Bear Bulletin
September 15, 2024
We are BEARS!
Open House-Sept. 19
Please Join us on September 19th to our SBMS open house. During this time you will walk your child's schedule and meet each of their teachers to hear a little about them and what to expect in each of the classes. 1st period will start promptly at 6pm.
Please see attached open House Bell Schedule.
Open House
Thursday, Sep 19, 2024, 06:00 PM
Spring Branch Middle School, Piney Point Road, Houston, TX, USA
Title One Meeting-Sept. 19th
Before Open House-5:30pm
Want to learn more about Title I and what that means for Spring Branch Middle School? Please join us for an informational meeting before open house on Sept. 19th at 5:30pm.
Student Council
Advisory On Tuesday, Sept. 17th
Nurse Erdin
If your child has a medical condition that the nurse or coaches need to be aware of please contact me at 713.251.4425 or via email at lauren.erdin@springbranchisd.com.
Also, we will be conducting required state health screenings for all 7th graders and 8th grade boys, starting Monday, September 16th. Please see the attached letter regarding the spinal portion of the screening. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.
Canvas by Instructure is Spring Branch ISD's primary learning management system (LMS).
Canvas is a reliable and reputable web-based learning management system (LMS). It allows institutions to manage digital learning, educators to create and present online learning materials and assess student learning, and students to engage in courses and receive feedback about skill development and learning achievement.
Canvas includes a variety of customizable course creation and management tools, course and user analytics and statistics, and internal communication tools. Any user can access Canvas on a mobile device from the Canvas Teacher, Canvas Student, and Canvas Parent apps.
Please see here for more information and how to access as a parent.
Cane's Day-Sept. 18th
Support our PTA
Purchase a Cane's lunch box for your Bear. Hungry Bears may want two.
The box will include 3 chicken fingers, Texas toast, fries and one sauce.
Drinks will not be provided.
Orders must be purchased online and placed at least one week in advance.
Sign up HERE
Lost and Found
Has your child lost his or her waterbottle, jacket, sweater, etc? If so, please stop by the 7th & 8th grade office to see if it has been found.
Yearbooks on Sale now
Secure your yearbook now before the before the price increase in October. Yearbooks are currently $55. If you have any questions, please email Mr. Sydnor at stephen.sydnor@springbranchisd.com
Pick up and Drop off
Parent pick up is located in the front of the school or on Parent Drive on the Northside of the campus. Please refrain from using the bus loop and Administration building for pick up and drop off. This location is only used for SBISD buses and personnel, thank you.
Late Buses
Late buses run every Monday - Thursday.
Students who chose to take the late bus home will leave campus at 4:40pm and be dropped off at their nearest SBISD Elementary School. More information about Drop off loactions are attached below.
MDE, HCE, Houseman
Woodview, SBE, VOE
Parents must come inside the school building to check out their child if leaving early!
- You MUST come to the front office to sign out your student, but you do not need to come to the front office to sign them back in.
- Parents MUST have their ID’s to sign –out the student.
- Last chance to sign your student out on regurlar sheduled days is 3:40 pm, early reslease days at 12:00pm After designated times, students will be released at the end of the school day.
Need to contact the attendance office – email: sbmsattendance@springbranchisd.com
- Doctor’s notes can be submitted in person or by email up to 2 days after the absence.
- Please make sure the student name, ID# and grade is listed on doctor’s or parent’s note.
ID Badges
At this time, all returning students were given their ID badge, a plastic cover, and lanyard. Students are expected to wear their badge daily. If your child has lost or misplaced their ID you may purchase a new one by clicking here.
Please help your child find a routine that helps them be Accountable for their badge. Temporary badges will be supplied while new badge is arriving and can be found in the grade level offices. Temporary badges should be worn each day until new badge arrives on campus.
Support Our Bears!
Sept. 16 & 17
Sept. 18th
Color Teams
Sept. 16
Up and Coming
Wednesday, September 25- Early Release -12:30pm