participate. Share your work and use #PEIMay2020.
The Mental Health DBT Skill of the Week is ACCEPTS.