Chisholm Update
August 30, 2024

Greetings Chisholm Families!
Welcome November! It was a fun and busy week we've just concluded with Red Ribbon dress up days, the Storybook Parade, and Halloween. I think everyone was a little tired this morning when we gathered for Charge Up, but we jumped into the day and had some beautiful weather when the classes got outside for recess.
Turkey Bing, November 15, New Covenant Church - We hope you are able to join us for Turkey Bingo on the 15th from 5:30 to 7:30. Doors will open at 5:00 and the bingo games will begin at 5:30 This event will be held at New Covenant Church located at 2700 S. Boulevard, Edmond OK 73013. This event is also a canned good food drive, so we are asking that you bring a canned good food item for each person, which will be exchanged for a bingo card.
The PTO is accepting pre-orders for pizzas that will be delivered the night of Turkey Bingo. These orders can be made from now through next Friday, Nov. 8th by clicking on this link. A flyer with a QR code that takes you to the same pizza order page has been added below.
If you would like to help with Turkey Bingo, the PTO is in need of dessert auction items that will also take place this evening. The sign-up genius to help has been added here.
More information will be included in next week's newsletter, including a map of where to park and what doors to enter the building.
Veterans Day Link - Next Friday, November 8, we will be celebrating Veterans Day during Charge Up. A link has been added below for those that would like to be added to the Veterans Day video presentation, which will be presented to students at school. Submissions should include the name of the veteran, the Chisholm student they are related to and the branch of service. The deadline to make a submission is November 2, which will give us to to organize and prepare this presentation. Please click here to make a submission.
For next Friday, we are asking that students in various grade levels dress in Red, White, and Blue to resemble our flag:
Pre K and 3rd - White
Kinder, 1st, & 5th - Red
2nd and 4th - Blue
4th Grade Family Night - Information regarding 4th Grade Family Night, which is schedule for next Thursday, Nov. 7th was emailed out today and has been included below. To help with parking and flow throughout the building, we have broken the classes into two different groups and the timing of the evening.
For the week of November 11 - 15:
Chisholm Book Fair - Nov. 11 - 14 - The book fair will take place on our stage in the cafeteria. Please click here for more details.
Daybreak Health - Free Family Education Webinar on November 12 from 6-7 pm - It can be hard to understand what your child might be going through. Join this free webinar with Edmond PS and a clinical from Daybreak Health to learn about youth mental health including: Understanding what mental health really means. Recognizing warning signs and symptoms that youth may be struggling with their mental health. Learning strategies for how to respond. Have a Q and A session with a licensed clinician. There is a flyer added below or you can use this link.
The Edmond Creative - This monthly newsletter provides an update on Edmond Public Schools Fine Arts programs. This can be used as a resource to discover what great things are happening, and provide information for fine arts educators throughout the month. Please click on the link below to access the Edmond Creative.
The Edmond Creative, Volume 13 - November '24
Thank you for your help and support during the past week and especially with parties on Thursday. It definitely makes for a busy week with lots of moving parts, but the students love it and once again, it was a great success. Have a great weekend! Don't forget to set your clocks back Saturday with Daylight Savings!
Thomas Higdon.
Dismissal Reminders
At the end of the day, we ask that early checkouts happen before 3:00. If your student is a 33rd Street Walker, they should live in Old Farm or Thornbrook. If your student is a Spring Hill Walker, they should live in the Springhill Neighborhood or the subsequent neighborhoods that are too close to receive bus transportation. Students that ride a bus will load from the gym once their bus arrives at school. If you need specifics on bus numbers and times please click this link, which will ask you to fill out your address.
Car Riders will need to use the Red Hangtag, which was given out at Meet the Teacher. (If you were unable to attend Meet the Teacher, our office is open 8-3:30 on Wednesday August 14.) Please be sure to make sure this tag is visible to the person out front entering the number by our marquee. Once their number has been entered, students will come out of the building by the first grade hallway and be positioned by one of the concrete bollards numbered 1-6 (please be sure to stay out far enough aways from the bollards so your car door doesn't get dinged). If you don't have your hangtag, you will need to pull in and check your student out from the office. There is a button below that goes through the Car Rider procedures.
4th Grade Family Night - November 7th at Chisholm
Our 4th GRADE FAMILY NIGHT is next week!!!
We look forward to seeing you NEXT THURSDAY, November 7 for our Fourth Grade Family Night.
Not everyone comes simultaneously or to the same place so please read the details below.
WHEN: Thursday, November 7 @ 5:35 PM & 7:00 PM
5:35 - Schmiedeberg, Weibers, Dale classes ONLY - DOORS OPEN AT 5:25
7:00 - Cole, Lawrence, Kitchel ONLY - PLEASE DO NOT ENTER UNTIL 6:45
Details of who goes where on the night of the event are in the link shared below:
Fourth Grade Family Night Entrance/Flow MapWHAT TO WEAR:
Everyone Attending - Make sure to wear comfortable shoes. Other than that, no particular requests.
Let's ALL plan to join in the folk dance and those who would like in a beach ball volleyball game!
WHAT TO EXPECT: A Wellness experience, an interactive computer science activity, a visual art display, a folk dance, and a beach ball volleyball game for everyone to enjoy!
In the meantime, here is a quick video link below to give you an idea of what will be happening in the Family Folk Dance room…don’t worry…it’s basically walking!
Let’s strengthen our community with some time together!
See you soon! Your Specials Teachers: Fletcher, Gomez, Hawkins, Loomis, Spear, Tate
Looking Forward...
November 3 - Daylight Savings Time ends. Set clocks back 1 hour
November 7 - 4th Grade Family Fun Night - Information above
November 8 - Veterans Day at Charge UP
November 11 - PTO Meeting 9:00 in the cafeteria
November 11 - 15 - Fall Book Fair - On the stage throughout the week
November 15 Pioneer Day - 3rd grade
November 15 - Turkey Bingo 5:30 to 7:30 at New Covenant Methodist Church
School Hours
8:45 - Our school day begins with announcements. Parents need to sign in late-arriving students.
2:55 - Pre-K Dismissal begins
3:25 - School Dismissal begins
Low Cost Home Internet /
Passrod Rest Portal /
Technology Information
Chisholm Elementary
Mon -Fri from 8:00 - 4:00
Website: https://chisholm.edmondschools.net/
Location: 2300 SE 33rd Street
Phone: 405 -340-2950
Facebook: facebook.com/chisholmelementaryedmond