Hometown School Newsletter
November 29, 2022
Bencik's Buzz
Hometown Families:
We hope that each of you had a great Thanksgiving break off took some time to recharge and enjoy family. We were excited to see the students back yesterday with their smiling faces and ready for school. We have 18 days left until break.
Holiday Dress
As we start the holiday season, please join our staff in wearing a favorite holiday shirt on Friday, December 2nd and a holiday hat or headband on Monday, December 5th.
PBIS Celebration
On Friday November 18, our entire school participated in the Trimester One PBIS Celebration. This Fall Fest was held in celebration of a wonderful Trimester. Students have shown kindness, positive behavior and have tried their best. This is cause for a celebration! Students played games such as corn race, pumpkin sweep, bingo, pumpkin walk and more! Thank you to our amazing PBIS committee for all of their hard work creating this special day for our kids.
PTA Meeting
Our next PTA meeting will take place on Thursday, December 1st at 6pm. There will also be a virtual link for those to attend. We will be discussing upcoming events as well as reviewing the handbook.
Fun Pac
Please see the flyer for purchasing the fun pac. If you are not purchasing, please return the entire pac back to the office.
We are looking to hire paraprofessionals. If you know someone or are interested, please reach out to the school for more information.
PE News
This past month in PE we played holiday games and worked on parachute activities with grades K-2, and Football Skills with grades 3-5. Long Jump Roping skills and rhythmic movement skills are coming up in the next few weeks. We will also be playing some exciting winter games in the month of December. Please remember to send your son or daughter to school with gym shoes. Our olympians for this month are Roman Fonseca from K, Serenity Sims from 1st grade, Austin Klein from 2nd grade, Alitzel Ortega from 3rd grade, Hunter Rowland from 4th grade, and Noah Diaz from 5th grade. Congratulations to our November winners!
Specials Newsletters
Please see all of the attached letters from your specials teachers. They give great information as to what is happening in each of the classrooms.
Food Drive
Holiday Craft Night
We are looking for a person to be the chairperson for this event. Please reach out to Kari Devine if you are interested. We will host a holiday craft night night on Thursday, December 8th. Please come and make crafts as well as shop in the holiday shop. Please RSVP as soon as possible so we know how many materials to buy.
Holiday Shop Volunteers
We are in need of holiday shop volunteers. Please see the attached flyer for details.
Ice Cream Volunteers
We are in need of ice cream volunteers for our Friday ice cream days. If you are able to help out, please see the dates and reach out to PTA.
Holiday Shop
We will host holiday shop in our library starting next week. Students will be coming home with envelopes today to write down who they are buying for and how much to spend.
Winter Concert
Our winter concert will take place for our chorus and K-2 grade students on Tuesday, December 13th. The concert will start at 1:30pm. Come watch all of the great singing and hard work your students have been doing.
Fourth Grade at a Glance
- The fourth graders are adventuring into this school year! Fourth grade is filled with such exciting things. We have been diligently working in our piloted curriculum in ELA. So far we have analyzed the figurative and literal workings of a great heart. We are soon to explore how extreme settings affect character development. We love to look at fiction and nonfiction together as well as dive into some great novels like Love That Dog and The Hatchet. You will always see us with a book in our hands!
- Our Science curriculum is awesome! During this next module we get to step into the shoes of a conservation biologist to save the Tokay Gecko of the Philippines. The Tokay Gecko is struggling to survive, and we will examine the structure of the eye to understand why it's unable to find its food.
- In math, the students are working hard mastering their multiplication and division facts. They are applying their skills to multi-digit multiplication and division problems. The students are understanding how these skills are used in their daily lives through the challenging word problems they solve each day.
We are so proud of the hard work our students have shown us so far this year!
Working together
Students working collaboratively together
The 4th grade team
Meet Ms. Foulk, Mrs. Iuliano, and Mrs. Woulfe.
Science Time
Working hard on a new Science unit.
During arrival and dismissal times, please refrain from bring your pets to the school. These include all pets. We do not need any animals becoming aggressive or getting loose while students are walking around the building.
Principal Hometown School
Email: abencik@d123.org
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @AmandaBencik
Hometown Elementary School
Website: d123.org/hometown
Location: 8870 S Duffy Ave, Hometown, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @d123hometown