Monthly Parent/Guardian Newsletter
Month of January 2025
Principal's Message
Dear LCE Families,
Happy New Year! We hope you were able to enjoy time with family and friends during winter vacation. It is hard to believe we are starting the second half of the school year! May 29th will be here before we know it!
The district has a goal of having students be at school at least 96% of the time. Missing a day of school here and there may not seem like a big deal; however, the absences and tardies add up. The instructional day is from 8:05 am until 3:25 pm. When your child is tardy or leaves early on a consistent basis, they are missing important instruction. Please look at the picture below for some interesting numbers. We understand if your child is sick and are keeping them home to keep others healthy. Attendance is important because there is a state law requiring students who are enrolled in school to attend a minimum of 90% of the time a class is offered in order to receive credit for the class or to be promoted to the next grade level. This school year has a total of 173 days; therefore, students may only miss 18 days during the school year. Let's start 2025 strong so we can end the year strong!
Thanks in advance for supporting our students and teachers. We look forward to a productive semester of learning.
Educationally Yours,
Mr. Williams and Ms. Croft
Students Return on Thursday, January 9, 2025
Dates to Remember
Thursday, January 9th
- Students Return ~ First Day of 2nd Semester
- Garden Club ~ 3:30 - 4:45 pm (Art Room/Butterfly Garden)
Tuesday, January 14th
- Hold Drill
- 5th Grade Field Trip ~ Houston Zoo
- 5th Grade Panoramic Class Picture ~ 2:00 pm
- Student Council Meeting ~ 3:30 - 4:15 pm (Art Room)
Wednesday, January 15th
- Evacuation Drill
- Choir Field Trip to Kempner High School
Thursday, January 16th
- Shelter in Place Drill
Friday, January 17th
- Lockdown Drill
- VIPS Coffee ~ Everyone Welcomed - 8:30 - 9:30 am (Ext Day Room)
Monday, January 20th
- MLK Holiday
Wednesday, January 22nd
- DMS Family Night for incoming 6th graders
- 5th Grade Field Trip to DMS
Thursday, January 23rd
- Garden Club ~ 3:30 - 4:45 pm (Art Room/Butterfly Garden)
Friday, January 24th
- The Winter Ball - sponsored by LCE PTO ~ The Winter Ball - 6:00 - 8:00 pm (Cafeteria)
- DMS Choir and Theater to Visit 5th Grade during outclass (9:45 am - 10:30 am)
Monday, January 27th
- Choir ~ 3:30 - 4:15 (Music Room)
Tuesday, January 28th
- SciNow Club ~ 3:30 - 4:40 pm (Room 504)
- NEHS Meeting - 3:30 - 4:14 pm (Room 201)
Friday, January 31st
- Lunar New Year sponsored by LCE PTO
- DMS Band and Orchestra to Visit 5th Grade during outclass (9:45 am - 10:30 am)
Friday, February 7th
- Career Day - please see flyer below
January Breakfast & Lunch Menus
Lexington Creek Park Hours
While school is in session, Lexington Creek Park is closed until 5:30 pm on weekdays. This allows Fort Bend ISD Extended Learning Program at Lexington Creek to have private access just as all of our students do during recess. Regular city park hours (6:00 am to 11:00 pm) apply on holidays and weekends. Please share this information with your neighbors who might also have older children.
Nurse's Corner
Health Screenings ~ If your child received a referral letter, please follow up with your child's health care provider as soon as you can. It is important that they can see and hear properly to be successful in the classroom. Please reach out to me if you need assistance or have any questions or concern
Immunizations ~ If your child received the COVID vaccine or any updated immunizations, please email me the updated record.
Kathy Vo, BSN, RN
School Nurse
Lexington Creek Elementary
2335 Dulles Avenue, Missouri City, TX 77459
Phone (281) 634-5005
Fax (281) 327-5005
Lexington Creek Elementary
Website: www.fortbendisd.com/lce
Location: Lexington Creek Elementary, Dulles Avenue, Missouri City, TX, United States
Phone: 281-634-5000
Twitter: @LCE_Lions