Theatre Tribune
February 23rd, 2025
Advanced Theatre This Week...
ADVANCED THEATRE: Chemical Imbalance Updates
- Rehearsal Calendar for Chemical Imbalance
- It's Tech Week! Unless previously communicated, all rehearsals this week are all until 6:30pm and MANDATORY!
- Our Saturday rehearsal is THIS Saturday, March 1st, from Noon-4:00pm
- Please start thinking about Character Shoes
- Any heeled character shoe OR black/brown boots OR dress shoes that you have purchased for a previous productions in Advanced Theatre will work
- Shoes must be brought to school on the date of your cast's FIRST dress rehearsal
- Orange Cast - 2/27
- Blue Cast - 2/28
- Shoes must spend the night at the school the night before your first performance
- Orange Cast - Leave show shoes on Friday, 2/28
- Blue Cast - Leave show shoes on Monday, 3/3
- Show Week Information: All students performing on their show date will arrive to the theatre room IMMEDIATELY after-school.
- Doors Open to Public: 5:30pm
- Show Begins: 6:00pm
- Show Ends: Around 7:00pm
- Entry will be free, and cash donations will be accepted at the door!
- All students will be fed pizza after-school on their SECOND show date! (Wednesday/Friday)
- Students will be responsible for their own food on the first show date (Monday/Tuesday)
- If you would like to bring food or snacks for any of the cast/crew for tech or show week, please reach out!
Eligibility - Updated; PLEASE READ
- Grade check-ins will continue regularly 1 week before the end of the 3 and 6 weeks marking periods. (Friday, 2/28 is the NEXT grade check for the upcoming grading period)
- In the interest of time, I will only be speaking to students on these dates who are at-risk of failing
- Students failing at the end of the 3 or 6-weeks grading periods will not be permitted to rehearse
- If a student is not passing at the 3 or 6-weeks marking periods, 2nd period will become a study hall for that student until the student's grade has been brought up to passing, or I have confirmed with that student's teacher that they are permitted to rehearse (I.E. they are waiting on a teacher to enter a grade, they have a plan to make-up a missed/failed test/quiz, etc.)
- If a student with a failing grade misses too many rehearsals and the student's teacher confirms that the student has not communicated with them about a plan for their grade, we will need to begin discussions about what is best for the production as a whole - this may include removing a student from their role.
- This is not a punishment. It is my goal to support you all academically to the best of my ability - theatre is important, but it is also a privilege!
After-School Production This Week...
- Rehearsal Calendar for Artist's Retreat
- This is one of our off-weeks, so that energy can be diverted to tech/show week for the Advanced Theatre show Chemical Imbalance
- We have 1 rehearsal when we return, and then Tuesday (3/11) and Thursday (3/13) ARE MEMORIZATION DATES FOR THE FULL SHOW
- These 2 weeks off should be spent MEMORIZING
- Please DO NOT save it all for our first week back!
The Mailing List
- Join the mailing list for the weekly rehearsal calendar by filling out the google form attached
- EVERY CAST/CREW member must fill this out, to receive the weekly Theatre Tribune (Newsletter), where we send out calendars and reminders
Attendance Policy
- You may have up to 6 EXCUSED ABSENCES (Absences where you email your SM group 24 hours before the rehearsal missed, and have your name on their calendar)
- Of these 6, you may have 2 UNEXCUSED ABSENCES (Absences where you are a "no call no show" OR email your SM group/Ms. Schneider WITHING 24 hours of the rehearsal you will miss)
- You had until THURSDAY, 1/30 to inform your SM group and Ms. Schneider of any tech week days (purple days on the rehearsal calendar) you will miss. Failure to do so by this date may result in removal from your role
- BEING SICK OR FAMILY EMERGENCIES do NOT count towards either your excused or unexcused absences.
