AHS Tiger Tales
February 17 - February 21, 2025
A Message from Dr. Pignato
As part of the Auburn City Schools continuous improvement efforts, we would appreciate your feedback on the Stakeholder Survey below. The survey link will be open until the end of May, 2025.
Information for All Students
- Announcement: The Sheet, Auburn High School’s literary and art magazine, has been recognized as a REALM First Class magazine by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).
This year, schools in 46 states and five countries nominated 422 student magazines. Magazines from middle school, high school, and higher education were welcomed for the 2024 contest. 125 magazines were awarded the contest’s highest distinction, REALM First Class.
- AHS Varsity Cheer: Athletes interested in trying out for 25-26 AHS Varsity Cheerleading team will have an interest meeting on Tuesday (2/18) and Thursday (2/20) in Room 1122 from 4-5pm. All interested candidates must attend one of the meetings to be eligible to tryout. If you have any questions, please reach out to Coach Isbell via email at cwisbell@auburnschools.org
- 2025 AHS Employment Fair/Career Expo: Fair Registration & Attendance Information
Reminders for a SUCCESSFUL DAY!
- The fair will be held on Thursday, February 27 during 2nd and 3rd periods.
- Represent yourself and AHS well. DRESS PROFESSIONALLY!
- Need Resume help? Email wcbailey@auburnschools.org OR amarshall@auburnschools.org
- Be PREPARED. Bring multiple copies of your resume.
- Students who registered by February 13 will receive an emailed “Employment Fair Passport” on February 17. Students who did not receive your passport, may come by Room 1112 or email amarshall@auburnschools.org
- Registered students may attend for one hour, with teacher permission, at any point during the period which is indicated (highlighted)* on their “Passport”. A list of registered students will be emailed to all faculty members on February 17.
- Non-Registered students (Those who DID NOT sign up for the fair) will NOT be allowed to leave during class to attend individually. Fair Logistics team will NOT provide passes to students. These students may attend during lunch if the criteria below is met:
- Lunch attendance: Any student who is appropriately dressed and who has resumes in hand may attend during their scheduled 25-MINUTE lunch period. To track attendance students MUST sign the student attendance log upon entry and when leaving the fair space and sign at each table where they visited employers. NO PASSES WILL BE PROVIDED TO THESE STUDENTS FOR ADMITTANCE TO CLASS.
WANT to know which employers will be attending?
Link to Fair STUDENT resources listed below: 2025 Employment Fair-Shared Documents (Share with students & parents)
- Participating Employers (70 businesses/community partners)
- Job Opening & Descriptions
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Audrey Marshall in Room 1112 or email amarshall@auburnschools.org prior to the fair.
- DECA: DECA officers will hold a mock competition for students competing at the state conference! The mock competition will be held on Tuesday, February 18 at 3:35 in room 1306!! If you are competing, please make every effort to attend. All DECA members are invited to come help judge and support our competitors. There will be drawings for prizes for those who attend this meeting!!!!
- Yearbook: All 10th and 11th graders:
As we look ahead to course selection in a couple of weeks, please consider yearbook as an elective for the 2025-2026 school year. There will be a video and interest survey in Tiger Connect this week.
We are also adding the Yearbook Interest Survey here if you would like to go ahead and fill it out.
- The Sheet Fundraiser: Auburn High School’s literary and art magazine, The Sheet, is hosting a Friendship Bracelet Fundraiser through MySchoolBucks. Bracelets are $4 dollars and can be delivered to your friends on campus through February 24th. Please see Mrs. Muschara in 1343 with questions.
Auburn High PTO
- PTO: Our PTO needs our help! If you are able to sign up for items to assist our nurses and/or to provide snacks for our teacher snack carts, we would be so grateful!
- Please use the following link to sign up:
- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080F48A8AD23AB9-54640296-nurse#/
Information for Sophomores
- Attention 10th graders: February is open enrollment / program recruitment month for the International Baccalaureate Program at AHS. Current 10th graders who are interested in pursuing the IB Diploma Program should email or see Mr. Tindell in Office #1210 to schedule an individual IB consult: jetindell@auburnschools.org. All scheduled consults will take place during the month of February.
Information for Juniors
- Hospital Health Science Internship: Attention Juniors!! From AHS's Ms. Laurie Osborne, Health Science teacher!! Current Juniors interested in the Hospital Health Science Internship program should message Ms. Osborne on Schoology to request an application. The deadline to submit applications is Monday, March 10, by 3:00 p.m. Students must complete the Foundations of Health Science course before applying.
Information for Juniors and Seniors
- National Honor Society: Juniors and Seniors who have a 3.75 GPA or higher will receive invitations to apply for membership in National Honor Society via Outlook on Monday, February 10 at 8:00 AM. These students will receive a link to the NHS Application. This application must be completed by 11:59 PM on Monday, February 24 to be considered by the Faculty Council. Students who have questions about NHS should contact Ms. Michelle Hopf (mehopf@auburnschools.org).
- Workkeys: Class of 2025 & 2026 Work Keys Testing Dates Request
Link to sign up: https://forms.office.com/r/vEqw9U0BFc
Please use the link to sign up for your preference of dates to take each of the 3 sections of the WorkKeys test. (Workplace Documents, Applied Math, & Graphic Literacy) Online testing will take approximately 3 hours and can be completed on either of the following dates in lab 1323. Students must sign up for testing dates as space is limited for each session.
Dates listed are STANDARD TESTING unless otherwise noted. Section only testing will start at the time listed. Time allocated for each section is 50 minutes. Students who select "section date" testing should allow 1 hour and 30 minutes for the testing session.
