Granger School Weekly Newsletter
April 1-5, 2019
Quick Reminders/Planning Ahead
Fri. April 5 Elementary Grading Period 3 Awards
Pk-2nd: 8:10 - 9:10
3rd - 4th: 9:20 - 10:20
April 10 School Board meeting 6:30
Thursday April 11 Kindergarten graduation pictures
Friday April 19-22 No School
April 30-May 2 PreK-Kinder Registration 9am-4pm Closed 12-1:00 Open until 5:30 on May 1st
May 10 K-2nd Grade field trip to Mayburn Science Theater
May 17 All library books are due
May 18 Free athletic physicals - see Coach Brock for details
May 20 Mad Science Elementary Show
Mon. May 27 No School
Wed. May 29 Elementary Grade Period 4 Awards
Pk-2nd 8:10-9:10, 3rd-4th 9:20-10:20
May 30 Early Release 1:00 pm - Last day of school
Sat. June 1 Graduation
June 3-21 Summer School
Shout Out To the Class of 1967
Book Promotion Flyer
A Good Looking Bunch
Book Title Donations made by the Class:
1. Constitutional Choas: What Happens When the Government Breaks Its Own Laws by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano
2. Scalia Speaks: Reflections on Law, Faith, and Live Well Lived by Antonin Scalia
3. The Constitution in Exile: How the Federal Government Has Seized Power by Rewriting the Supreme Law of the Land by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano
4. The Silence of Our Friends by Mark Long
5. Born and Bred in the Great Depression by Jonah Winter
6. Richard King: Courageous Texas Cattleman by William R. Sanford
Tuesday: Chicken Quesadilla
Wednesday: Cheese Pizza
Thursday: Lasagna
Friday: Chicken Burger
Twenty Years
For Informative Purposes
Election Information
EARLY VOTING is to be held at the Elementary Foyer during the following times: Saturday, April 27, 2019 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. ELECTION DAY VOTING is to be held at the Elementary Foyer during the following times: Saturday, May 4, 2019 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
By end of school year:
If you have a student in 7-12th grade, please be sure they have paid their laptop insurance, have their calculator in good condition, as well as the charger which goes with their computer. You are welcomed at the library if you have any questions or concerns about your students account. Thank you, and please, spread the word!
This week's forecast...
Monday: 62/36 60% chance of rain
Tuesday: 73/51 2% chance of rain
Wednesday: 70/63 with 44% chance of rain
Thursday: 84/56 with 7% chance of rain
Friday: 83/64 with 4% chance of rain
Saturday: 77/62 with 75% chance of rain
April Holidays/Observances
April 15 Tax Day
April 19 Good Friday
April 21 Easter
April 24 Administrative Professionals Day
April 26 Arbor Day
Library Aide: Returning Books for the 4th Grade Class Scheduled Time
All library books are due Friday, May 17, 2019
Testing Schedules
RTI Progress Monitoring Calendar
April 1-5 OFF
*April 8-12 Reading EOY
*April 15-18 Math EOY
April 23-26 OFF
April 29-May 3 Reading
May 6-10 Math
May 13-17 OFF/Make-Up
May 20-24 OFF
Eng 1, 4th/7th Writing, 5th/8th Math - April 9
5th/8th Reading - April 10
Eng 2 April 11
Alg 1 - May 6
Bio - May 7
US History - May 8
3rd/4th/6th/7th Math, 5th/8th Retake - May 13
3rd/4th/6th/7th Reading, 5th/8th Retake -May 14
5th/8th Science - May 15
8th Social Studies - May 16
Track and Field
High School:
April 3 Thrall District Track Meet
April 15 Thrall
April 26-27 A&M Kingsville
May 10-11 State Track Meet @ UT
Junior High:
April 1 Holland
District Tennis April 4-5
Lady Lion Softball
April 2 6:00 Home vs Bartlett
April 5 4:00 Milano
April 9 6:00 Home vs Thrall
April 12 6:00 Home vs Throndale
April 16 6:00 Holland
April 2 in Thorndale 4:30 JV 7:00 V
April 5 in Milano 4:00 V
April 9 Home vs Milano 6:00 V
April 12 in Bartlett 4:00 V
April 16 Home vs Bartlett 4:30 JV 7:00 V
April 18 Home vs Thrall 4:30 JV 7:00 V
April 23 In Thrall 4:30 JV 7:00 V
*Remember to check school website and Dojo in case of any last minute changes due to situations beyond GISD control.
Granger ISD
Email: dgriffis@granger.txed.net
Website: grangerisd.net
Location: 300 North Colorado, Granger, TX, USA
Phone: 512-859-2173
Facebook: facebook.com/Grangerisd
Twitter: @Granger_Lions