Sequoia Middle School Weekly Update
January 20, 2025
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Schedule this week
Monday- No School
Tuesday- Period 4, 5, 6 (School ends at 1:30pm)
Wednesday-Period 1, 2, CREW, 3
Thursday- Period 4, 5, CREW, 6
Friday- Period 1, 2, CREW, 3
This week!
Sequoia String's See's Fundraiser~ Help our program
Extra help at lunch! Don't miss out
Parking Lot Reminders
Parents/guardians, please do not park in the parking spaces or along the curb in both of our parking lots as staff members need to find parking in order to get to their classrooms as well as busses need to enter the parking lot. Please make arrangements to park off campus. Please do not park in the surrounding business areas. The first week of school will be the busiest at drop off and pick up until you have established routines with your student. Please be patient with other parents/students as we are all making our way on and off campus.
During morning drop off and afternoon pick up:
Please keep moving up in the parking lot. Stopping your car will create a traffic jam. We will have 3 large buses dropping students off at the front of the school every morning. After school, buses will be picking up students in the side Lupe parking lot.
Students: use the marked crosswalks before and after school. Do not run in-between cars as this is a safety issue.
Electronic Device/Cell Phone
Mobile communication devices (i.e. cell phone/watch) shall be turned off and/or on silent mode during instructional time. Cell phones visible during school hours may be confiscated by staff and could require parent pick up in the office.
Parents, please do not call/text your student during school hours. Students may use their phone in the front office, with permission, if they need to contact a parent. Smartphones and other mobile communication devices shall not be used in any manner that infringes on the privacy rights of any other person (no photos/video).
Students may not use cellphones or other electronic devices to take pictures or film on campus except with teacher permission for specific activities (such as Yearbook/Digital Production/ASB).
Electronic Device usage is PROHIBITED in locker rooms and bathrooms at all times, including before/after school. Such actions may be considered cyberbullying.
Students must follow the Acceptable Use Policy at all times. Violations of the AUP policy will be subject to discipline procedures ranging from detention to suspension depending on the severity of the violation.
Earbuds, Headphones, etc. shall not be on or used during the school day unless with teacher permission.
Use of personal laptops/tablets is allowed, during class, for class work; students must follow AUP.
When a student uses a mobile communication device in an unauthorized manner, the student may be disciplined, and a district employee may confiscate the device. The employee shall store the device securely until it is returned to the student or turned over to the principal or designee, as appropriate. the district will not be responsible for a student's mobile communication device that is brought on campus or to a school activity and is lost, stolen, or damaged. BP. 5131.8.
Student Behavior Expectations
Please review the school rules and expectations that are found in the student handbook.
Cell Phones/Air pods/Earbuds are not to be used during the school day. The first violation, the device will be brought to the office. On the second violation, parents/guardians will be required to pick up their student's device from the school office as well as detentions being assigned to the student. We ask that all guardians review appropriate cell phone responsibility with their students.
Students that are seen video recording on the campus will be given a Tuesday after school/Saturday School or an off-campus suspension.
Students, keep your hands to yourself and respect the space of others.
Play fighting/fighting is unacceptable on campus and will lead to a meeting with administration and disciplinary actions, which may include Tuesday after school/Saturday School/or Off Campus Suspension. Students, your actions are a reflection of Sequoia Middle School. If you are having a conflict with a student, please report report report. We are here to assist.
Students must listen to the directions of all the adults on campus. Campus Supervisors are here to support campus safety.
For the safety of all students, we need to walk on campus and not run.
Interested in being on a District Advisory Committee?
Sequoia Middle School is looking for parents/guardians to represent Sequoia Middle School in the following parent/guardian committees for this school year:
- African American District Advisory Committee
If you are interested please refer to this webpage on the districts website for more information:
We are also looking for parents interested in serving on the following District Advisory Committee's for the 25/26 school year:
Please email Mrs. DiDomizio at: if you are interested.
Mark your calendars
February 14, 2025- No school
February 17, 2025- No school
March 17, 2025- No School
March 21, 2025- End of Quarter 3- School dismisses at 12:15pm
Stay Connected
Up to Five Key Takeaways...
Family participation and engagement is a key priority of the Conejo Valley Unified School District. Our seven Advisory Councils and Committees meet regularly for vibrant discussions, informative presentations, relationship-building activities and more. These meetings are open to all members of our CVUSD community to attend. However, we understand that attending meetings in-person is not always possible. Click HERE to stay informed on updates and actions from each Advisory Council and Committee, with "Up to Five Key Takeaways" from each meeting.