- Regarding absences, you will be removed from your role if:
- You miss more than 6 rehearsals
- You have more than 2 unexcused absences
- You inform me of a tech week date you will have to miss AFTER Thursday, January 30th
Absence Protocol
- So, you're going to be absent. That's fine, as long as you do the following:
- Copy and paste the following email addressed into your email's recipient line:
- 7/8th Grade Cast:
- sarah.schneider@leanderisd.org, nicolas.hattorideaguiar79@k12.leanderisd.org, daksh.saini83@k12.leanderisd.org, amanda.yun93@k12.leanderisd.org, alice.repka09@k12.leanderisd.org
- 6th Grade Cast:
sarah.schneider@leanderisd.org, jaycie.sarnowski38@k12.leanderisd.org, addison.chowdhury88@k12.leanderisd.org, tabitha.honea02@k12.leanderisd.org
- Let them know what day you will have to miss WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THAT DATE
- If you communicate with your SM group the DAY OF that you will not be present for an after-school rehearsal, and it is not a sickness or family emergency, then it is considered unexcused
- Confirm that your name is on your SM group's absence calendar
Memorization Expectations
- Each student will receive a "hole punch card"
- After a memorization date - marked on the rehearsal calendar attached, the student will receive a hole punch if they were memorized on that date
- If they are not memorized, they will NOT receive a hole punch
- Regarding memorization, you will be removed from your role if:
- You fail to receive 3 hole punches at any point in the process
Cast/Crew Fees
- All Cast/Crew fees were due this Thursday, 1/30
- Your student can bring in either the $30 Crew fee, or the $60 Cast fee in cash OR it can be paid via the DMS Webstore
- PLEASE NOTE: The cast and crew fees in the webstore are SPLIT between the Cast/Crew fee and the T-Shirt fee
- The Cast fee appears online at $45, the Crew fee appears as $15; The show T-Shirt is listed separately for $15
- This is so that parents/guardians/siblings/friends/etc. may purchase their own T-Shirts to support the show, if they would like!
- If ONLY the cast/crew fee is paid, your student WILL NOT receive a T-Shirt. There are several days we will wear the show shirts to promote the show - please consider purchasing!
To be reviewed further at our Monday Rehearsal
In order to participate in this extra curricular activity, you must be passing all of your classes.
1 week before the 6 weeks mark, you will bring a form to your teachers and they must sign off to confirm that you are passing. If you are not, I will reach out to them directly and to discuss next steps.
Issues with your passing classes is grounds for removal from your role.
Getting to participate in this show IS A PRIVILEDGE. Your academics must come first.
Please reach out with any questions or concerns.
Here is the Grade Check Form
Memorization and Attendance Policies
A Reminder about Memorization/Attendance
Students will be required to give at least a day’s notice if they will be absent from an after school rehearsal they are called for. Weekly rehearsal calendars will be sent out before 5pm on Sunday, as reminders. Changes in the weekly calendar from the master schedule will be flagged,
If your student fails to give myself or the production’s stage manager a day’s notice, either in person, via email, or via Remind, they will receive a strike. 3 strikes, and the student will be removed from their role. This of course does not apply to family or health emergencies. We will go over the weekly rehearsal schedule each Monday in-class, to offer students extra support with keeping track of their commitments.
If your student fails to come prepared for our set memorization dates, they will receive a strike. Again, 3 strikes and the student will be removed from their role (these strikes accumulate separately from the attendance strikes). There is a difference between coming prepared but needing to call for a line a few times during rehearsal, and calling “line” every other sentence. The latter is what will receive a strike.
After-School Production: Students may have 6 excused absences throughout the process; 2 unexcused.
Upcoming Dates...
Artist Retreat Cast/Crew Fee Deadline
Thursday, January 30th
Artist Retreat Deadline to Inform About TECH WEEK DATE ATTENDANCE
Thursday, January 30th
Artist Retreat Tech Week Dates
Both casts are NOT called all week, please check the calendar to confirm what days you are required to attend
Saturday, March 29th; 12:00-4:00pm
Monday-Friday, March 31st-April 3rd; 4:30-6:30pm
Monday, April 7th; 4:30-6:30pm
Artist Retreat 6th Grade Performances
Tuesday/Thursday, April 8th/April 10th; 6:00-7:00pm
Artist Retreat 7/8th Grade Performances
Wednesday/Friday, April 9th/April 11th; 6:00-7:00pm
Chemical Imbalance Costume Try-On
Required, but times are flexible. Please reach out if there are any concerns with attendance.
Wednesday, February 12th; 4:30-6:00pm
Chemical Imbalance Tech Week
Both casts are NOT called all week, please check the calendar to confirm what days you are required to attend
Tuesday-Friday, February 25th-28th; 4:30-6:30pm
Saturday, March 1st; 12:00-4:00pm
Chemical Imbalance Orange Cast Performance Dates
Monday/Wednesday, March 3rd/5th; 6:00-7:00pm
Chemical Imbalance Blue Cast Performance Dates
Tuesday/Friday, March 5th/7th; 6:00-7:00pm