Cottonwood News
February 2025
A Note from our Principal
What a month! January gave us a few snow days, but between illness and inside recess days, January felt long! We’re looking forward to February and all the fun we can squeeze into the shortest month of the year.
Illness continues to run rampant in Andover schools. A reminder that students need to be fever-free with no medications for 24 hours before returning to school. We’ll continue to wipe things down with wipes, encourage hand washing, and enthusiastically distribute hand sanitizer to try to lessen our numbers.
As temperatures wildly fluctuate, please remember that we go outside for recess if the temperature/wind chill is above 20. The building set-point is around 67 degrees, so please make sure your child is ready for any and all temperature changes that come our way this time of year.
This month brings more swimming at the YMCA for 2nd grade, Valentine’s Day parties, a day off later in the month, Global Play Day, School Counseling Week, the Super Bowl, and more! Please make sure to utilize the website, Facebook page, and newsletter to stay aware of what’s going on at CES!
Wishing you a wonderful start to this LOVEly time of the year!
With education at heart,
Dr. Michelle Adler
CES Spelling Bee Results
Congratulations, Cottonwood Spelling Bee Champion Cordelia and Runner-Up Ava, and well done to all the Butler County Spelling Bee participants!
PRE-Enrollment Form
If you haven't completed a pre-enrollment form yet for the 2025-2026 school year, please submit it by Friday, February 7th. You can find the form here.
Classroom Counselor Time:
February’s theme is Self-Control
Self-Control is restraint exercised over one's own impulses, emotions, or desires. We will also be continuing to work on treating others with kindness.
-We will complete our Safer, Smarter Kids Units this month.
Students will soon participate in the Kansas State Assessments at grades three, four, and five. Mrs. Faust will be sending home an informational letter about the state assessments. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Faust, Dr. Adler or the 3rd, 4th & 5th grade teachers. This will help the parents understand the assessment information the academic expectations that we have for the students. Please make sure that your child is here everyday during testing. Make sure that they get a good breakfast and plenty of rest.
National School Counseling Week 2025, "School Counseling: Helping Students Thrive," will be celebrated February 3-7, 2025, to focus public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems.
We will celebrate by having Spirit Week! We will have a flier coming home with the dates.
Monday, February 3, 2025: Be Your Bright Self - Dress in Your Favorite Color
Tuesday, February 4, 2025: Caring For Others - Positivity-t-shirt Tuesday
Wednesday, February 5, 2025: Twinning is Winning - Dress Like Your Bestie/or Group of Friends
Thursday, February 6, 2025: Be Your Comfortable Self - Dress in Your PJ’s/Comfortable Clothes
Friday, February 7, 2025: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work - Dress in Your Favorite Team Jersey or Cottonwood Shirt.
We are finishing up with banana splits; ask your child how they are doing. A note will come home soon for help with the banana split party.
If your child needs any other kind of support, please let me know.
Happy Valentine’s Day!! ☺
Marcie Faust
Cottonwood Counselor - LCPC/NBCC
316-218-4620 ext. 2
Snow Days
If school is canceled because of weather, the Andover School District will send out a call through School Messenger to let parents know of closings. School Messenger only calls updated numbers in PowerSchool, so please keep your information current.
A Message from Health Services:
Dear Cottonwood Families,
The health office staff has completed for this academic school year all routine screening of hearing and vision for your child. If your child did not pass the screenings, you would have received a phone call and/or written notice to follow up with a physician. On 1/17/25, Grace Med came to Cottonwood and completed our state required dental screenings. All students received a toothbrush (compliments of Grace Med) and were sent home with a dental report. If you did not receive a dental report (and did not opt out of the screening) or have any questions, please contact the health office.
Reminder of School Policy for Illness
If your child has been ill or sent home ill from school:
Wait until your child has gone 24 hours without vomiting or running a fever (100 degrees or above) without the aid of medication, before sending them back to school.
If your student is being treated with antibiotics for a contagious disease (such as strep throat), the student may return 24 hours after the initial dose has been administered.
If your child tests positive for influenza or Covid, please contact the school nurse about return to school. Student must be fever-free for 24 hours without use of over-the-counter medication containing ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
If you have questions, feel free to contact your school nurse.
We appreciate your cooperation and communication.
Denise Rebel, BSN, School Nurse
Emily Graber, Health Clerk
Dates to Remember...
February 7 - Global Play Day
February 14 - Valentine's Day
February 28 - Kindergarten ABC Fashion Show
Looking WAY Ahead
March 11 - Spring Conferences
March 14 - 23: Spring Break
Brrr...it's COLD outside!
We all need fresh air and the chance to run around so, recess is held outside whenever possible. Teachers monitor the wind chill and temperature before going outside. Please make sure your child dresses appropriately for cold weather. Coats, hats, gloves and boots are sometimes a must! If you have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call the office.
Andover Central High School Prom Fundraiser
Hosted by Andover High School Event Committee. Proceeds go to the Leukemia Lymphoma Society.
Communication is Key
School website: http://cottonwood.usd385.org/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CottonwoodElementary
PTO Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cottonwoodelementarypto/
Andover Twitter: https://twitter.com/AndoverSchools
Peachjar is an “electronic backpack” system where schools post calendars, activity information from enrichment providers, and school letters. This system is used exclusively for distribution of school-approved fliers. Your email address will not be shared or used for any other purpose.
If you have suggestions on how to help communicate our learning and teaching, please don't hesitate to email me at adlerm@usd385.org.
Cottonwood Elementary
Email: adlerm@usd385.org
Website: http://cottonwood.usd385.org/
Location: 1747 N Andover Rd, Andover, KS, United States
Phone: 316-218-4620