January 2025
From The Principal's Desk
From all of us at LMHS, we hope you had a joyous winter break and a healthy new year! As we look to finish up first semester, just a note that we have final exams coming up January 15, 16, and 17 (schedule is included in this newsletter).
This can be a stressful time for a lot of students while they deal with studying for exams, working on papers and finishing up group projects. Not only are students wrapping up academic responsibilities but they are also thinking about things in their personal life. With that being said, here are some tips to help your student stay healthy and feeling great during the last few weeks of the semester!
🔷Make A Schedule – Make sure you know when your finals are for each class and make a schedule of when you will start studying or working on projects ahead of time. It is good to start working on your finals two weeks ahead so you don’t procrastinate. Make sure to manage your time and stay organized.
🔷Get Sleep – Getting more sleep can help your mind refocus, recharge, and rebalance. This can mean a quick nap, a night when you go to bed early, or a promise to yourself to stick with a regular sleep schedule.
🔷Practice Stress Management Techniques – Everyone is different on how they relieve stress. So try different techniques to see what works best for you:
√Stay Active - If exercising outside is not your thing because of the cold, the L-Cat Fitness Center is
open before and after school, Monday thru Friday.
√Try Stress Management Exercises - There are many great techniques to manage stress such as
meditation, yoga, guided imagery or deep breathing. Search YouTube for great videos on each of
these activities.
🔷Disconnect From Technology – Make an effort to shut down your computer, turn off your phone or stop watching TV for at least 15 minutes per day. This will allow you to socialize with friends, get outside to enjoy nature or to start studying for that upcoming exam. Technology can sometimes add more stress to your life. You don’t need Facebook, InstaGram, or Twitter 24/7.
Cale Vogel, Principal
January Calendar
1 - No School
2 - School Resumes
13 - Future Freshmen (8th Gr.) Orientation, Auditorium
14 - Cocoa & Cram in the LMC Lab, 3:10-4 PM
15 - First Semester Exams, Day 1, Blocks 1, 2, and 4
15 - Cocoa & Cram in the LMC Lab, 1:30-3 PM
16 - First Semester Exams, Day 2, Blocks 1, 2, and 4
16 - Cocoa & Cram in the LMC Lab, 1:30-3 PM
17 - First Semester Exams, Day 1 Block 3 and Day 2 Block 3
17 - End of Second Quarter/First Semester
17 - FFA Halftime Leadership Conference at Stevens Point
18 - FFA Halftime Leadership Conference at Stevens Point
20 - No School, In-Service Day
20 - Board of Education Meeting, City Hall, 6:30 PM
23 - Local Scholarship Application Available
First Semester Exam Schedule
Tuesday, Jan. 14
3:10 - 4 PM Link Crew Cocoa & Cram for Freshmen Exams in the LMC
*Wednesday, Jan. 15 - Day 1
7:50 – 9:23 AM Block 1
9:23 – 9:38 AM Break
9:38 – 11:09 AM Block 2
11:09 – 11:45 AM Lunch
11:45 – 1:16 PM Block 4
1:30 – 3:00 PM Link Crew Cocoa & Cram for Freshmen Exams in the LMC or Exam Make- Ups
*Thursday, Jan. 16 - Day 2
7:50 – 9:23 AM Block 1
9:23 – 9:38 AM Break
9:38 – 11:09 AM Block 2
11:09 – 11:45 AM Lunch
11:45 – 1:16 PM Block 4
1:30 – 3:00 PM Link Crew Cocoa & Cram for Freshmen Exams in the LMC or Exam Make- Ups
Friday, Jan. 17 - Block 3 Day
7:50 – 9:23 AM Day 1 Block 3
9:23 – 9:38 AM Break
9:38 – 11:09 AM Day 2 Block 3
11:15 – 3:00 PM Exam Make-Ups
*If school is canceled PRIOR to these dates, the Day 1 and Day 2 day designation may change.
In the event that school is canceled on one of the Exam Days, please check our school website at www.lakemills.k12.wi.us for an updated schedule.
Please Remember...
Please be sure that all your information in Skyward is current and up to date.
With the winter season upon us, or for any other school emergency, that is the information we (and the District Office) use to contact you.
To make changes, you can get the directions from our website (www.lakemills.k12.wi.us), select Families, then Forms and Information and then Family Access Instructions.
Please pay special attention to your phone numbers and email addresses as well as the Skylert information.
Your help in keeping your information current is MUCH appreciated!!
Do you have an address change?? All address changes must be documented through Rebecca Crenshaw at our District Office.
You can either email her at rebecca.crenshaw@lakemills.k12.wi.us or call her at 920-648-2215.
Second Semester Fees
Second semester fees will show on your student’s account soon. Please be sure to pay them in a timely fashion by logging into your student’s account. You can either pay online or pay in person at the high school.
LUNCH PAYMENTS - Please keep your lunch account in the positive!
School Closing Information
In the event of severe weather conditions that might require school to be closed or delayed, everyone can get information the following ways:
· Check our Facebook Page
· Check Twitter
· Go to the district website at lakemills.k12.wi.us
· Call the high school at 648-2355 and go to extension 500
· It will also be mentioned on some local television and radio stations
· Make sure all your information is correct in Skylert - we send texts and phone calls as well!