Week at a Glance
May 13-17, 2024
As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you. (Isaiah 66:13)
Upcoming Dates:
Monday, May 13:
- M/W Kindergarten attend
- School Council Information Workshop - 1:00 pm
- School Council meeting - 1:30 pm
Tuesday, May 14:
- T/Th Kindergarten attend
- Pre-K 3 year old program attend
- Grade 4 - Parent Information Night at ÉMTS 5:30 - 6:30 pm
Wednesday, May 15:
- M/W Kindergarten attend
- Pre-K 3 year old program attend
Thursday, May 16:
- T/TH Kindergarten attend
- Pre-K 3 year old program attend
- Virtue Awards: Wisdom 2:00 pm
- Chicken fingers hot lunch for those that ordered
Friday, May 17:
- PD Day - No School for students
Upcoming Events:
- May 20 - Victoria Day - No School
- May 23 - Hot lunch - Rice Krispie treat day for those that ordered
- May 24 - Sports Day
- May 31 - Hot Lunch - Wrap day for those that ordered
- June 3 - School bus evacuation drills
- June 6 - Theme Day - Dress like a teacher
- June 6 - Virtue Awards: Truth - 2:00 pm
- June 7 - PD Day - No school for students
- June 12 - Closing Mass at Our Lady of Assumption - 9:15 am
- June 14 - Deadline for 2024 - 2025 bus registration (Late fees apply after this date)
- June 17 - Theme Day - Tie-Dye/Neon Day
- June 19 - Monday/Wednesday Kindergarten Graduation - 2:00 pm
- June 20 - Tuesday/Thursday Kindergarten Graduation - 2:00 pm
- June 20 - Christian Leadership Awards - 9:00 am
- June 20 - Grade 4 Farewell - 10:30 am
- June 21 - National Indigenous Peoples' Day
- June 25 - Theme Day: Sunglasses Day
- June 26 - Last day of school for students
School News
School Bus Registration 2024-25
Register for bussing for next year before June 15 to avoid late fees. For more information on the Registration Process, click here: School Bus Information
Administrative Staffing Update
Mrs. Oko's tenure as vice principal at our school will come to a close at the end of June 2024. We are immensely grateful for Mrs. Oko's presence throughout this school year. As she moves forward, we extend our heartfelt prayers for God's guidance and blessings upon her journey, and we wholeheartedly wish her success and fulfillment in all her future endeavors. We look forward to welcoming Mr. Griffin back as he will be re-joining our school community as vice principal in the upcoming 2024-2025 school year.
Spring Reminders
2024-2025 School Registration
School Council News
Hello! Please consider joining us for our next School Council meeting! Did you know that School Councils are legislated and mandatory in Alberta? Did you know that as a guardian of a child at our school you are automatically a voting member of our School Council? We do more than just fundraise! We exist to advocate for our children at all levels - at our local schools, division and ministry!
We are meeting a half of an hour before our regular scheduled School Council meeting this month to review information, resolutions and outcomes from the Alberta School Council Association's (ASCA) conference and AGM. If you've ever been curious about School Council (or thought we existed solely to fundraise), please consider joining us:
Monday, May 13 at 1:00 for the Pre-Session
Monday, May 13 at 1:30 for the regular School Council Meeting
*If you would like to join virtually that is an option as well!
If you love to cook and would like to volunteer in the kitchen or to do the grocery shopping for our in-house lunches, the School Council is offering to pay for parents to take their Food Safe course. Contact Priscilla or Nancy for more information: eolrshotlunches@gmail.com.
We are also always grateful for parents willing to do pick-ups, delivery, and handing out food to classrooms.
May 16 Chicken Fingers Day Made At School
May 24 Rice Krispie Treats Day Made At School
May 31 Wrap Day Made At School
Thank-you to everyone who came out to A Night on The Beach! Our family dance was a success and it was a pleasure watching our families dance and have fun while engaging in our amazing school community. Please don't forget to get your final bids in for the silent auction! See below:
Silent Auction! Community members and businesses have generously donated some amazing (and valuable!) items for our school to auction! All proceeds raised directly benefit our school community and children. This year we are hosting the auction online. It is live NOW and will close on May 10th. Check it out here:
If you would like to help plan, coordinate or help with any events we do need volunteers. Please email eolrschoolcouncilfundraising@gmail.com if you're able to volunteer.
Feel free to reach out to our Executive Council members with any questions, concerns, suggestions, or interests! Every parent/guardian of a child at EOLRS is eligible to vote and participate on Council. Please consider joining us!
Our next School Council meeting is Monday, May 13th @ 1:30 PM. Everyone is welcome and we are able to set up virtual links for anyone who would like to attend but cannot do so in person!
*ASCA Information session to precede the regular meeting at 1:00PM
Chair, Stephanie Bugbee (eolrschoolcouncilchair@gmail.com)
Vice Chair, Nancy Vallee-Moore (eolrschoolcouncilchair@gmail.com)
Secretary, Marie Legare (eolrschoolcouncilsecretary@gmail.com)
Treasurer, Emilie Fleck (eolrschoolcounciltreasurer1@gmail.com)
Fundraising Lead, VACANT (eolrschoolcouncilfundraising@gmail.com)
Hotlunch Lead, Priscilla D'Mello (eolrshotlunches@gmail.com)
Faith Representative, Leatta Jungwirth (eolrschoolcouncilfaith1@gmail.com)
For all upcoming school and faith events, please see our school calendar:
For all up to date school news, please see our school website:
Our Lady of the Assumption Parish News
The land and building committee of Our Lady of the Assumption church would like to invite you to a Gospel Country Fundraiser in the church. National recording artist Don Bouvette and the True North country Band will be performing for one hour on Mother’s Day , May 12, 2024. Bring your friends and family. Chili supper will be served at 5:30, followed by the concert. Tickets are $30 and are available through Lana Wilson parkvet@shaw.ca. There will be a cash collection to cover travel expenses for the band.”
Our annual yard sale at Our Lady of the Assumption school will be held Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sept. 5,6,7, 2024. If you have items to donate please call Marie Jensen at 403-887-2245 or Lorraine Martinek at 403-340-6720.
Community News
Are Your Child’s Immunizations Up to Date?
If your child is in kindergarten and has not received their preschool immunization after the age of four, they are due now. Immunizations provided for the preschool booster consists of the fifth dose of Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Polio, and a second dose of Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine.
Additional information on immunization can be found at AHS Immunization | Immunization (immunizealberta.ca)
If you have questions or would like to make an appointment, call Sylvan Lake Community Health Center at 403-887-2241.
It’s that exciting time of year again - the Rotary Club of Red Deer is thrilled to invite you and your students to our 4th Annual Tree Planting Day! This year’s event promises to be a meaningful and enjoyable experience for all who join.
Event Details:
Date: Saturday, June 1
Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, with refreshments served at noon
Location: McKenzie Trails, meeting at the main parking lot
This event is entirely free and open to the public—youth clubs, students, and community members of all ages are welcome to join us. No registration is required, making it easy for everyone to participate.
Thanks to the generous donation from Weyerhaeuser, we will be planting 16" saplings, contributing to the beautification and environmental health of our beloved McKenzie Trails. After the planting, we’ll celebrate our hard work with pizza and pop for the kids!
Attached to this message, you’ll find a poster, PNG, and a banner that can be used for newsletters and websites. We would greatly appreciate it if you could share this information with your schools and encourage students to participate in this wonderful community event.
Let’s come together to make a positive impact on our environment and enjoy a beautiful day outdoors. We look forward to seeing you and your students at McKenzie Trails!