- Standard Testing Dates:
- February 18 (8:15 a.m.-12:00 p.m.) All Sections
- Saturday, March 1 (8:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.) All Sections
- Accommodated Testing
- February 19 (8:15 a.m.-4:00 p.m.) All Sections-Accommodated
Important Information:
- IMPORTANT: If you normally have accommodated testing please indicate this when you sign up for testing.
- Free online practice software is available for students to utilize prior to the WorkKeys testing. Contact Mrs. Audrey Marshall to obtain a login for this software.
- To earn a Career Readiness Indicator (CRI), students must score a 4 or higher on ALL of the three test sections.
Information from Previous Weeks
For questions or concerns, contact:
📧 Mr. Bailey – wcbailey@auburnschools.org
📧 Mrs. Breland – tbbreland@auburnschools.org
📧 Mrs. Marshall – AMarshall@auburnschools.org
2025 AHS Employment Fair/Career Expo --YOU ARE INVITED!
February 27, 2025
10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
AHS Gym-Building 2
Why participate?
- Prizes, Job Opportunities, Career Information and so much more!!!!
- Come network with employers interested in hiring and investing in Auburn High School students
- Connect with visiting employers and company representatives to discuss employment opportunities, internships, and career options
- Sign up BEFORE February 13 to receive a VIP Student Passport & PRIZES
- Students may sign up for ONE HOUR to attend
A list of participating employers is accessible on the Counselor's Schoology page and by texting @acsevents to 81010 to join the ACS-AHS Events Remind.
ONLY students who register in advance (FEB. 13) will be eligible for prizes.
Questions may be directed to Mrs. Audrey Marshall, Work-Based Education Coordinator at amarshall@auburnschools.org, (334) 887-0058, or come by Room 1112.
TO REGISTER Click the link below or scan the QR Code
Tiger Thoughts:
"A word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success." – Unknown
Student Organizations:
Monday, February 17:
Beta Club Induction Ceremony- 6:00 PM, Schola
Tuesday, February 18:
FCS- 7:15 AM, Rm. 3132
Chemistry Club- 3:45 PM, Rm. 1338
Wednesday, February 19:
NHS- 7:30 AM, Cafeteria
Chess Club- 3:45 PM, Rm. 1218
EAC- 3:45 PM, Rm. 1338
HiDef- 3:45 PM, Rm. 3126
Physics Club- 3:45 PM, 1234
NHS- 3:45 PM, Cafeteria
Thursday, February 20:
EDUCATE/GSA- 3:45 PM, Rm. 1110
FFA- 3:45 PM, Rm. 3130
Forensic Science Club- 3:45 PM, Rm. 1222
Friday, February 21:
KPAC- 3:45 PM, Rm. 3116
College Recruitment Visits
Important Dates to Remember
Curriculum Night- February 25
ACS Spring Band Concerts (AHS Auditorium) - March 1
Prom- April 5
ACT State Test- April 8
World's Fair- April 17
Graduation- May 22
ALL students need to join the Counseling Schoology Page, access code CDKZ-ZVQ7-GTSJS.
Late Arrival, Early Release, and Off-campus Dual Enrollment students must secure reliable transportation to be on campus for AHS Traditional courses and off campus otherwise.
Students' Schoology logins are their school username and their school lunch number (ex: jjsmith/1234)
Where to Find Help
Medical/Health Needs: Contact our school nurses!
Nurse Alissa Compton, ahsnurses@auburnschools.onmicrosoft.com
Nurse Krystal Lorton, ahsnurses@auburnschools.onmicrosoft.com
Nurse Ashley Wiggins, ahsnurses@auburnschools.onmicrosoft.com
Academic and/or General Assistance: Contact our school administrators!
Families with Last Names A – D: Mr. Alfonzo Frazier, adfrazier@auburnschools.org
Families with Last Names E – K: Dr. Shay Baugh, smbaugh@auburnschools.org
Families with Last Names L – Q: Mr. Jamie Rice, jsrice@auburnschools.org
Families with Last Names R– Z: Ms. Beth Antoine, ecantoine@auburnschools.org
Auburn High School Principal: Dr. Shannon Pignato, sjpignato@auburnschools.org
Senior Information: https://sites.google.com/site/auburnseniors/home
Academic and Emotional Support: Contact our school counselors!
Families with Last Names A – D: Ms. Isalie Corneil, icorneil@auburnschools.org
Families with Last Names E– K: Ms. Marie Harris, mnharris@auburnschools.org
Families with Last Names L – Q: Ms. Heather Langford, khlangford@auburnschools.org
Families with Last Names R – Z: Ms. Nichole Warren, nmwarren@auburnschools.org
Mental Health Counselor: Ms. Sheryl Smith, ssmith@auburnschools.org
Ways to Stay Informed: Visit these websites!
Auburn City Schools - https://www.auburnschools.org/
Auburn High School - https://www.auburnschools.org/ahs
Auburn High Twitter - https://twitter.com/AHSAuburnTigers
Auburn High Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/AHSAuburnTigers/
City of Auburn - https://www.auburnalabama.org/
Auburn High Schoology - https://acs.schoology.com/login/ldap?&school=297955122
Alabama Department of Public Health - http://www.alabamapublichealth.gov/
Auburn High School
Website: https://www.auburnschools.org/ahs
Location: 1701 East Samford Avenue, Auburn, AL, USA
Phone: (334) 887-2120
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AHSAuburnTigers/
Twitter: @AHSAuburnTigers