Franklin 411
Issue #1 - September 3, 2023
A Word From Mrs. Loor
Happy Labor Day! As we close down the summer season and get back into gear for the school year, I want us to remember that it's okay to not have something scheduled every day for our children (they need downtime too); that slowing down and just being together as a family is wonderful in itself; that we don't have to wait until the next "break" to feel like we can take a break. I read a quote that struck a chord with me, "Live a life you don't need to take a vacation from." I know we all love a good vacation, but I work hard every day to maintain a balance for myself and for my family. I hope you do too!
Now onto business for Tuesday: Adult supervision begins at 8:05 AM. The students will enter the building at 8:15 AM. The doors close at 8:25 AM. If your child is late, you do not need to sign them in. Our arrival and dismissal entrances remain the same. Please have your children line up behind the cones with the teacher's names.
1st and 2nd grade - Main entrance doors
3rd grade - Library doors
4th grade - Warwick entrance doors
5th grade - Blacktop doors
Please review our morning drop-off procedures especially if you are new to the car line. Please remember to pull all the way up to the first black post and do not pull out of the car line between the cones. Students should be ready to exit as soon as you are stopped. Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Burr, Ms. Audino and I will be there to assist your children.
Thank you! See you on Tuesday!
With Warmest Regards,
Mrs. Loor
New Classroom Signs!
A huge thank you to the PTO for our brand new, beautiful classroom signs! We are so excited to continue to work on beautifying our school. The signs are also immensely practical. No more craning your neck to find a classroom!
Our New Faces of Franklin
Did You Know...?
Nuestros boletines semanales de Franklin 411 se pueden traducir a muchos idiomas diferentes. Todo lo que necesita hacer es abrir el boletín en un navegador y hacer clic en el botón "Traducir". Si lo abre en su teléfono, necesitará encontrar el ícono de accesibilidad que lo llevará a la opción de traducción. Suele estar en la parte inferior. Si lo abre en una computadora, la opción está en la parte superior de la página.
Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
Please read through the Franklin Parent Handbook 2023-2024 thoroughly as it contains important information you need to know before the first day of school including arrival and dismissal instructions and other general information pertaining to the school.
Genesis Parent Access is open. You can find your child's placement through the portal. Please remember to fill out all the forms found in Genesis under the "Forms" tab.
You can find school supply lists on the PTO website.
From the Nurse's Office
A gentle reminder to families entering Franklin for the first time from an out of district school to please submit any outstanding immunization records, physical exam forms and health history questionnaires prior to the start of school.
Medication administration forms, EpiPen and inhaler forms and orders must be renewed each school year. Please send in all EpiPens, inhalers and any other prescription medications with the updated paperwork for the 2023-2024 school year.
All physical, health history, medication administration, EpiPen and inhaler forms are located on our district website.
Never hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns!
Kind regards,
Ann Zanelli
September 5 - First Day of School (full day - 8:15 AM - 3 PM)
September 8 - PTO Back to School Party, 6 PM
September 13 - Back to School Night, 6:30 PM
Franklin Elementary School
Location: 136 Blackburn Road, Summit, NJ, USA
Phone: (908) 277-2613
Twitter: @esloor