Rhino Report
September 2024
Important Dates:
- Sept. 2 No School- Labor Day
- Sept. 10 Site Council Meeting 8:00AM
- Sept. 10 PTO Meeting 5:30PM Ross Cafeteria
- Sept. 17 fall Pictures
- Sept. 27 Title 1 Math Day, Kinder: 2:20-2:50, 1st: 1:40-2:00, 2nd: 2:15-2:45, 3rd: 12:20-12:50, 4th: 2:30-3:00, 5th:1:30-2:00
Wellness Policy
Kindergarten- Mrs. Slattery, Mrs. Del Real, Mrs. Vigil, Mrs. Blackburn
Math Update
- The students will count, order and draw up to 10 objects.
- Key Vocabulary: number names, exactly the same/not the same, the same, match, sort, ”how many”, 5-group, rows/column, number path, 1 more/1 less
- At home: practice counting concrete objects 1-10 and sort objects by attributes
ELA Update
- The students will be learning to identify the letters A-S along with their corresponding sound.
- Students will be introduced to sight words.
- Students will also be working on rhyming words and identifying the initial sound of a given word.
Quarterly Reading Goal
- Continue reading together at home to help your child meet their reading goal.
1st Grade- Miss Theis, Mrs. Hansen, Mrs. Burkhart, Mrs. Veeder
- Solving word problems to add within 10
- Number bonds within 10
ELA Update
- Story elements-characters, setting, events
Science Update
- nocturnal animals; comparing birds and bats
Writing Update
- narratives
Social Studies Update
- civics, friendship
Quarterly Reading Goal
- Two Books
2nd Grade- Mrs. VanArsdale, Mrs. Hessman, Ms. Montes, Miss. Loera
Module 2- measurement in centimeters
ELA Update
- Review short and long vowels
Reading Goal
- September reading goal sent home. Read 20 minutes minimum each night. Reading goals due October 3rd
3rd Grade- Mrs. Kazuba , Ms. Phelps , Ms. Martinez, Ms. Vargas
- Please review addition and subtraction facts.
- We will begin exploring grouping and array strategies to introduce multiplication.
- While you are cooking, have your child make equal groups with noodles, beans, rice, etc. Discuss group size, number of groups, and create a multiplication sentence related to their groups.
ELA Update
- We will do a narrative writing piece where the student chooses their own character, setting, and problem.
- While reading with your child ask your child to share the characters, setting, and problem of the story.
Quarterly Reading Goal
- Reading goals are specific to each classroom. More specific instructions will be sent home with your child from their classroom teacher.
4th Grade- Mrs. Albright, Miss. Murillo, Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Hager
- We are working on place value.
- Your family can explore numbers to the millions. Discuss the differences between the different place values, comparing numbers and rounding numbers.
- In 4th grade it is very important to know the multiplication facts. Please start reviewing them with your child.
- This link will help you better understand what your child is learning. Grade 4 Module 1
ELA Update
- This month we are working in unit 1, module A in our resources called ReadyGen. We will be reading text and looking for details and author evidence that help us with our understanding. Classes will be working on independent writing, leading to writing a short biography based on the experiences of a scientist.
- At home you can discuss with your child details from the books they are reading and ask how these help them to better understand the text.
Quarterly Reading Goal
5th Grade- Ms. Juel, Mrs. Finch, Ms. Botello, Mrs. Jenkins
- Understanding the place value system
- Perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers and with decimals to hundredths
- We will be determining your student's baseline math skills using FastBridge Screening
ELA Update
- Within the month, we will be working with various areas in English and Language Arts. Students will write their own narrative story and be able to understand and determine common themes from various trade books and selections that students will enjoy.
Quarterly Reading Goal
- In the first quarter, students will be expected to complete 20 minutes of reading daily. They will fill out a reading log including a summary, pages read, time spent, and an adult signature.
Music- Miss Corwin and Mrs. Bennett
- Kindergarten- fast and slow/making a circle
- 1st Grade- Presto (fast) / Largo (slow)
- 2nd Grade- Verse/Refrain
- 3rd Grade-Ask your child their new tempos! (Moderato-medium, Allegro-Fast, Adagio-Slow)
- 4th Grade- Ask your child their new tempos! (Accelerando-getting faster, Ritardando-getting slower)
- 5th grade- Ask your child what the melody of a song is. (it's the part that you remember and can recall all day!)
Physical Education- Mr. Burkhard and Mr. Applegate
Introductory Activities
Team Building
Intro. to Health
Fitness Testing
Library- Mrs. Fairbank
- Check out the Netsafe videos on Digital Citizenship and Internet safety! https://www.youtube.com/playlistlist=PL4twzw4BAfFFVS9O4lhru3AWOh06MEAhj
Student Support Services- Ms. Alarcon
Hello Ross Families,
In September, we will focus on being kind, respectful, accepting, and responsible. The students will understand the importance of kindness, respect, acceptance, and responsibility. They will learn ways to be kind, show respect, accept others, and being responsible for themselves. Below, I will list books you can read with your child that focus on these topics.
- Say Something
- Ninga Respect
- Your job is easy
- It’s Not Fair
- The Magical Yet
- I Am Enough
Feel free to contact me if I can assist your family in any way. You can contact me via email or Talking Points.
-Ms. Alarcon
School Psychologist- Mrs. Millershaski
School Psychologist Corner
We are excited to have everyone back in school. With a new school year, your child may be anxious about school or classroom expectations. To help decrease a child’s worries about school give time to share at night about how their day went. Examples of prompts to help your child share include-
What was the best part of your day?
What was the hardest part of the day?
What is one new thing you learned today?
What are you excited for tomorrow?Contact us!
Email: diaz.jayne@usd443.org
Website: https://usd443.org/index.php?pageID=543510_3
Location: 3001 6th Avenue, Dodge City, KS, USA
Phone: 620-471-2103
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/551631258225474